
Betrothed To The Mafia Boss!

"You must be crazy woman. This is my house. You are my wife. You do whatever ordered you to do" His hold on my arms went deep like a peircing needle. Even at the situation I was in, I didn't back out. "You married me as a wife not as a slave. I'm not going to succumb to your demands" I seethe. "Oh is that so? Then I will show you who is the master here" It happened so fast. I found my body being pushed to the nearest wall with his lips hot on mine. ~~~ He wants her the very first time he set his eyes on her. He wants to claim her as his. When he set his eyes on something, he gets it by hook or by crook. He's Antonio Di Salvatore, a reputable business man in the eyes of people and a dangerous mafia boss in the underworld. She's the daughter of the most influential business analyst in the country with the blood of business. A spitfire but a lovely woman. She hates him yet she fears him. A man that is consumed with obsession and a woman that is engulfed with hatred.

Nikita55521185 · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Chapter 1


Silence greeted me as I stared at the sales report sent by my client. The chart was pretty decent, although I would want it to be perfect. I know nothing is perfect, but I always make sure I execute my tasks flawlessly, which is why I'm always swamped with proposals every day. Sometimes work is hectic, requiring me to engage in one thing for almost twenty hours a day. Nevertheless, I love what I do.

I'm glad I chose the path of going into business instead of becoming an interior designer, which my mother wanted me to be. However, my father took the initiative of taking matters into his own hands. After all, he's the head of the house. He wants his children to follow in his footsteps. My father is among the top twenty successful and professional business analysts in the city of America. He is known as the man with the brains. My mother has her own successful clothing line. Even my brother Raiden isn't left out in the business world.

I help medium-scale businesses succeed and reach the top, getting the spotlight they deserve, but I work with only trusted companies. The knock that sounded on my door got my attention. My assistant, Sam, walked in, a stack of files in his hands, which was the first thing my eyes met with. I don't have to be told what it's about; we have more proposals coming in. "Good day, Ma'am," Sam uttered politely.

Sam has been my assistant since day one, which was two years ago when Iopened up my own small firm. Of course, it wasn't done by me alone. Father helped a lot, financially. "Good day, Sam. I bet these are new projects, "I said, sparing the files a glance.

A smile erupted from him. "Yes, Ma'am. Just from yesterday to today. we received five projects from clients." He gently settled them in front of me.

I heaveda sigh, my eyes shifting from the files back to Sam. "I will keep them for later. For now, I'm starving." Just in time, my stomach reminded me of how I haven't been paying much attention to it in the past few days.

"Should I get you something?" Sam's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"No. Don't worry. I will go grab lunch," I said, rising to a standing position.

"Alright, Ma'am. I'll get back to work," I nodded in response and grabbed my bag and car keys. The area where my office was located is quiet, and I have a regular place I dine at, So I have to drive a few extra miles.

As I settled inside the car, my phone began chiming. My father's name flashed across the screen. Only if he knew how eager I was to get to the restaurant. Yet, I know I have to pick up the call.

"Hello, Father," I began as I placed the phone to my ear.

"Meet me at the company." The line went dead silent. I stared at the phone in confusion. What is it about? I know he doesn't call me during working hours, and when he does, there's something. Judging by the tone of his voice, it must be important. I decided to grab something on my way.

I clenched my fist and knocked on the door, getting an immediate response. As I stepped in, I was greeted with a cold aura, not just from the air conditioner that was blasting through the room, but from the way the room was dead silent, as if someone had passed away. As I marched forward and took my seat on the visitor's chair, my eyes shifted to my brother. The expression on his face was blank, much like that of my father. "Is everything okay?" I couldn't help asking, my eyes darting between the two in question.

"We have a big problem, Camila," Father said. His hands were intertwined as he focused his gaze on me.

"What problem, Father?"

"Our company is in turmoil. We are losing our shares. I don't know how it happened, but we lost a huge amount already." I didn't miss how my heart escalated at the news. I knew how hard my father worked to get the company to where it is currently. The most important thing he focused on was the shares, making sure nothing goes wrong. It has never happened before. How did that happen?

"How did it happen? What's the current situation?"

