
Chapter 7 - Feelings

"Nate." Elle whispered softly as their breathing slowed. Nate made love to 

her for two hours. She was exhausted and so was he.

"Mmmm." A wiped-out Nate a responded.


"What babe?"

"How come you don't tell people we are together?" Elle felt ashamed as 

soon as the words left her mouth.

Nate sat up in the bed.

"I'm sorry Everleigh, I didn't want to put you under pressure. It's not an issue 

for me, next time I introduce you to anyone, they will know you are mine."

"I wasn't demanding that you tell people. I just asked why." Elle yawned.

"You are mine baby and if you want the whole world to know, I will let them 

know. I warn you though, this will make you a target but I'm not ashamed to 

show you off, just prepare yourself."


Nate looked at her.

"I mean, not right now, when we develop a bit further, then we can tell 


"Elle whatever you want, I am fine with it. If you get into any trouble, use my 

name, my influence, my money, I don't care what it is, I will come get you."

"Thank you, Nate." Elle yawned again.

"I think I'm falling in love with you, don't hurt me." With that Elle was fast 


Nate gasped at her words. He didn't want to believe her, but she was the 

brightest spark in his life, he wanted her every second of the day and he

knew it wasn't just lust now, his heart called out to her, his soul was cracked 

open the first time he saw her. He looked at the wheelchair next to the bed 

and frowned. How could he keep a woman like her?

Nate got comfortable as he wrapped his arms around the love of his life and 

drifted off to sleep with memories of their love making.

"OH GOD NATE!" Elle screamed.

Nate had woken her up with kisses on her belly and he was plunging into her 

with a fierceness that scared her a bit.

"Take me Elle, you are mine forever." Nate grunted out as his release broke 

his mind and body.

Elle was crying softly.

"Elle, baby, did I hurt you?" Nate asked as he gently pulled away from her.

"A little. Did I do something wrong? You were … different."

"I… I'm sorry. I was thinking that you would leave me eventually for some 

man." Nate was feeling vulnerable for the first time in his life.

"I won't Nate, please believe me."

Nate nodded. He kissed Elle on her forehead, got into his chair and headed 

to the bathroom. Elle watched dreamily. She needed to ask Nate if he had 

totally given up on walking but she didn't want him to feel that his chair was 

an issue for her. She wanted him no matter how he was. He doted on her, 

cherished and protected her. The man she was with before, had two good 

legs and he almost destroyed her.

Elle was so sore. Nate was very rough. He touched places inside her like 

never before. She was worried before about how they would make love in 

bed but Nate made it work. He had powerful arms from pushing the chair 

when Myk wasn't around. He had a home gym that he used several times a 

day. Many times he would put her to sit on him, facing away from him and 

surge up into her, making her cry out. Did she really want the world to know 

that a poor girl like her was doted on by someone as powerful as Nate? If 

very few people knew now and others were ridiculing her because of her 

size, what would happen if they told everyone? She rushed off the bed and 

ran to the shower. Nate was in his shower seat that was affixed to the floor.

"Nate, I'm sorry!"

Nate glanced at her, held out his hand and smiled.

She walked over, took his hand and stepped into the shower.

"Do you remember what you said to me last night before you fell asleep?" 

He asked as he pulled her to sit on him facing away. 

Elle turned her head away but nodded.

"Tell me now."

"I think I'm falling in love with you, don't hurt me."

"I have been waiting to hear you say that. I know what love is Elle, every 

time I see you. No one has to explain how I feel. I may get a bit confused 

at times but you are the woman for me. I am giving you until the end of your 

trial period at the company, then I will ask you to marry me. I want you in 

that time get to know me better, so when you give me your answer, you have 

no doubts about what I feel for you."

Elle nodded. She wanted him badly, like right now, sore or not. She stared 

at him in the mirror.

"Elle…" Nate cocked his head to the right and seeing the look of desire in 

Elle's eyes, he hardened as if on command.

"Secure your hair and take a shower with me babe."

"Okay." Elle got up, pulled her hair into a bun, and covered it with a shower 


When she turned to step back into the shower Nate's eyes were closed and 

he was stroking himself.

"Can I…?" She hesitated.

Nate opened his eyes and held out his hand.

"Not right now, I just want to be inside you. What have you done to me?"

"Same thing you have done to me. I feel so alive when I'm with you, 

protected, loved, needed."

Nate put her to stand in front of him and soaped up her entire body. Then 

he washed her off.

"Dry off and wait for me in the bedroom."

Nate finished his shower and dried quickly. His bathroom was retrofitted so 

he could stand and bathe or dry himself without falling.

He got back into his chair and went into the bedroom. Elle was sitting on the 

edge, waiting.

She smiled when she saw him.

"How are you feeling? Still sore?"

"A little, but I still want you."

"Lay back on the bed facing me, this will be a bit tricky but I have always 

wanted to do this since my accident and now is the perfect opportunity."

