
Beneath the Betrayal

Da-Eun was driven by an unrelenting hunger to reclaim the legacy her mother had painstakingly built, wresting it from the clutches of the very people who had betrayed them, even using the most talented and rich man in the tech industry to attain her goals. But in the blink of an eye, tragedy struck, shattering her world in the span of a mere week. She didn’t even have the will to fight back. Now faced with an uncertain future, Da-Eun stands at a crossroads. Will she summon the courage to grant second chances, allowing love to mend what's broken? Or will she, for the first time, consider letting go of the promise she once shared with her mother? In a tale of ambition, betrayal, and the power of redemption, Da-Eun must navigate the intricate web of her heart's desires and the legacy she's been entrusted with, forging a path toward a future she can finally call her own.

redroui · วัยรุ่น
11 Chs

New Neighbor

Three years had flown by, and Da-Eun proudly walked across the stage to receive her Bachelor of Science degree in Health Sciences, earning the prestigious title of summa cum laude in her graduating class.

The countless hours she had spent buried in books at the library, and diligently attending those expensive review centers had finally paid off, paving her way into medical school.

Adding to the credits of her success, she's very thankful for Gong Do-yun's handsome presence which inspired her most of the time. Although their interactions are only limited to a friendly nod and inquiries at the library, Da-Eun is completely satisfied.

With this new chapter in her life, Da-Eun bid farewell to the expensive dormitory that had housed her during her undergraduate years. The price of the rent was not worth it but she was still happy that she didn't have any annoying dormmates. Thanks to her mother's flourishing success and reputation, her mother bought her a luxurious apartment in one of Seoul's towering skyscrapers.

Initially, Da-Eun had been concerned about her mother's extravagant spending, but her mom's unwavering pride and love for her only daughter outweighed any financial concerns.

Her mother's company, Lunaria Cosmetics, has not only entered the top ten earners in makeup and skincare, generating billions of won, but it has also gained popularity overseas thanks to the new idol Ji-a's rising fame. Da-Eun takes immense pride in her mother's accomplishments, recognizing her business foresight as almost prophetic.

Despite the numerous positive developments in her academic life and her mother's professional life, Da-Eun's father, unfortunately, finds himself embroiled in a scandal with another businesswoman. While Da-Eun would prefer not to engage or concern herself with the matter, it's evident that her parent's marriage is deteriorating and she is definitely worried.

"Just disregard anything related to your father. I'm not sure what got into him, but you should concentrate on your studies, and I'll handle the company," Da-Eun listened attentively to her mother's advice through her mobile phone. She had called her mother after receiving a message from her mother's secretary, notifying her of her mother's absence this weekend.

Da-Eun couldn't return home this weekend as her mother was out of the country, leaving her alone with her father. Given the ongoing turmoil he had sparked, it felt awkward spending time with him. Da-Eun's loyalty leaned heavily toward her mother, and her father's actions weren't helping mend the situation.

"When will you be back?" Da-Eun asked just to extend her call.

"I'll be back in five days or longer. There are a lot of new foreign investors interested in K-beauty products and beauty devices. There are a lot of negotiations from their end so I need to focus on this. If your father started some crap, just ignore him." her mother may not show it through the call but she's very much worried about her daughter who is pressured by both academics and family issues. She thought that she should definitely bring back good results and something nice to eat for her precious daughter.

The mother-and-daughter duo spent another 30 minutes chatting until they ended the call. Da-Eun looked around her luxurious apartment. Her mother put a lot of effort into making her life so comfortable and rich, she should pay her back by listening and obeying her.

Sighing, she took her phone and went to search for a good restaurant nearby to eat her dinner. She had been studying and worrying so much a while ago that she only felt the hunger now.

Changing her clothes to comfortable and casual wear that wouldn't tarnish her pristine reputation, Da-Eun decided to eat in an Italian restaurant. It's actually a cafe but they started offering heavy meals.

The place has a lot of couples dining and Da-Eun enjoys people watching while she waits for her meal. Suddenly, her gaze caught the figure of Gong Do-yun. He seems to be on a date with a pretty girl.

Da-Eun tries to focus her eyes on the lucky lady. For some reason, the girl is very familiar. She doesn't remember where she had seen her but she was sure she had seen her before.

Her meal finally came and she removed her attention on them. Although she likes Do-yun very much, her heart is pretty much used to seeing Do-yun with different women. During the duration of being in the same year as him, she had seen him date different girls.

Da-Eun's mother was of both American and Korean descent, while her father possessed the rugged features of an action star. She inherited several Western traits from her mother, such as her naturally fair skin and striking hazel-brown eyes. Additionally, she took after her father's tall, slender nose. She also has a height of 173 centimeters. Because of her looks and the way she confidently carries herself, her colleagues crowned her as the belle of the Health Science department. However, other departments had girls who were more charismatic, prettier, and more eloquent in the dating scene, and this caught Do-yun's attention. But she's also at fault that she wasn't able to date him. Da-Eun was not the type to initiate a romantic connection, and she had promised herself that she would not date until she entered medical school.

Thankfully, she only liked his face and not his whole being. So it doesn't hurt that much whenever he gets a new lover. It's just a crush, she told herself countless times.

After enjoying her meal, she quickly returned home and finally texted her dad, informing him that she wouldn't be coming home for the weekend. Her message served as a warning, conveying her upset feelings and her desire to avoid seeing him.

Her father promptly responded with, "I understand. Make sure to eat healthy meals while you're in your apartment. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

As she read his response, Da-Eun felt conflicted and unsure about how to handle her relationship with her father. Despite the current tension, he still cared about her and often treated her to father-daughter outings. She couldn't deny the substantial support he had provided, assisting with her mother's bills when it came to the hefty tuition fees for her education, securing her spots in those prestigious schools that cost an arm and a leg, and showering her with expensive gifts from his overseas trips. This inner conflict left her with a lingering sense of guilt for her recent behavior. Nevertheless, Da-Eun reassured herself that her emotions were understandable given the circumstances.

Feeling both strange and annoyed, she decided to head out again to buy something from the convenience store downstairs. As soon as she opened her front door, she found her new neighbor, who lived in the unit next to hers, standing in front of her door with several heavy boxes.

Their eyes met, and both of them were taken aback by the unexpected encounter.

"Gong Do-yun!"

"The library girl."