
Part 2


We enter the room for homeroom and sat down next to each other at the back of the classroom.

"good morning everyone I'm Miss Lovato," she said 

She looked like she was in her mid-twenties, she had dark brown shoulder-length hair, dark brown eyes. She was wearing a black suit with black heels.

"damn she's hot" I whispered to Ally

"I know right" 

Miss Lovato just introduced herself and told us a bit about her life then she did rollcall. After homeroom was over we went to period one which was geography for me and Ally had History. When I arrived at my classroom I went in and sat at the back of the class, the class start to fill with students. There was one seat spare and that was the seat next to me 

"Sorry I'm late I'm new and I didn't know where I was going" I heard someone say with a raspy voice, I looked up and saw a girl with long black hair and emerald eyes

"It's fine what's your name" 


"last name?"


"You're Cuban?"


"Same it's always nice to have another Cuban in my class," The teacher said back smiling "anyway go sit down please," He said and Lauren came and sat down next to me

"Well that was awkward," She said and I laughed

"I haven't seen you before are you new," I asked

"Yeah just moved here from Cuba" 

"How are you liking Miami so far"

"I like it's really nice" 

"Have you made any friends yet"

"no, not yet"

"maybe we could be friends, I'm Y/N, and do you want to sit with me and my friends Ally at lunch"

"yeah is she in this class"

"no, she has History" 


The teacher did rolecall, introduced himself a bit and then he started to teach. 

"what do you have next," Lauren asked 


"same are we in the same"

Me and Lauren compared timetables and found out we are in the same, we only have geography and English together

"yeah you are"

"do you want to walk together"

"yes please, I don't know where I'm going"

"also Ally's in the same English so you will be able to meet her"

"ok," She said smiling

When geography was over me and Lauren walked to English.