Elle did as he asked and closed her eyes. She felt her body being pulled 

and she opened her eyes in shock. Nate had pulled her body all the way to 

the edge of the bed and into his lap, while he was still in the chair. He rested 

each of her legs on his shoulders and waited.

"You okay baby?"

"Not sure yet." Elle giggled.

"I am going to take you, hard, when it gets too intense, tell me to stop."

"Okay." She whispered.

Nate bent his head and slowly kissed her in her sweet spot. She moaned 

loudly and tried to look at what he was doing.

Nate felt her juices flow out of her slowly. She was so turned on he knew 

when he took her, he would have no issues.

"Please Nate, I need to…" Elle cried out as her orgasm split her in two. 

Before she could calm down, Nate pulled her all the way on to him in one 

swift motion.

"OH GOD!" Elle shouted.

Nate said nothing, his body trembled at the feel of this woman on him. Her 

weight was manageable for him, so he put his hands under her ass and lifted 

her. When she felt there was nothing else for him to do, he brought her back 

down and lifted her again and again.

"Nate, I'm coming, don't stop, please don't stop."

Her words pushed Nate to his release. It was so powerful that ten minutes 

later, neither of them moved.

"Nate, my legs are numb, can I move?"

Nate eased back the chair and gently put her legs down.

The room was filled with the smell of their love making. Nate revelled in it. 

He felt himself grow hard again and decided she had enough for the night. 

He didn't bother to shower again, he positioned her on the bed, climbed in, 

wrapped her in his arms and quickly fell asleep.

Elle woke up during the night, put on one of Nate's shirts and left to get a 

snack. When she got to the kitchen, she was about to flick the light switch, 

she saw a figure walking towards her in the dark and she screamed.

"IT'S ME ELLE!" Shouted Myk.

"Oh my GOD Myk, you scared me!"

"Sorry, I saw all the lights in the house off and I was just making sure yall 

were okay. I didn't see anyone, so I was about to go back to my quarters."

Just then Nate's voice sounded from behind them.

"Oh, it's you Myk." He put his gun back in the pocket in his chair.

"Sorry boss, was just doing my late-night checks, saw all the lights out."

"Elle honey, you okay?"

"Yes, was hungry so I came to grab a snack, sorry for screaming Myk."

"No prob. I will head back unless I'm needed. Sir, would ya put on some 

clothes before you catch a cold?" Myk turned and left.

Elle turned to face Nate who grinned and looked down. He had a washcloth 

covering his lap. Clearly that wasn't a good idea. The washcloth moved.

"You are completely mental Nate."

"Grab your snack and come back to bed."

"Would you like anything?"

"There are some fruit bowls in the fridge, bring one for me."

"Can I ask you something?" Elle asked as she looked through the window 

and watched Myk cross the lawn.

"Myk was my personal nurse before she was my bodyguard. We had known 

each other years ago and I helped her out with an issue she had. Don't be 

jealous or concerned. She has seen me through some of my worst times.

When I was recovering, she was solely responsible for my care 24 hours a 

day. She hardly slept. I had infections, hundreds of doctor visits. She is my 

best friend in the whole world, but you are the one I long to have in my arms. 

Myk has a boyfriend, Marcus and they want to get married at the end of this 


"Sorry, I didn't mean to pry. I can see she loves you and I am glad she is 

there when you need her. Looking at her the first time at the club, I never 

thought she was a bodyguard, she is so hot and sexy."

"Baby, Myk's appearance is deceptive, she is a black belt, certified personal 

trainer, nurse, nutritionist, weapons expert, she speaks four languages and 

has a degree in Business. She chose to be my bodyguard. You are my 

woman; I have nothing to hide from you." Nate turned and headed back to 

the bedroom.

When Elle entered the room, Nate was staring out the window. From his 

bedroom he could see the airport clearly, it was his favourite view.

"Did I upset you?" Elle asked.

"Upset no. Come here." Nate held out his hand to her and she rushed over 

to take it.

"There are some bad things about me Elle, I don't want you to ever find out 

but if you ask me, I promise I will always tell you the truth. Before my accident 

I was … well let's just say I ran in a circle of men who did not fear the law. 

We built up our wealth legally, but it gave us the power to have and achieve

things people only dream of. I scaled it down after I was confined to the chair 

but if anything, ever happened to me, I can call on any one of them to help. 

I can pick up the phone now and tell them you are in trouble, and they will 

find you and bring you home, no questions asked."

"I understand."

"You have something else you want to ask." He said softly.

"Do I please you Nate? I mean, you make me feel good but I know I don't 

measure up to the women you had before."

"I've never been anyone's first. Never been naked inside a woman either. 

The women I dated just wanted status and that wasn't an issue for me but

when they moved on, I felt no loss. You leave my eyesight, and my heart 

starts to shrivel. I want to keep you at home and make love to you until we 

are comatose. You have become the most important woman in my life, and 

I am going to cherish every single moment that we are together. You don't 

only please my body, but my mind feels lighter, freer than I have ever been."

"Oh Nate." Elle smiled widely as she sat in his lap and cuddled with him until 

they were ready for bed.