"Like I said, we have no idea. Our team are working on it. But the shares keep dropping. I'm afraid things might go wrong." Nervousness was plastered all over his face. I knew he was holding himself back.

"We have to find a solution. We can't wait for the team to give us feedback."

"You're right. Which is why I have an alternative."

Then we should start implementing it as soon as possible," I said, adjusting my sitting position. Before the team finds a way out, we might lose more money than we've already lost.

"Yes. And you're the only one who can help us." My brows instantly knit in confusion. "How?"

"You know Caesar Di Salvatore is the biggest and most popular businessman in this country. He is the only one wh0 can help us."

Caesar Di Salvatore? The man who Owns almost half of the casinos and clubs in the country. Dealing with Caesar is as good as stepping into the devil's zone.

"But why him? And why me?" I asked, confused.

"Because he's the only one who can help us. And because I have full trust in you and know my daughter's capabilities."

That's something new coming from my father. I had forgotten when was the last time I received a compliment like that from him.

"We can find other alternatives. It doesn't have to be Caesar Di Salvatore. You know who that man is, father. And I think Raiden will be fit for the job, man to man."

"What is fit for me will be fit for you." Somehow his statement didn't settle well with me. I know sometimes we argue about this. He thinks father is giving me more priority than him.

Father let out a sharp breath in return. "We have no other alternative, Camila. We either use this chance or lose it forever. All that your father worked for all these years will be in vain then. Think about it."

From the moment he mentioned Caesar Di Salvatore, I felt my body weakening. The idea of seeking help from him doesn't settle well with me. A man who is well known. He shows no mercy when it comes to business. I know nothing good will come from getting into a deal with him. Nevertheless, if we don't take immediate action, I'm afraid we will lose everything.


I heaved out an exasperated breath as I stared at the enormous building in front of me. One of the largest multinational conglomerate holding companies in America. They own shares in other top companies. I don't know why father thinks seeking help from this company is the only way to save our company. We might find other alternatives if we settle down and look at the situation. Nevertheless, with the way the shares are plummeting, I'm afraid things may get worse.

I breathed out yet another sharp breath before making my way inside, heading straight to the receptionist. "Hello," I commenced, resting my elbow on the countertop.

"Hello, Miss. How can I help you?" The young lady said politely.

"I have an appointment with Mr. Caesar Di Salvatore." Saying the name sounded strange on my tongue.

"Alright, Miss. Your name, please?"

"Camila Castellano," I answered with a light smile.

The lady bent down to the desktop and pressed on something. She was at that for about a minute before she got back to me. "Miss Castellano, you can go up. His office is on the third floor." I nodded in response, grabbing my bag off the counter. "Thank you."

Even when I got to the said third floor, I wasn't sure where to go, as everybody seemed busy with their tasks. It was as if I was invisible. I stopped a man who was about to walk past me. "Hello, I'm here to see Mr. Caesar," I said. The expression on his face was quite confusing. It's not like I said something bad.

"Do you have an appointment with him?"


"His office is over there. The door in black." He pointed towards a hallway that was practically deserted. Before I could speak further, he hurried away. Well, I don't have time to dwell on that. After all, it's not why I came here. For a company this large, it's bound to be swamped with employees in different departments.

I arrived at the designated door and knocked my knuckles against it. Silence followed. My brows creased in confusion. I knocked again. After a while, a deep voice responded from the other end. "Camila, you've got to be calm." I muffled out a response before pushing the door open and stepped in.

I was greeted with a dark yet cold room. I almost shuddered with the amount of coolness. I'm glad I wore something thick atop my outfit. If not, I'm sure I would end up shivering. No one was seated at the desk, which resulted in me glancing around the dimly lit room. "Getting scared?" If I say my heart didn't skip a beat when I heard the manly voice, I'd be lying. A figure appeared from the shadows.

Okay, for a moment, my mind went blank. It felt like it went off the zone for a minute. A tall, muscular man with dark eyes like his hair and a stubble on his jaw welcomed me. That's how I'd describe him. I didn't miss how small I felt as he bore his eyes on me, which I found quite intimidating.

