
Beneath the Betrayal

Da-Eun was driven by an unrelenting hunger to reclaim the legacy her mother had painstakingly built, wresting it from the clutches of the very people who had betrayed them, even using the most talented and rich man in the tech industry to attain her goals. But in the blink of an eye, tragedy struck, shattering her world in the span of a mere week. She didn’t even have the will to fight back. Now faced with an uncertain future, Da-Eun stands at a crossroads. Will she summon the courage to grant second chances, allowing love to mend what's broken? Or will she, for the first time, consider letting go of the promise she once shared with her mother? In a tale of ambition, betrayal, and the power of redemption, Da-Eun must navigate the intricate web of her heart's desires and the legacy she's been entrusted with, forging a path toward a future she can finally call her own.

redroui · วัยรุ่น
11 Chs

He Knows Her Name

The end of the fall weather brought a crispness that was painful on the skin. Da-Eun wanted to maintain her style, but the biting cold forced her into oversized clothing for warmth. Despite her slender frame, even a slight temperature drop made her feel as though she might get frostbite. It wasn't even winter yet, and she was struggling to tolerate the cold.

In a hurry to find a café and warm up, she nearly collided with someone as she pushed open the café door. It was the usual sight: Do-yun with his sleek hair and sharp suit, accompanied by the strong scent of men's cologne. Do-yun reached out and steadied Da-Eun, preventing her from stumbling.

"Take it easy," Do-yun's deep, masculine voice was close to her ear.

"Goodness, thank you for helping me," she said with an apologetic smile, though her cheeks were growing warmer. She wasn't sure if it was due to the near fall or if her heart was conspiring to embarrass her. She hoped her blush wasn't too obvious.

Do-yun released her shoulder, giving it a reassuring pat before putting his hands in his pockets. "Be careful, the floors are starting to freeze," he cautioned before walking away, trailed by an assistant or secretary holding six takeout coffees, struggling to keep up with his long strides.

From her perspective, Do-yun appeared to be an exceedingly busy person. He always seemed to be in a hurry, moving swiftly. During those times in the library, he was often hunched over his schoolwork, typing away on his laptop. Yet, he proved to be a great multitasker, managing to juggle a few girlfriends despite his hectic schedule.

Shifting her thoughts away from her handsome neighbor, Da-Eun placed her order and found a comfortable spot to settle down for a while. Lost in her thoughts, her mind wandered back to Do-yun, and she couldn't help but notice that he had never called her by her name. They frequently bumped into each other in the morning while waiting for the elevator, but their exchanges were brief. During longer conversations, she would call out his name, but he never reciprocated.

"Could it be that we've been neighbors for months, yet he still doesn't know my name?" she pondered, a wave of embarrassment washing over her. She hadn't mentioned her name to him at any point. Even when they were classmates and spent time in the library, there had been no opportunity for her to introduce herself. Realizing this, she reluctantly concluded that she wasn't very skilled at flirting.

Feeling a bit down, Da-Eun contemplated various strategies to make sure Do-yun learned her name. However, as a few days passed and her studies intensified due to a sudden surge in coursework and review sessions, she gradually forgot about her plans. The idea of making sure Do-yun knew her name or finding a boyfriend in med school took a backseat as she became engrossed in her studies.

"I don't want to study anymore. I just want to sleep," Min-ji complained yet again as she stayed over at Da-Eun's place. It was exam week, and the duo was doing their best to stay awake. Da-Eun had no trouble with her reviewing routine, but Min-ji was having a hard time coping.

Min-ji is currently worried over the exams and her boyfriend. He had recently decided to enlist in the army, and now she was left feeling anxious about the prospect of a long-distance relationship. 

She's worried that their clingy nature might not fare well in the world of long-distance love. There were unsettling rumors about couples breaking up when their partners entered the military, and Min-ji had been reading numerous forum posts on the topic, which only fueled her fears.

In South Korea, there's a mandatory military service requirement for all young adult males aged 18 to 28, designed to ensure the country's defense preparedness, given the ongoing tensions with North Korea. 

