
Best Gentleman For You (Azur Lane x Male Reader)

You are a random guy playing Azur Lane every day without getting tired of it but one day something unexpected happens to you. You got Isekai'd into Azur Lane world(Classic Isekai plot but Imma disrespect Truck-kun by using a different Isekai method since I don't want my readers to get hit and die by a truck), Since Azur Lane has no trustworthy adult male commanders Enty who found you floating on the sea decided to hire a 17 years old guy like you who came out of nowhere and thus your adventure at Azur Lane world started! Wattpad Novel By XandyBoi123

Sokdavid · วิดีโอเกม
17 Chs

Chapter :13 : Newbie Commander in Training

After Y/n met Amelia, Y/n decided that it would be best if he showed her around the base to let her get familiar with the surroundings of the base and they stumbled upon a certain someone who like to double the price of certain resources.

( She will get treated nicely ONLY in my book for sure. )

Y/n: Amelia met Akashi, Akashi met Amelia, and she is my student.

Akashi: Ohhh very nice to meet you Amelia nya!

Amelia: I-It's my pleasure, Miss Akashi!

Akashi: Also Y/n, I heard that you're now promoted to our Fleet Commander so congrats nya!

Y/n: I'm gonna die from overworking...

Akashi: Cheer up Y/n nya! I'll give you a 60% discount for your hard work next time you buy the thing you want at my shop! This exclusive offer is just for Fleet Commander Y/n!

Y/n: Ay thanks Akashi I'll remember that.

Amelia: Wait what kind of things do you sell in this base Miss Akashi?

Akashi: Ahaha well I used to be in head charge of trading on Sakura Empire and sold oils and equipment but now since I'm in Azur Lane Alliance, I just mostly sell things that shipgirls need for their daily consumption-

Y/n: Uh oh time's running out gotta go Miss Akashi byeeee!

Amelia: Wait sir she hasn't finished talki- WOAAHH

Just like that, Y/n drags Amelia down the hallway to show her the other places and the destination is...

Azur Lane Dining Hall-Also Dunkerque's Bakery Included.

Amelia: Woahhh it's so huge!

Y/n: I know right? Besides, I know damn well what I was doing when I decided to renovate the Dining hall.

Amelia: Can we enter now sir? Pleaseee!

Y/n: Nope not now cuz you and I'll have to see even more than you would like.

Amelia: Really?!

Y/n: Really. Now let's head off to our next destination!

Destination-Azur Lane Cafe

Y/n: And here you can get coffee, tea, and other kinds of Snacks to fill your belly during breakfast.

Amelia: Woahh I want to work here forever!

Y/n: Glad to hear that from you but battles are a different thing, Amelia.

Amelia: Y-Yes sir!

Y/n: ( I should take a break out here once in a while... )

Vanguard: Commander! What are you doing here? Come have a tea with us!

Y/n turns around to see Vanguard and Monarch in the cafe having their afternoon tea as usual like the rest of the Royal Navy do.

Y/n: Ah Lady Vanguard and Lady Monarch! How have you been doing?

Monarch: We are doing fairly well... thank you for asking...

Vanguard: Also is this the new recruit Commander everyone has been talking about?

Y/n: Yep this is Commander Amelia, Amelia meets Vanguard and Monarch.

Amelia: N-Nice to meet you Lady Vanguard and Lady Monarch.

Amelia salutes as a form of respect towards them but Y/n puts her hand down which confuses Amelia a bit.

Amelia: S-Sir? Am I not supposed to salute?

Y/n: We don't carry that military tradition anymore Amelia. As you can see... I want this base to feel more like a home to them instead of a military base.

Amelia: Woahh...

Vanguard: That's Commander Y/n for you!

Y/n: Vanguard can I have those cookies you're having by the way?

Vanguard: Nope! I am not done eating it yet!

Y/n: If he can't break bread he's fake-

Vanguard: Fine fine you can have it!

Seeing how close Y/n is with the shipgirls, Amelia starts to smile a bit without noticing her own smile.

Y/n: Alright that was delicious! Now let's go off to OUR dormitory.

Vanguard: Bye Y/n!

Monarch: Take care!

Y/n: Alright I will!

Amelia waves at Vanguard and Monarch and starts following Y/n again, while walking alongside Y/n she decides to ask him a question.

Amelia: S-Sir can I... also call you Y/n?

Y/n: Sure everyone calls me Y/n except Unicorn who calls me her big bro.

Amelia: Woah... You're so close with all the girls here... I wonder how you managed to do that sir- I mean Y/n.

Y/n: You wanna know how?

Amelia: Yes, please! I wanna know how to get along with them!

Y/n: Kindness.

Amelia: Eh?

