
Beneath a Golden Moon

Standing beneath a golden moon, oh how does it let you see, how worthless you are. What does it take to break a man, to destroy them inside and out? What is the snapping point, where do you draw the line? What do you do when you have a goal so ambitious that you throw away your humanity to achieve it? These are the questions that will be answered with time, for you see, time will tell, as it always does. --- Authors note : The synopsis was a little vague so I will explain what you can expect to find if you decide to read my novel. I dislike romance and love stories, so expect none of that. I also dislike buddy buddy characters, so sadly no sidekick. Just for the record, I am aiming to create a REAL villain, none of that stuff where the villain actually turns out to be nice. There will be gore, notions of violence, trauma, and tragedy. I want a story that will make you feel, I want a dark story. Hopefully, I can provide that to you. Also, I cannot promise a consistent schedule of chapters, my schedule is very sporadic and often wack, so sorry if you wait days or weeks for one chapter. I can at least promise one a week, hopefully. **READ AT YOUR OWN RISK**

Rogue_Dies · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Bow Down

This is bad. I never expected the damage would've been that significant. This posed a problem for my goal, how could I reach the top if I can't even walk? Prosthetics and medicine to fix my limbs exist, but I simply don't have the money to receive either right now. For the short term then I should focus on getting money. The same issue applied to my nerves, there were solutions, but for a cost. So making money made the only kind of sense to me right now, having full control over my body was necessary.

That begs the question though, how could I make money? The easiest way would be to get a job, unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to finish my schooling, and now that I was crippled I doubt I could even find an employer, although there was one thing I could do...

I figured in order to achieve what I wanted in the shortest amount of time I should contact the Scalzetti's. I didn't want to bet on it, but I figured that girl must've been the daughter of someone important in the family. And just maybe I could exploit them for it, I could possibly ask for a job or even money.

Coming up with my plan I asked the doctor another question, I signaled and he handed me the clipboard again.

'Can you contact the Scalzetti's?'

Handing the clipboard back to the doctor he could only look at me with shock on his face. It made sense why he would act this way though, not anyone could just talk to them willy-nilly. Maybe I could though, at least I was betting on it.

"Actually they wanted to be notified when you woke up, in fact, they've already been notified and someone is on the way to greet you now."

This surprised me, it made no sense why they would go to great lengths just for me. I'm starting to think that little girl really was more important than I thought, even if I saved someone's daughter they wouldn't do this much for a person that was basically dead. Speaking of... I didn't know how long I was in that darkness for.

Asking for the clipboard again I asked another question.

'How long was I in that comatose state for.'

The doctors' expression paled a little bit, "763 days, or just over two years.".

Two whole years? Goodness, that means I am... What? 17 years old? It could've been a lot worse though, I could've been under for a decade, I should be lucky I got away with just that. Although there was this sour taste in my mouth. I felt angered two whole years got taken from me, I felt a whole lot worse just thinking of how much I could've gotten done with those two years.

Whatever though, It just meant I needed to work harder to make up for those lost years.

While I was in my own train of thought the doctor kept looking around the room and glancing at the watch on his wrist, just from looking at him I could tell that he was anxious. He also kept looking back at the door, it made me wonder what had him so worried.

That being said, I needed to think of what I was going to do once I actually met the Scalzetti's, I had a goal, but how could I implement it?


\ Change in perspective \

My, what time is it even?

5:30 PM!

Goodness, this is way past my schedule, why did this have to happen on all days of today? Nothing was supposed to change, so why did today change? Those are rhetorical questions though, it was all because of him.

It was just supposed to be like any other day, but because of him I had to go overboard, I had to actually care about my work. Goodness, saying that out loud makes it seem like I have a grudge against him. He really wasn't supposed to wake up today though, he should be dead.

Just looking at his charts showed how unrecoverable his injuries were. It was truly a miracle that he was even alive to begin with, he should've died way earlier... Maybe that's what it was, he was a miracle. If I think of it that way then that explains this abnormal day.

Yes, that's it, he's a blessing. It was a sign that I was on the right path.

( Quotations surrounded by the * symbol now represent noises or sounds )


SNAP OUT OF IT! What are you thinking, just get back to work, you can think of that later. I shouldn't have slapped myself though, my cheeks hurt now.

Back to the topic at hand, vitals are stable, the patient looks alright ignoring injuries. Short-term recovery with medication is unlikely to prove helpful. Long-term rehabilitation with medication and physical therapy is likely to have some success. Note that the care needed to fix this degree of injury is expensive.

