
Controlling Fire

They arrived home just as dusk was falling, to find Mrs. Holloway eagerly awaiting their return. "So, how was your day out together?" she asked.

"Oh it was wonderful!" Angela gushed. "Vincent bought me a gorgeous new diamond necklace!" 

Mrs. Holloway shook her head with amusement. "That brother of yours spoils you far too much, my dear."

Angela grinned unapologetically. "Well I am his only beloved little sister after all."

Then bouncing with excitement she added, "And look at the wedding ring Elara is now wearing! I helped pick it out. Isn't it just lovely?"

"A ring?" Mrs. Holloway asked with delighted surprise. "Let me see, Elara!"

Though feeling a little overwhelmed by all the familial attention, Elara politely extended her left hand with its newly adorned jewelry out to her mother-in-law. 

Mrs. Holloway admired the glittering band. "My, what an elegant ring. It suits your hand beautifully!"