
Best Kept Secret

Nana and Jisoo, of the widely famous K-pop girl group Twinkle, are each other’s best kept secret in a world that blindly believes the suddenly setup dating between Twinkle leader Jisoo and a then boy group center now solo artist, Darren Lee. The publicly reported pair is dubbed as the power couple. Meanwhile, Jisoo is strengthened by Nana behind closed doors. Inspired by true story.

Playspective · LGBT+
3 Chs

Send SOS

One Dahee apart. Jisoo feels Nana's distance. She sees her girl hugging another as soon as they set foot on the airport. Nana used to do it to her no matter how often they've already seen each other.

One Chaerin further. Nana draws the line between her and Jisoo. Learning that she too is at fault, she figured she has to perform beyond the master plan. And so, she does her best to keep distance.

"Chae, how's it going? Did you get the attention you were aiming for with your neck tatt?" Nana notices that Chaerin got more tattoos, "are those part of the plan too?"

"I think I did." Chae on sleeveless top lifts her left arm a bit, "I've added some just to make sure. Will find out how it turns out when we get back. Let's take this chance first."

Twinkle touches down in Kuala Lumpur. They head straight to the rehearsals for the final stop of TwiLights World Tour. Jaeyeon approaches Jisoo whom she catches frequently zoning out. "Hey yah, done with your ending message?���

"You know, I have so much to say. Not just to Malaysia." Jisoo utters while staring at a monitor beside the stage, "But I can't say anything other than sorry. For last year. For missing Rina. As well as for the dating issue, i-if I could."

"In a way, the rest of us can. Leave it to us", Jae relieves her. "None of those are your fault. Don't take these all on you."

"Dating is my fault."

"Only if with Darren Lee was true."

"Huh?! What's the difference with Nana?"

"You idiots were clueless!" Jae knocks Jisoo, "just realizing now that it's become an issue". To which Jisoo exclaims, "Oww!" scratching her head.

"If Darren's was true, would we go off with this energy?" Jae then prompts her, "Chae said them maknaes of the Lunch Box Club won't hold back. Naeun-ie is furious. She'd be intense tomorrow. Mako, nervous. Nana~" tilts her head "terrifying?"

You mean dangerous? She been like that. Unnie, help! "Will the world understand what we really want to say?" Jisoo is hesitant.

"That we'll have to try." Jae tells her. "The world responds to sincerity. I believe it will sense our position."

D-Day. Chaerin poses a question to the girls before stepping into the platform. "We are held captive by politics, society, the company. They instruct us to keep performing as usual. What would you say to alarm Winks without EASE noticing?" She then gestures, "send SOS."

When Malaysian Winks shared their journey through the fan VCR segment, the girls in turn reveal their earnest plea.

"I wasn't okay. Were you okay?" Nana sneers. Plain transparency. Her delivery is charmingly ruthless. Brave of her to just be straightforward of her disgust.

Upon finishing her speech, she hyper focuses on her sleeves successfully avoiding Jisoo's glances. She leaves her spot only whenever Dahee is about to lose it. She comforts her.

"I cannot cry and smile at the same time." Dahee is choking up but she has to continue. Good thing, Nana is backing her. *Just when we're about to get Rina unnie back, higher ups cause extra concern. They are unbelievable, I could just cry-laugh right now.*

"We could not perform then. It probably made you upset. Finally, we have today." Mako does not feel so good. Her nerves rock her core. *We've already upset you. And we're making up for it. But the company is… Shit! S-sorry, my tummy. Excuse myself.*

"Last year, I gave you my word and it has come true. I would like to make another word today." Naeun in a tone contrasting her Jinni Award speech. *I honor my word. I speak only of truth. Believe me! Not on something written overnight.*

"We still lack a lot. We will try our best to be better. So, you guys cannot leave us." Chewy never had to beg. But she willingly does so cause she's afraid Winks wouldn't believe in them anymore. *Please don't leave us over a lie!*

Twinkle serenades with the last song of the night, Caught. Jisoo plays with the fog spreading all over the stage. She then looks at Nana beside her as if pulling her in. Unfortunately, Nana wouldn't bother.

[No one made me feel like this

Only you. You're different

My everything stops. I'm caught]

The end is near. One by one, the girls go up the prism. Jisoo reaches first. Nana is behind her. The last three Naeun, Jaeyeon, and Chaerin sit beside each other instead of standing.

The rest of the girls take interest and start ditching their spots to join Naeun, Jae, and Chae. Jisoo eagerly closes the gap with her favorite person. She has made it! She's in between Nana and Dahee with Nana being seated last.

"I love you everyone", Jaeyeon yells while the girls wrap their arms to the ones next to them. Naeun and Mako are playfully miming as if Rina's there. Jisoo seizes the moment making her sway in so much joy.

The curtain has closed.

*You're not going anywhere. You're mine now.*

Jisoo with an arm already around Nana, throws in the other enclosing her in embrace. Nana cannot avoid Jisoo any longer. Ultimately, she gives in.

"This is nice. It doesn't feel like we're hiding", Nana delights on the applause heard across them.

"Then stay." Jisoo squeezes in more tightly. Eyes shut, cheeks rubbing, they stay like this for a while. "I hate that I have to wait for the curtains before I could do this", she sighs.

The girls interrupt them by a group hug. "Yaaah~ We're squished. Do it more", Nana cutely whines making everyone giggle as they pull away.