Y/n: Be kind Amelia... Be caring and always prepare your life to sacrifice for them at any given moment... That's how you get close to them.

Amelia places her hand on her chest and asks herself a question.

Amelia: Kind...?

Amelia suddenly has a flashback of her mother baking bread for her when she was a kid and then giving it away to poor people and feeding the rest of it to animals.

Y/n took notice of Amelia spacing out a bit and smiled at it, knowing she was remembering her old memories.

Y/n: I see you're remembering something else that has happened a long time back in the past, no?

Y/n's words suddenly snap Amelia out as she shakes her head a bit, surprised at Y/n knowing what she exactly thinking.

Amelia: H-How did you know?

Y/n: Well I would say that it's from my experience dealing with all those girls.

Amelia: You're...

Y/n: Yes?


Y/n: Alright alright calm down now Amelia, You can praise me as much as you want when you are out of Jean Bart's sight alright?

Amelia: Eh? Who is t-

Amelia suddenly saw a red eye staring at her from behind a pillar across the hallway and she freaked out.

Amelia: Y-Y/n! You haven't told me we have a ghost in the base!

Y/n: Nahh that's just Jean Bart- Oh look she's running towards me!

Amelia: EEK!!

The scared and frightened Amelia takes cover behind Y/n while Y/n just stands there and looks at Jean Bart running at him with calm composure.


Y/n: Jean I swear I didn't forget about it! I'll take you out on a date like you asked.

Jean Bart: Really?

Y/n: Really!

Jean Bart: Pinky promise?

Y/n: Pinky promise.

Y/n and Jean Bart make pinky promises and Jean Bart starts smiling happily and skips away leaving Y/n and Amelia alone again.

Amelia: T-That was scary!

Y/n: Try to get along with her and she'll be very nice I promise.

Amelia: Was she scarier back then on your first time meeting her?

Y/n: Yeah she was. Now let us go to the dorms section so follow me closely alright?

Amelia: Alright!

Now both Amelia and Y/n can be seen standing in front of the Eagle Union dorm entrance has got Eagle Symbol with stars on it. ( USA HOORAAHHHH!!! )

Y/n: ( Goddamn that was a long walk and not gonna lie... when standing next to Amelia I noticed something... )

Y/n took a quick look at Amelia who was amazed at the Eagle Union symbol and the building structure.

Y/n: ( She's f*ckin taller than me and my manly pride is shattered. )

Amelia: Y/n can we go in?

Y/n: Yes and let me... Hmmm..

Y/n looks at the door and the glass door has a sign that says "Pull".

Y/n: This ain't gonna stop me from pushing.

Y/n tried to push it but it did not work as Hornet who was passing by took notice of him and approached.

Hornet: Hello Y/n!

Y/n: Wassup Horny.

Hornet says nothing but pinches and twists Y/n's belly in response.

Hornet: I am not Horny and my name is Hornet.

Y/n: Ow ow ow won't call you that again.

Hornet: Anyway who's this white hai- Ohhh you're the new rookie we've all been hearing about!

Y/n: Yes and I am her teacher.

Hornet: Ah I see! So what brings you to Eagle Union dorm?

Y/n: We gonna show her around the base so you in for the tour?

Hornet: Sure sure Y/n!

Amelia: Nice to meet you, Miss Hornet

Hornet: Ahhh a very polite one too! Unlike the first time I met Y/n...

Amelia: Wait what did you say to her Y/n?

Y/n: I asked if she's cold wearing only a little bit of clothing and only a cape.

Hornet: Rude.

Y/n: I was asking the REAL question.

Y/n opens the door this time pulling it. As all three of them stepped inside, they were greeted by a bunch of Meowfficers who were working hard to keep the place clean.

Y/n: My warriors you've clean the place well.

Y/n salutes at the Meowfficers as they salute back and start walking out of the dorm entrance one by one to mind their own business.

Amelia: W-What were those cute little things Y/n?

Y/n: They are called Meowfficers and they are in charge of many things like little Manjuus in our base.

Hornet: Normally Meowfficers are actually here for one thing back then and that is...

Both Hornet and Y/n: Moral support.

Amelia: Ohhh I see... Can I pet them?

Y/n: Algerie and Richelieu do it all the time so why not.

Amelia: Thank you!

Y/n: Alrighty let's start the tour!

With Hornet leading both of them around the dorm area, Y/n introduced Amelia to many shipgirls. A few moments later, all three of them are walking out of the Eagle Union dorm.

Y/n: Thanks for leading us around the place Hornet.

Hornet: Anytime Y/n!

Amelia: Thank you very much, Miss Hornet! I-I hope we can have more conversations in the future!

Hornet: Aww drop the formality and just call me Hornet... Just don't call me Horny like Y/n do.


