
Part 1


It was Monday morning, the first day of junior year the last year of high school. I got out of bed to get in the shower then change into my outfit for the day. Today I decided to wear a white t-shirt with a small light pink heart on it, light blue skinny jeans and black and white vans. After I was finished getting ready I went downstairs to the kitchen where my mum was cooking breakfast, this morning she made waffles.

"Morning mama"

"Morning sweetie, did you sleep well," she asked while sipping her coffee

"Yeah kind of still tired though," I said and yawned

"well you have to go to school it's your first day of junior year"

"yeah I know at least Ally will be there"

"is Ally picking you up"

"yeah she should be here soon"

After I finished eating I went back up to my room to put my shoes on and grab my things for school. When I got everything I went back downstairs to wait for Ally. Then my phone went off

Allycat 😽: I'm outside

Y/N 💛 : ok I'm coming

"bye mama Ally's here," I said to my mum and hugged her

"bye sweetie have a good day of school"

I quickly left my house to get to Ally's car

"Hii Ally"

"Hii have you got everything"


"ok just making sure you don't want to forget anything on your first day back"

"you look amazing," I said and admired her outfit even though she is wearing something casual she still looks stunning

she was wearing a black and white plaided shirt with black jeans, black vans, she had her hair straight and with it down and white her silver hoop earrings.

"thank you," she said hugging me and smiling " you look amazing too"

"thank you, Smallz" 

"How are you feeling about the first day"

"I'm kind of feeling nervous since there are lots of new people but other than that I'm fine"

"yeah same hopefully we'll make new friends"

"yeah hopefully"

Ally started driving us to school which was half an hour away from my house, me and Ally have been friends our entire life since our parents are both friends we grew up together. Ally is the mum friend she always looks out for you and mothers you, she is the sweetest and kindest person you will ever meet, she is always there for you no matter what happens she's the person you go to for advice, cheering up or just for anything, Ally is just a sweet innocent angel.

When we arrived at school we both got out and walked towards the entrance of the school we went inside and straight to the reception to get our timetables for this year. Then me and Ally compared timetables to see if we are in the same lessons.

"We are in the same homeroom, English and maths" Ally said

"oh we only have 3 lessons together" I groaned 

"don't worry you'll be fine" 

"But I'm going to be on my own"

"you can make new friends" she responded and then the bell went off meaning we have to go to homeroom