

I rushed to my bus stop. Fortunately, I was able to catch the bus. I met Karthik on the way. 'You

take this bus every day?' he asked. 'It depends,' I said. 'On what?' he asked. 'Well, on when I

wake up,' I replied with a smile. 'Oh,' he said and laughed. 'Why are you laughing? Is that even a

joke?' I asked surprisingly. 'Well, you make me happy,' he said. 'Bro, let's not make this

complicated. I am fed up with rumors already. I can't be in a relationship with you. I don't want

to give you any hope. The earlier it ends, the lesser will be the grievances,' I said. 'You don't

have to give me an answer now. Please give me a chance,' he said. 'Hearing a rejection today is

much better than hearing a rejection one year later, right? So that you can save your time and

move on,' I replied. 'Are you sure that your feelings won't change?' he asked. 'I am sure. I don't

have that type of feeling towards you,' I said. 'So do you have someone in your heart?' he asked.

'Of course, because she's mine. Stay away from her,' I heard him. 'Where did he pop up from?' I

thought. 'Reyansh? So you both are in a relationship?' he asked. 'No,' I replied instantly. 'Not

yet,' he said. 'What do you mean?' Karthik asked. 'Hey, we'll make it official soon. So don't put

yourself in trouble by meddling in this matter,' he replied. And Karthik walked away with a sad


'Reyansh, that's too much. Even though you like me, you have no right to do this,' I said.

'Wait, do we have confusion here? Did I say I like you?' he asked. I was shocked. 'Well,

yesterday...' I couldn't continue because of the embarrassment. 'Yesterday? I did that because I

promised you that I'd help you. Hey, don't tell me; you thought that post was my real feelings,'

he said. 'Oh my God! So I was the one imagining things. This boy is so bad,' I thought. 'Rad, so

do you have feelings for me? Now that I have told you everything was a lie, why do you look

sad?' he asked. I was confused about how to escape the situation. 'Yes, I do. But my feelings

towards you are hateful. Do you hear that? I hate you,' I said angrily, as I thought being angry

was the best solution. 'Do you know that sometimes it's so hard to differentiate between love

and hate? They say that hate is another form of love. You can't hate a person without the

involvement of love,' he said. 'What nonsense?' I asked. 'And there's something more. Some

people get angry when they can't clarify things or when the other party is telling the truth,' he

said. I couldn't stop giving him a shocking look as he was speaking the truth. 'See, see, so you

like me,' he said. 'Reyansh, don't be so full of yourself. If I like someone, I'll tell him directly. You

know it better than anyone else. So don't simply assume and screw up,' I said. 'Gosh, why are

you getting so serious? I was just kidding,' he said. 'I don't like to joke on matters like this. This is

not funny,' I said. 'Oh no, what happened to my old Rad?' he asked. 'Reyansh, don't get on my

nerves,' I said. He tickled me, and that was one thing I could least control. I couldn't stop

laughing. 'Finally, you smiled,' he said. 'Gosh, don't behave inappropriately. I am worried if

someone will shoot us again,' I said. 'Why should we care?' he asked. 'You don't care. But I do.

You have so many crazy fans. They will all turn against me. Plus, I am single. I don't want others

to think that I am committed. If I keep on being in the rumors, no guy would dare to date me,' Isaid. 'That's good then,' he said. 'Why? You don't like me dating?' I asked. 'I feel sympathy for

that guy. That's all,' he said. 'Oh, don't be. Because I'll take the best care of him. You don't know

how good I am when it comes to romance,' I said. 'Shaey, so you have been dating so many

guys?' he asked. 'Don't utter nonsense. I didn't mean that,' I replied. 'Oh, it's just your

imagination,' he said. 'I am already fed up with you. I am leaving, alright?' I said. I walked

forward. But he grabbed my bag, saying not to go yet. He forced me towards him, and that

scene would have looked like a back hug to any third person. My heart started acting up.

'Reyansh, what the heck are you doing?' I asked. 'Why? Does your heart beat faster? Or do you

feel butterflies in your stomach?' he asked. 'Butterflies...? My ass,' I said, kicking him.

I walked to my classroom, and everyone was staring at me like I was a celebrity. Still, I

managed to walk forward. 'Rad, did you meet him today?' my friends asked. 'Yes, and he

irritated me,' I said. 'Aww, so cute,' Lakshmi said. 'No, not at all,' I replied, and they laughed. 'By

the way, did you ask him about how he managed to remove the video?' Ashna asked. 'Oh, I

forgot,' I said. 'Oh sh*t, you should have,' she said. 'Actually, his post made that video less

important. So that person might have thought to remove it himself, right?' Lakshmi asked. 'No

way, it won't be that easy when he dared to go that far by posting the video,' Ashna said, and I

agreed with that.