Hornet: YOU SON OF A-

Y/n grabs Amelia's hand and starts running away with her in tow and she manages to catch up with his speed.

A few minutes later they are now in shooting range inside the base... Why? CUZ MURICA RAAAHHHHH!!!!

Y/n: One question I need to ask you, Amelia.

Amelia: Y-Yes?

Y/n: Have you ever held a gun before?

Amelia: E-EHH?

Y/n: Seriously though, how are you gonna protect yourself on the battlefield if you don't know how to handle a rifle or a pistol or any weapons?

Amelia: B-But Y/n! The sirens can't be shot de-

Y/n: Anything is killable if we shoot it enough times.

Belfast sweatdrops at her Master training the rookie commander as she is in charge of monitoring them in the shooting range.

Belfast: Master... I think it would be best if you don't put pressure on her.

Y/n: Come on Bel, You know she needs to defend herself!

Belfast: Yes that is true but...

Y/n: She'll be a fine commander under my teaching by the end of the month! Now take this Beneli M4.

Amelia: B-But won't I be sent back if I shoot this?

Y/n: C'mon just give it a try and shoot it at a good few targets.


Amelia used the shotgun without even flinching a bit but she missed the targets horribly.

Y/n: Okay... You didn't even flinch.

Amelia: Thank y-

Y/n: You missed the target. Shoot it again.

Amelia: Y-Yes sir!


She missed again.

Y/n: You... do know you can use the iron sight...

Amelia: Y-Yes sir!


This time it straight up hits the target in the middle between the legs and Y/n goes wide-eyed a bit.

Y/n: You did not shoot there on purpose right?

Amelia: S-Sorry I didn't mean to shoot the munitions there s-sir!

Y/n: You know how to use rocket-propelled grenades?

Belfast: Master I strongly advise you not to-



Y/n: Boom! That's how you hit the target!

Amelia: Woah it's so cool!

Belfast: *Sighs in defeat*

Y/n: Next is our weapon we are building together with Sakura Empire's first idea!

Belfast: Master do you really want to show her our anti-siren massive weapon?

Y/n: Yes! Accompany us along the way Bel!

Belfast: As you wish Master.

Amelia: Wait where are we going Y/n?

Y/n: You'll see...

A few minutes later they arrived at the railway track leading into a small tunnel with a cart on it.

Y/n: Get on the cart.

Amelia: Oh alright sir.

Y/n: Pull the lever Belfast!


The trapdoor under Y/n opened as he fell down into the trap below.


Belfast: Oops...

Y/n came back out of the trap full of bird feathers and glue stuck to him as they made the trap not lethal to avoid harming the shipgirls.

Y/n: Why do we even have that lever...

Belfast: So shall we get going, Master?

Y/n: Hmph!

Belfast: I shall take it as a yes Master.

This time Belfast pulls the right lever as the cart starts moving into the tunnel.

Y/n: Secret tunnel! Secret tunnel! Through the mountainnnn secret secret tunnel!!!

Eventually, they arrived at the secret dock under the base with full manjuu workers and Kaga can be seen sending out instructions at the Manjuu.

Amelia: This place is...

Y/n: A cave under the base with a Secret weapon in it.

Belfast: This project under Sakura Empire used to be known as Orochi but when the project was handed over to Master, He named it "Yoriichi" instead for better luck he said.

Y/n: It's a badass name of a guy who gave a demon king PTSD so I expect this ship to do the same for the sirens.

Amelia was amazed at the size and structure of the massive ship which is larger than even the aircraft carriers.

Belfast: As this ship is still not ready for combat yet, We estimate that it will be finished next year.

Y/n: Such a shame I can't drive this thing yet.

Amelia: Who's that white-haired girl with... fox ears?

Y/n: Oh she's Kaga don't worry and she's in charge of constructing this ship for today.

Belfast: As she and her sisters are responsible for allying with the siren named Observer Alpha and started building this ship, We believed that she knew better about how to build it.

Amelia: What are those cute little birds carrying tools?

Y/n: They are our hardworking Manjuu and are known around the base for constructing buildings and many structures along with maintenance for the shipgirls' rigging along with their ships.

Amelia: W-Wait did any of them get harmed before?

Y/n: There have been none of those little workers that were harmed except one... Hmmm... that little guy was being sat on by Formidable.

Amelia: D-Did he dies?

Y/n: No he survived luckily!

Amelia: Ah I'm glad.

She smiles gently out of relief.

Belfast: Master shall we go introduce her to Kaga?

Y/n: Yep let us go Belfast.

They approach Kaga and she notices them right away and greets Y/n first.

Kaga: Greetings Y/n and Miss Belfast and you are...

Y/n: Her name is Amelia, New Commander in our base and basically under my training.

Amelia: N-Nice to meet you, Miss Kaga!

