
Akio's Diary

In East blue, island Saline port. The inner thoughts of a girl written in a diary

~~~~~~~ Akio Diary ~~~~~~~


Dear diary,

Today Earvin gave a diary and told me to write every day. Through don't want too but since Earvin told me so I will do it.

Earvin training is so tough, Earvin told me it will make me strong so I will do it.

I like apples, Earvin cooking and my favorite color is green.

what I hate is Earvin's fake smile and telling me he is okay when he is not. What I HATE MOST IS LIES

This is my first entry plan writing. I will write more in the future. Goodbye for now.

Date XX/XX/15XX

Dear diary,

Today Earvin tried to make me call him brother, of course, I reject it. Earvin says he is Sis-con I don't know what it means though I think he thinks me as a sister which not allowed. I will be his family but not as his sister but as his Wife.

Today Earvin was very bad. I caught him staring a woman breast in town. Which was very bad he can not stare at any woman only me.

I should punish him maybe I won't talk to him anymore, that is too much, right? I now I will tickle him till he cries Yeah that it. He always does it to me.


Date XX/XX/15XX

Dear diary,

Ahhhh Baka Earvin. I could not do it in the end. Today saw Earvin was limping today. I asked him what happened did someone beat him up? This is not the first time

some times he cannot use his hands also. Normally when he has this he would go to the sea in the morning or night when it is cold afterward wrap himself with some bandages. I asked him multiple times but he won't tell me.

All can do is pretend I never saw it.

Earvin is so weak so that why I should be his wife.

I need to become stronger that way he will always need me.

If anyone tries to take him away from me "I WILL KILL HIM ".

P.s- I Hate Earvin

Date XX/XX/15XX

Dear diary,

Today I ate something called Devil fruit it tasted horrible. The whole night my tummy cried.

After that day I can shoot out wood Earvin told ate forest-forest fruit because of that I became a forest girl. Earvin wrote a book for me about my powers. He told I bee as powerful has the first Hokage, I don't know who that is but must strong if Earvin talking about him.

Since I have this power I can protect Earvin better for that price I don't mind being able to swim.

Date XX/XX/15XX

Dear diary,

Today I learned a lot about myself from Earvin's book. How I can speed up the growth of plants or trees.

Now in our yards turned into a beautiful garden with a lot of apple trees before it only had soil and weeds, All because of me.

Earvin praised me a lot. Which made me very happy I want him to praise me even more.

In Earvin's book, he has written I make a house, a boat!!!. If I can make a boat with a boat I can on an Adventure with Earvin and find all the islands in Earvin stories like the island with a giant goldfish, sky island in the sky or below the sea Fish-man island or above it bubble island.

I can not wait for Earvin to take me their islands. Since Earvin does not want to be a pirate so will be explores like Dora the Explorer from Earvin bedtime stories.

P.s- I can make apple trees grow fruit every day


Chapter 8 End