"Everyone did well! I'd say tonight is mission accomplished." Chaerin declares. "We've opened up to global Winks. The next one is tricky. We may have to try for as long as we could and in many ways."

"What are we facing?" Jisoo anticipates.


Home. It should be a place of safety, of care, of protection. Five had been born here in Korea but it is home even for the foreign members. Left family and friends, trained for years to live the dream as Twinkle, they owe stardom to it after all.

Oh, the irony.

Safety? K-pop Idols walk on eggshells having to follow ridiculous standards and expectations. Twinkle did not just become successful overnight. Each member has undergone tough extensive training.

Care? They are overworked raking countless wons, yens, and dollars on the company's whim. Well, it's the consequence of the company's investment on the idols training.

Protection? When push comes to shove, idols become pawns. Just like Jisoo.

*Ten years of training under East Asian Soul Entertainment, only to be dragged like this. Almost 4 years after our group's debut of establishing genuine image, only to have it twisted in an instant.

Eight other members are affected. It would be easier if it was only me. I'd just cry internally swallowing my pride.*

"Aaa~ You need to eat." Nana snaps Jisoo out of thought by offering a spoonful. Jisoo, who's just poking her food, takes it in. Nana brings another but Jisoo grunts, "mwoyah~��.

"Let me feed you. Here, just one more."

Jisoo takes this too as Nana cautions, "Cause I won't be near you later."

*Dear Home, why have you forsaken me?*

"Nana unnie still at it?" Chaerin to Mako. She nods as she gnaws on her lunch. "Oh wait, might get nervous again." Mako slows down.

Naeun sighs, "We're already at EASE Cafeteria yet we're still feeling anxious."

"Right? But this is better than being awkward in front of Twinkle TV unnies", Jaeyeon pertains about their vlog camerawomen.

"Yah~ We'll walk on the Blue Carpet and receive award later on. What's with the long faces?" Chaerin is baffled.

"It loses meaning without Winks." Nana in low tone looking gloomy.

"I hope many Winks would be there." Jisoo is desperately looking for a sign, "To know if they got our message. Or at least, still believe in us."

"Many will be there." Chaerin assures.

"Ooh~ where are you getting this vibe", Jaeyeon adoring Chae's confidence. "Things coming to fruition?"

Chaerin shrugs with a smile.

She owned it. Twinkle has graced upon today's show, Bada Awards, with thousands of Winks lighting the fandoms' signature Star light sticks warmly welcoming them.

It's as if they are in their own concert. The dark cloud that seemed hovering Nana has passed. That's when they know the plan is progressing.

To keep the ball rolling, Chae advances her fanservice 10X. Winks' world. It's her answer when asked about the kind of award they'd like to receive.

"So, it's really working!" Jae snuggles with Chae on the waiting room before the show proper. "Our efforts are not in vain."

"We're just getting started. With my G-Cue magazine shoot, all hell would break loose."

"By the way, how was it?"

"You'll find it out soon, hyung! September is coming. But there's one more thing," Chae asks Jae a favor.

Kid rebel Chae on fire that evening. She enthusiastically emphasized delivering the acceptance speech, hinting a comeback, and beating spoiler Naeun to it.

And on the final bow, Chae along with Jisoo dedicated the centerstage holding their hands out for Rina.

On the way to the dorm, the girls are excited to share to Winks more personally. Lunch Box Club in the first van goes to Stream app.

Meanwhile, the rest are still finishing up. Mako feeling great and grateful proposes, "Who wanna go Stream with me?" Naeun hopping up and down yells, "Meeee!"

*I've yet to hold my head up and smile in airports nor even post on Twinklegram. Join Stream?*

"Thanks, but I'll pass." Jisoo busies herself packing.

Jae lends a hand, "Nana-yah go with them." Nana who's helping Jisoo on her stubborn earrings obliges. Naeun, Mako, and Nana in the second van together go Stream simultaneously overlapping with Lunch Box Club.

Boarding the last van, Jae commences Chae's favor. She shoots Jisoo a look. "Yeah, I know. I have a few more days 'til September. Ready or not, I will show up." Jisoo senses what Jae has to say on her habit of going AWOL whenever she gets involve in an issue.

"How 'bout spending one or two of those in our place? You need something other than meditation. Bam misses you too." Jae with an offer she can't refuse knowing Jisoo likes cats.

"So, when will this be? We have time after fan meetings, right?"

"Right. I'll text Shiyeon unnie too." Jisoo lights up when Jae mentions her sibling. She knows Nana will go too as she is her favorite Twinkle member. Yes, not her own sister Jae. Heh.

Nice place, good food, warm family, and wisdom of an older sibling. Ever since the issue, Jisoo has felt forsaken. But to see Nana safe, protected, and cared for in such a kind home is her contentment. A saving grace. That's exactly the healing she needs before her one-month escape is up.

Jisoo looks forward to this. Her anticipation grows as days pass and peaks at Osaka Hi-touch fanmeet. There must be something in there that lends her strength. It may be daunting to lead the group anywhere else. So, having her Japanese partner Nana take over when in Japan is refreshing.

Arriving at Gimpo Airport, Jisoo holds her head high for the first time in a while. She's at the forefront while Nana marches behind her quickly reaching the van. Jaeyeon finding her way through the crowd comes a bit later.

Nonetheless, Jisoo is finally getting her much-awaited retreat.