Kaga: Drop the formality and just call me Kaga, please.

Belfast: How is the ship construction process going Kaga?

Kaga: Although the outside armor is almost finished, the inside and control room needs some modification.

Y/n: Otherwise it could be just a floating Metal, is it not?

Kaga: That is indeed correct and as you can see...

While they were discussing the Yoriichi ship, Amelia felt a little left out because she didn't know anything about many things related to the military.

Amelia: ( Wow... I wish I could know about these things that could protect humanity as much as they do and... Y/n... he is not even 20 years old yet is he...? )

Suddenly she remembers a conversation between her and Sheffield on their way to Azur Lane.

Amelia: M-Miss Sheffield may I ask a question?

Sheffield: Yes you may.

Amelia: How old is the Commander Y/n you speak of?

Sheffield: He just turned 18, months ago.

Amelia: 18!!??

Sheffield: Why are you surprised Commander Amelia?

Amelia: I-I mean I am 21 s-so...

Sheffield: Don't worry he doesn't mind having a timid older woman around.

Amelia: E-Eh what do you mean by that?

She was snapped back to reality by Belfast as she saw her spacing out a bit.

Belfast: Miss Amelia? Miss Amelia.

Amelia: A-AH sorry my apologies!

Belfast: It's alright Miss Amelia. I'm just checking if you are alright.

Y/n: So Amelia our tour might need to halt a bit and continue tomorrow since it's a bit late at night already and follow me to my room.

Amelia: Y-Yes sir!

Y/n: Just call me Y/n goddamn!

Belfast: I shall accompany you to your room Master and also Miss Kaga, I strongly advise you to take a break.

Kaga: It's alright Miss Belfast.

They left the underground Dock before going up to the surface and eventually reaching Y/n's room.

Now they can be seen in front of his room.

Belfast: Miss Amelia I hope you don't mind sharing a room with Master as your room is being constructed.

Amelia: I really don't mind sharing it with a person like him Miss Belfast.

Belfast: Thank you for your understanding. Also, I must return to Her Majesty's side so please excuse me, Master.

Y/n: Goodbye and see you later Bel!

Amelia: S-See you later too Miss Belfast!

When Y/n opened the door he was met face-to-face with Enterprise who looked serious at him.

Y/n: How the hell did you get into-

Enterprise: Commander Amelia, I knew you would have trouble sharing rooms with our Commander Y/n so I have volunteered to take him to my room if you don't mind.

Amelia: I-I really don't mind having him in-

*Enterprise put her finger on Amelia's lips as she shush her*

Enterprise: I know how embarrassing it is for you... As a future wife for Y/n... I shall take utmost responsibility and take him into my room wholeheartedly.


Before he could say another word, he was dragged all the way to Eagle Union dorm and left a trail of dust behind.

Amelia: *Cough*  *Cough* T-That was fast...

Hornet: Was that my big sis dragging Y/n to her room?

Amelia: Y-Yes she said that. How did you know Miss Hornet?

Hornet: She was bragging about it this afternoon so I am not surprised at all.

Amelia: D-Does she has some sort of a relationship with Sir Y/n?

Hornet: You wanna know the whole story?

Amelia: Yes, please!

Hornet: It all started when she first saved him from the sea and to be honest... Started from the day he first joined Azur Lane... She changed a lot with the way she acts and talks

Amelia: W- Was she a very stern person in the person?

Hornet: Very much a serious one yes. But Y/n changed her in a good way... My sister wasn't that much of a talker back then... Now she just become more friendly and approachable! And ever since she met Y/n, she would often talk about how kind and good-hearted he is, how caring he is, and how cool he was giving speeches to motivate the Manjuus... I guess she fell really hard eh?

Amelia: A-Ah I see...

Hornet: Now I wonder what's happening inside her room right now~

Amelia: I-I need to get familiar with my room s-so good night Miss Hornet!

Amelia immediately went into her new room as Hornet smugs knowing what her older sister is about to do.

Hornet: I'm rooting for you, Big Sis.

At Enterprise's room.

Enterprise: This is the third time you've been in my room Y/n.

Y/n: When was the last time... Oh right, it was your launch day which is equal to the birthday in human terms and I gave you a surprise!

Enterprise: Mmm... And I loved that...

Enterprise agrees with Y/n as she starts taking her uniform and hat off.

Enterprise: Y/n... I've been waiting for this for too long and you know what it is~

Y/n starts sweating nervously.

Y/n: A-Ah shit I just remember I turned 18, a few months ago...

Enterprise approaches Y/n as she suddenly pins him down on bed.

Y/n: Please go easy on me Ma'am.

Enterprise: I promise I'll be gentle~

And the rest is how Y/n lost his first time with Enterprise.


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