
Character LOOK - Earvin D Sumairu

Earvin D Sumairu

Kid Look - 4-year-old

Earvin has black shaggy hair, round pure black eyes, skinny wore blue shorts with cuts and light blue shirt patched holes all over. A stick and sack around his back. Lump on his right knee.

Teen Look - 14 years-old

Earvin has black shaggy hair, pure black abyss like eyes, and a slim muscular build. Appearing to be scrawny underneath his shirt, he has a surprisingly well-built physique. The hidden sword looks like a cane ( image Kisuke Urahara cane from bleach the same look). Wooden mask with two-hole for eyes and one circular hole for a mouth('o')(something like this-https://depositphotos.com/213425292/stock-photo-wooden-mask-illustration-render.html)wear most of the time when serious wears fox mask-like naruto Anbu mask( https://in.pinterest.com/pin/517491813403286847/). A small sling-like bag carried around all-time containing a bottle of water, emergency food, a small knife, smoke pellets, peeper bombs, a diary, and seastone cuffs.

https://depositphotos.com/213425292/stock-photo-wooden-mask-illustration-render.html-Wooden mask

https://in.pinterest.com/pin/517491813403286847/-naruto Anbu mask

LazyMonkey18creators' thoughts