
Twenty One

Author's note: hi guys, been a while since I started writing, however I don't feel like people interact with the book.

It would be really motivating if readers actually show their support 🥺.

Thanks in advance guys!!


"What do you mean by that!", Paula asked.

"I'm coming over now, you can't leave. The situation is dire!", Barbara said in a calmer tone as she entered her car and slammed it shut.

Paula quickly arranged her bed before entering her bathroom to freshen up. She did her normal routine before putting her hair in a bun.

She settled for jeans and a tank top, the fact that Barbara was bringing bad news weighing on her. Either way she got dressed and went downstairs, expecting Barbara.

It didn't take too long before Barbara arrived at the villa exasperated from the amount of shouting, thinking and driving she had been doing.

The door soon burst open, Barbara walking in, her face grim and her steps equally as annoyed.

She sat on one of the chairs in the living room, taking the glass of water provided, taking a few gulps, before she sat properly, facing Paula.

Barbara sighed before she started, "My gut feeling always knew he was a con artist! I could just feel it everytime we met. For some reason I hated him to the bones, but I just couldn't place a finger!"

"Don't even say anything!", Barbara said!

"But I still don't understand!", Paula said, honestly.

"Forgive me for asking this but, how could you be so stupid to sign such an agreement!!", Barbara asked, facepalming herself.

"What is it! Tell me I really don't know!", Paula urged.

Realizing that she didn't actually know what she was talking about, Barbara decided to enlighten her.

"Incase you don't know what happened, according to the paper work I went through, he's been slowly transferring your ex-husband's wealth into his own name!"

"What!! how could he do that!", Paula asked wondering how it was possible.

"For him to have been doing that, he must have been doing it over the years without your knowledge!" Barbara said, her voice going down two tones.

"Did he ever give you anything at random to sign. Like saying you didn't need to read it, and then You signing?" Barbara said.

"Think carefully!", Barbara urged.

"Wait!! Wait!! Wait!!! Several times he would ask me to sign documents, I always wanted to read through, but he just said he needed my signature, as his wife for the company!!", Paula said.

"Well, he's obviously been planning this for years. However, there's a lot of bad news!", Barbara said standing up.

"What does that mean, isn't the divorce supposed to be a split!?", Paula said as she scooted closer to the edge of the seat.

"Everyone of your houses, this villa and everything that generates income for you, all of it has been transferred to his name!", Barbara said.

"What!! all of it, did I really sign it!?", Paula asked.

"Yes dumbass, you signed it. Now, another bad news is that you have 2 weeks to vacate the premises, and you can't take anything with you, except your personal belongings, and your daughter!

There's even more bad news, he left the country already, and since you suggested the divorce, what's done is done!",

"What do you mean what's done is done, didn't I suggest the divorce. I could take it right back!!", Paula said, already agitated.

"No, no it doesn't work like that. In the divorce papers, he only notified you of something you didn't know about. Signing those documents means you were okay with it!", Barbara said, facepalming herself, now with both hands!

"What!", Paula shrieked.

"You really have to move out!"