Our teacher came in, but we continued the discussion without taking notes. None of us

listened either. She caught us. We were sent out. We couldn't be any happier, because that was

a golden opportunity to discuss everything. 'Text him, asking what he did to remove the video,'

Lakshmi said. I was reluctant, but I still did it because I was very curious to know that. He was

not online. We decided to go to the ladies' waiting room so that we could sit and discuss. As it

was the first hour, the room was empty. We were talking, and suddenly, the cleaning aunt from

that day showed up. She changed into her uniform and left the room for work. She placed her

bag on the table, and the zip was open. 'Look at that,' I said. 'What?' they asked. 'I guess that's

my bottle, the lost bottle,' I said. 'Don't simply assume; it might be a different one,' Ashna said.

'I don't think so. Is it okay if I check it thoroughly?' I asked them. 'It's not good to go through

someone's thing, but considering the situation, I guess it's fine,' Lakshmi said. 'Totally fine,'

Ashna said, and I laughed upon hearing her tone. 'We'll stand near the door so that no one

comes in. You can check it clearly then,' Lakshmi said. We made a deal like that, and I went

through her bag. It was my bottle, for sure. The brand, the color, the shape, and moreover,

there was a black dot on the base, which accidentally happened when I was playing with the

marker in the classroom. That would be too much of a coincidence if it was not my bottle. Both

of them also agreed. 'You should ask her about this,' Lakshmi said. 'Such a thief! And she acted

like she was not aware of anything,' Ashna commented. 'Rad, you can take it with you. She

wouldn't mind, because she's not the real owner,' Ashna added. 'Hey, that's not good. Then

what's the difference between her and us? Let's leave it. If she wants it that much, let her take

it. I'll buy another one,' I said. 'If you say so, let's leave it,' Lakshmi said, and Ashna nodded her

head as if she agreed to that.

I was checking my phone randomly, and I saw that he replied. 'Hey, I got a new message

from him,' I said. 'Check it, check it,' they said curiously. 'Beneath the Golden Chain,' I read it

out. 'What?' they asked aloud. 'That's what he said. I don't know what he meant,' I told them.

'This boy is so hard,' Ashna said. 'Ask him what does he mean? Continue the conversation

before he goes offline,' Lakshmi advised. 'No, don't ask him anything. If that's something

everyone knows, and if it is just us who don't know, that would be so bad, right? So let's Google

it first,' Ashna suggested. 'Let's do that,' I replied. 'Does this have anything to do with gold?

Images of gold chains and necklaces are showing up,' Lakshmi said. 'No, no. This is it; I got it.

This yellow tree, this is the golden chain,' I said, showing them the image of a laburnum tree.

'Oh, now I get it. The golden chain tree! Why didn't we think of it at first?' Ashna asked. 'Well, if

you ask like that, to be honest, I was not aware that this tree was also called the golden chain,'

Lakshmi said. They both looked at me, and I was like, 'What?' I knew that they were waiting for

my explanation. 'Well, I was not even aware that there was a tree like this,' I told them, and they

were surprised.

'Wait. We are going off-topic. He texted that, and what? What does he mean?' Ashna

asked. 'That's true. I'll ask him,' I replied. I gave him a question mark. He didn't reply, even

though he was online. 'What next?' We had no idea. We looked at each other confusingly, and

then some seniors came into the room. 'That senior, she's in my bus. How about I ask her?'

Ashna asked. 'Sure,' we both replied. 'Anu, do we have a golden chain tree on campus?' she

asked. 'Yes, we do. But people rarely go there these days,' she said. 'Why?' Ashna asked. We

were curious too, on hearing that. 'Two years ago, something unusual happened there. A group

of three students went in deep to take some photos. Actually, everyone used to go there to take

pictures because the area was very beautiful with those flowers and clover-like leaves on the

ground. But that day, one of them became unconscious, and the other two screamed for help.

Later, she ended up in a coma. It was found that she was already a COPD patient. And one or

two unripe berries were found inside her belly, which made her vomit blood and all, ending up

critical. Laburnum is very poisonous, and as she was already weak, she couldn't survive. After

that, nobody dared to go there, except a few. You know, her memories will rush into our minds,

and we'll suddenly feel sick. Maybe it's all inside our heads. But I am someone who's extra

cautious. So I never went that way after this incident. But to be honest, it's okay as long as you

don't eat the seed, berries, or flowers,' she said. 'Oh. Okay. So, which way?' Ashna asked her.

'You have to take a left from the canteen,' she replied. We stood up from our seats and walked

straight to the canteen.

The smell of brewed coffee made us pause. 'How about coffee?' I asked because I

couldn't control myself. Three of us were coffee lovers, so we decided to have a cup of coffee.

As we were waiting for coffee, I clicked a few pictures, and meanwhile, we heard the bell. But

we decided to skip the next hour too.