Will his condition worsen with time? Unlikely, the patient has already reached the limit, even with little work it can't get worse. Mental and long-term health issues are likely. Experimental medication and general degradation might lead to issues: Cancer, Anerism, and Liver failure, All likely. Noted for generic medication and vitamins.

All boxes have been checked for this case, thankfully for something like this, the routine was just like the rest. Next up is handing the patient over to guardians depending on what they choose. Huh, that's odd, no distant relatives or alive guardians. Only one contact, listed as providers, the Scalzetti's, they've already been informed though. In response to this, wait for them.

What to do now? Get papers ready and get a wheelchair for transport, looking at the chart shows the most expensive model should be used, noted.

Overall prognosis, with enough help, the patient can make a full recovery. Good, that is now written down.


Me and the doctor just sat in silence until we heard footsteps behind the door. During the time we were waiting the doctor seemed to go into a haze, at one point he even slapped himself, what a psycho.

We were both slightly startled when we heard the footsteps, the doctor even more so, he made sure to straighten out his glasses and suit as he turned to face the door.

And as if the whole thing was timed, as soon as the doctor finished straightening up the door opened wide leading the way for three strangers to walk in.

Two of the three strangers entered first, they wore straight-looking suits, one wore sunglasses, they were both on the smaller side of frames, they could even be described as scrawny, and the one without any sunglass had slicked-back hair. My first thought was bodyguards, but they didn't seem to fit the bill from what I knew. Once the two 'bodyguards' walked in they took two steps to the side and stood still, while the last figure that was in the hallway outside stepped in.

It was a small girl, much similar to the one I saw that fated day except much older... Hey. Wait a minute, that is the same girl! The girl from my memories was much smaller than this one now, but they were unmistakeably the same person. Maybe I had gotten the age wrong the first time? Rather than being a little girl, what if she was just a young teen, people do age and look different after all.

She was beautiful though, not jaw-droppingly, but just the right amount to get you to look again if you walked by her without noticing. She walked up to me with a look of confidence on her face, but once she reached my bedside that confidence instantly fell.

She started bawling and crying like a little child as she collapsed next to my bed.

"BAH! I'M... I'm sowwy. GUH! I didn't mean for this to happen to you!"

She sucked in a deep breath of air before she started crying again. The bodyguards looked worried and looked at each other as if asking what to do.

"I Just... I just, *breathe in*, WANTED TO LOOK AT THE WATER. All BECAUSE OF ME! BAWGUGUAH!"

"I'm really sowwy. I made sure you got... got... the, *suck in*, best treatment! BAH gugugugug!"

The doctor could only turn to the young girl and stand motionless, beads of sweat were steadily forming on his forehead. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but could only wait until he was called upon.

I was extremely confused, I think my guess was partially right though, from her attitude it seemed like she was the one that took care of me. Good, she held guilt, I could exploit this.

I grabbed her hand and looked at her gently, "Hey, it's alright, accidents happen". I only realized a moment later, but I was able to talk again. The once limp muscle in my mouth was now able to move completely fine. This confused me as I knew how unresponsive it was just a moment before, the doctor also noticed that I was able to talk fine, which instantly made his face jump between many expressions; mostly amazement, and shock.

Good then, ill need to do even less to get back to normal. Thinking of this for only a moment the young girl turned to look me in the eyes.

"But, but, because of me!"

She seemed like she was about to cry again but I made sure to comfort her more, "This wasn't your fault, you saved me, I wouldn't be here without you". I wanted to make sure she got the idea that she owed me something, but I don't know If I got the message across, not like I ever held much of a conversation with anyone.

She took in another breath of air as she calmed down, but she still looked a moment's breath away from crying again.

I was trying to think of something else to tell her when I had this compulsion to say something I wasn't thinking, it was as if a door opened, I felt something unlock within me. I didn't want to let go of this feeling, I wanted to see what I had just unlocked.

"You owe me."

As those words left my mouth I felt a power within them. As my words reached the girl's ears her attitude changed. And if I wasn't mistaken, her eyes looked a little different than they did a moment ago.

"Yes, I do owe you. I owe you many things."

She was instantly calmed down, and her confidence soon returned to her. The air she walked in with came back as she stood up, the tears already wiped from her eyes. Once she was fully stood up she bowed to me, which instantly made the two bodyguards lunge forward and cringe. They both spoke up "Miss... Are you sure that's a good idea?".

"Yes, I am positive, I owe him my life."

Her head still down, her hair that had fallen down in front of her face closely resembled a brown waterfall. The pose itself ignited something else in me though, yes, this is it I thought, this is just what I wanted. I wanted people to be subservient to me. I wanted people to bow down to me.