"Im here to meet Mr. Caesar Di Salvatore," I said, composing myself. Everybody knows Caesar Di Salvatore. His face appears almost every week in the New Times Newspaper. The man standing in front of me was not him.

"What business do you have with him?" He asked after he settled in the empty seat, leaning over the desk.

"I have an important business to discuss with him. Can I see him?" I have limited time to settle everything.

"Seeing me is as good as seeing my father. I know what you're here for. So there's no need to beat around the bush unless you want your father's company to go bankrupt. ", It's not that he knew who I was that surprised me, but what he said about his father. So Mr. Caesar has a son?

I thought he only had daughter whom we see on every social media platform. Is he hiding his son? "I guess you enjoy standing, little angel." His voice brought me back from my thoughts. Angel? Is the man okay? And why does he look familiar to me?

I grabbed the visitor's seat, focusing my attention on the man. Like he said, there's no beating around the bush. We might as well get it over with.

"I will get straight to the point since you already know everything."

The corner of his lips curved up. "I like people who are straightforward. What will we gain by helping your father's company? You know every business is give and take."

He sounded too bold for my liking. I reached for my bag and pulled out the drafted proposal we came up with, passing it to him. I just hope things will work out. He scanned through the first page without going further, giving me a red flag.

"So, what we will gain is 65% of the company shares? That's pretty low."

"We're giving more than half of our shares. I d-" I didn't get to complete my statement when he halted me.

"This is basically nothing, little angel. why not we do this?"

I furrowed my brows in question. I thought as much. I knew there would be bargaining in the situation. I tried to explain it to my father, but he's too impatient to think of other ways out. I was supposed to discuss this with his father, not him. And somehow, his behavior didn't sit well with me. Not a bit. I'm sure I've seen him somewhere.

"You didn't even read the rest of the benefits. But then, let's hear your side." I leaned over too, resting my palms on the desk.

"We will help your father to revive his company and recover all that he lost without the need to give us the shares. But for that to happen, it will be on one condition," he explained, staring at me straight in the eye. I returned the gaze, but with more confusion. I know whatever condition it the eye. I returned the gaze, but with more confusion. I know whatever condition it is, it will be a strict one.

Sealing a deal with them comes with terms and conditions. "What condition?" I asked after a while.

"I needed to be sure you're ready to do whatever it takes to save your father's company, angel. You know, opportunity comes once. You either hold it or lose it."

Why does he keep calling me angel?

I was beginning to get annoyed. Doesn't he know I'm trying to hold onto my patience? "Whatever the condition is, if it doesn't require taking someone's life, it has to be fulfilled," I said, not missing the glint in his eyes and the smile that appeared on his face.

"So tell me the condition. Saving my father's company is the most important thing right now."

"Marry me."

I couldn't suppress the laughter that escaped me. "You must be joking, right?" I asked, still in a laughing state.

"Do I look like someone who jokes around, little angel?" My laughter died down, replaced by a frown.

"Excuse me, why are you calling me little angel? Have we met before?" I couldn't help the curiosity that had been bothering me.

He leaned over his desk with a smirk on his face, which I found quite annoying. "Isn't it a coincidence, little angel?"

"What do you mean? I'm not here for any mind games. Since I'm not getting what I came for, I might as well get out of this office."

"If you're referring to the condition Imentioned, then I would have to tell you it's already fulfilled. Because you andI are getting married. You will be mine, litle angel."

"I'm not getting married to you or any stupid thought you have in mind. So excuse me." I pushed the seat back and stood up.

However, I didn't take more than two steps when my body was pulled back. It happened within a second. "Let me go," I calmly tried to free myself from his hold. However, due to the tight grip, no amount of strength would be able to save me. And then he whispered, "My litle angel, I'm a straightforward person. So, I won't hide anything from you. Actually, we met a few days ago at a coffee shop. You went all angry on me. I was quite intrigued by you at that moment. So I vowed to make you mine. And that is getting fulfilled."

I didn't know if I was supposed to be alarmed at his statement. Was that why he looked oddly familiar? We had met before? But I didn't waste time dwelling on that; I did what was best for me – I pushed his hand off me and walked out.