We took the left. The area was so silent. 'Are you sure this is safe?' Lakshmi asked. 'Don't

worry, nothing will happen. Let's run if we encounter anything strange,' Ashna said. We walked

straight. The path was more like a muddy road. But a few minutes later, we heard a 'there,

there,' from Lakshmi. 'What happened?' we asked. 'Look down; it's this yellow flower,' she

paused. 'Oh, right. So the tree must be here somewhere,' Ashna said. The path ahead was so

beautiful, with flowers from the golden chain tree. I felt sorry for that girl. She might not have

thought that this beautiful tree would betray her. 'Just go, go forward. We'll wait here.

Otherwise, he'll feel like we are prying into your privacy,' Ashna said, and we laughed.

I walked forward and saw the tree. The big and beautiful yellow magic. I felt like I was

entering a wonderland like Alice. There was a small, hut-like structure beneath the tree. It

looked shabby. I walked forward and saw him sitting in front of that. 'Reyansh? You really scared

me. What are you doing here?' I asked him. 'Oh, Rad. You are not as stupid as I thought. You

really came all the way here,' he said. 'Hey! Stop joking,' I warned him. 'Or else...? What would

you do? We are far away from the crowd. No matter what I do, you can't run away from me,' he

said. 'Reyansh, don't talk to me like a pervert. I don't like it,' I said. 'Come on, why are you

getting serious? I was just kidding,' he replied. 'There are things that you shouldn't joke with.

This is one of those things,' I said. 'I am sorry. My mistake,' he said. 'And don't think I came all

the way here alone. I have brought guards with me,' I said. 'Don't tell me you brought those two

girls here also,' he said. I smiled. 'Oh, Rad. Why won't you give us some privacy?' he asked.

'Again! Don't talk to me like that. They are my friends. They have manners. They are just waiting

over there, many meters away,' I said, pointing in the direction they were standing.

'What's this? A hut!?' I asked him confusingly. 'I made this. When I came here, it was just

an empty spot. I collected that wood, grass, leaves, etc. and made it up. 'You did the decoration

too?' I asked curiously, seeing the lights and crafts around. 'Of course. Who else would dare to

come here?' he questioned me. 'Why aren't you afraid?' I asked him. 'Everyone is scared of the

girl who ended up in the death bed because of this place. They're all afraid that she'll scare

them away if they come here. She was an important person to me. I am sure she will never hurt

me,' he said. I was shocked to hear that. 'Your important person? Were you dating her?' I asked.

'No, Rad. I never dated anyone in my entire life. Whenever someone confessed their feelings to

me, I always thought of that high school girl who had feelings for me back then. Somehow, I

ended up saying no to everyone. This important person was my sister,' he said. 'You had a

sister?' I asked. 'Not one, two. I had two older sisters, and it became one now,' he replied. 'What

does your other sister do?' I asked. 'You'll throw me away if I say that,' he said. 'Why?' I was

curious. 'Because she studies here,' he replied, and that was a shock. 'Seriously? Your sister

studies here?' I asked again. 'Yes, Rad. She is a student here,' he said. 'I see. I hope to see her

someday,' I said. 'Sure,' he said with a smirky face.

'Well, we are going off topic. Give me the explanation. Why did you ask me here,

beneath the golden chain?' I asked him. 'You wanted to know about how I managed to deletethe video, right?' he asked. 'Of course. Otherwise, I wouldn't have dared to come here,' I

replied. 'The thing is, I cannot reveal the whole story. But I'll give you an outline. A girl shot this

video. She sent it to that Instagram page. One of the admins of that page is your dear hater. He

blindly considered sharing it. Otherwise also, they would have done the same, because that's

why they opened that page. I asked my techie friend to hack into this account. It was a piece of

cake for him, but he took my 1,000 bugs. After going through the messages in their group chat,

it was easy for me to catch the culprit. Thankfully, I had a video clip of him behaving badly in a

nearby pub. I sent it to that page with a note that I'll publish this video in my account if they

don't remove our video, that's all. Except for the money I spent on him, everything else was

easy. The video got removed within seconds,' he said. 'Thank you so much,' I told him. 'That's

all?' he asked. 'Then what? I'll give that 1000 too,' I said. 'Hey. I didn't mean that. Something

else,' he said. 'Reyansh, speak nicely to me,' I said angrily. 'Hey, what are you thinking? I just

meant snacks, food, or something like that,' he replied. 'Oh, that?' I asked him with an

embarrassed face. 'Yes. Don't overthink. It's not the time for that,' he said. And it was kind of


'So, do you often come here?' I asked him. 'Yes, this is my happy place,' he said. 'It's

quite good. Calm and cute. The positive vibes here are good, filled with the sounds of birds and

streams and the smell of flowers and leaves. It feels like I am far away, like somewhere in the

countryside. I never thought I could be this happy sitting inside a hut,' I said. 'Haven't you heard

that a happy hut is better than a gloomy castle? No matter where you live, happiness is what

matters,' he said. I felt the same. We talked for a while. A happy conversation inside a happy

hut. I suddenly thought of my friends. I rushed back. They were waiting to hear everything.