Min-ji's boyfriend, Myeong Kwang-sun, was just a year older than them, having celebrated his 23rd birthday a few weeks ago. After he graduated with a Business Administration degree, he had been working part-time as a tutor for a year, saving up and waiting for the right moment to enlist. His plan was to find a regular job in corporate once his military service was completed.

Ever-loyal Da-Eun did her best to support her friend through comforting meals and offered her luxurious unit as a place to study and find solace. She didn't offer relationship advice because she had never been in one herself.

Min-ji's curiosity got the better of her as she glanced around Da-Eun's opulent living space. Massive bookshelves filled to the brim, a prominent skeleton model, and a whiteboard on wheels all revealed the essence of the place's owner—a dedicated bookworm and future doctor.

"Why don't you have a boyfriend, Da-Eun? With your looks, popularity, wealth, and approachable nature, you could have anyone you want. Are you planning to become a saint?" Min-ji's inquisitiveness never ceased to amuse Da-Eun.

A glint of playfulness momentarily appeared in Da-Eun's eyes as she said, "My dear Min-ji, have you ever considered that I might be interested in you?"

Min-ji was taken aback by the sudden question but quickly chuckled, "Oh, I see. I'm sorry, but I'm already taken."

"Yeah, too bad."

Min-ji couldn't help but laugh at Da-Eun's seemingly serious face. "This girl is crazy. Do you want to be my side chick?"

After a few seconds of trying to fool Min-ji, Da-Eun burst into hearty laughter. "Will you give me a chance?"

"I'm not the kind of person to have a side piece, Da-Eun. I believe in loyalty and faithfulness. I'm not that type of scum."

Both girls shared a laugh at their own jokes. In their department, there had actually been a rumor that the belle of Health Science might have an interest in women. Da-Eun had never confirmed or denied it, even encouraging the idea that she might consider dating women.

Truth be told, she was open to the idea but not particularly interested in dating anyone, regardless of gender. So far, Gong Do-yun was her only official crush, the person who truly captured her attention. However, she had no plans to pursue him.

At this point, she might just marry her books and career.

Finally, the exhausting week of exams had come to an end, and now, burnt-out students were ready to unwind and celebrate.

Min-ji had eagerly awaited this moment as a well-deserved reward after pushing her brain to its limits. On the other hand, Da-Eun had breezed through her exams and had been counting down the days until she could join her friends for a night of karaoke.

Unlike students from other departments who often indulged in free-flowing booze, the medical school students preferred a more moderate approach. They celebrated, enjoyed some drinks, sang their hearts out, socialized, and then headed home early.

After a few rounds of drinks and songs, the entire group of medical students decided to call it a night and headed their separate ways.

Da-Eun's apartment building was just a 20-minute walk away. Strangely, despite the alcohol she had consumed earlier, she felt completely sober as she strolled down the well-lit corridor.

However, as she approached her unit's door, she was surprised to find a handsome man standing there, wearing a perplexed expression while inspecting a small item. He appeared to be quite agitated.

"Gong Do-yun?" Da-Eun asked in confusion.

Do-yun shifted his attention to her and replied, "Miss Choi Da-Eun, it appears you've acquired a stalker." He then showed her the small item he had been examining with such seriousness.

A wave of confusion and anxiety washed over Da-Eun as she observed the small flower sticker. "W-what is this?" she stammered.

"I'm just 10 minutes earlier than you when I saw some uniformed guy loitering around outside your unit. When he saw me, he quickly left and went directly to the fire exit," Do-yun explained. "Given the nature of my work, I'm familiar with such things, so I immediately noticed this micro camera attached to your door's handle. It seems he wants to know the pin for your door."

Da-Eun was shocked to learn the true purpose of the small item. She couldn't believe that something as innocent-looking as a sticker could conceal a camera.

"Really? This is a camera? My goodness, I don't remember meeting anyone who would do such a thing," Da-Eun replied, her unease growing as she realized she might have a stalker.

"I advise you to report this to your family first, and then inform the apartment's administration and security. If they tell you there's no CCTV available, call me and let me know. I'll help you. Also, make sure to check inside; he might have planted something else," Do-yun reassured her, handing her his business card.

Da-Eun expressed her gratitude multiple times, though her smile was tainted with worry. She was too anxious to notice that Do-yun actually knew her name.