
Chapter 21: A Lead

"My name is Samatha Rollen from WC News." A news reporter stood in front of the partially destroyed NASA Facility.

"Just this evening, NASA was attacked by: Other witness said 'Terrorist in Armor.' Sadly they couldn't identify the details. Yet, one said a Werewolf and a little girl saved his life from a ghost." She gazed into the camera as her eye twitched.

"Sadly, ten bodies were found and now, announce dead. And one of them was a director of NASA, David Clark. May they rest in peace." A screen disappears while everyone from the attack is now in the Autobot's hideout.

Jack was wrapping bandages around Max's wounds with the help of Ralph.

"I knew something wasn't right." Bulkhead rants while Acree cuts in.

"We all did." She stood with her back against the wall: arms crossed.

"Yet how could they pull a fast one on us?!" Bulkhead questioned. "We should've known!!" He shouts, clenching his fist. Metal steps echo, revealing Bee and Optimus entering.

"We all in the same array, Bulkhead. Rational thinking is all we could do." Optimus intervened.

Bulkhead looks to the side while Miko places a hand on his foot.

"I understand, big guy." Will cuts in.

"What happened?" Everyone turned their head to Will pacing around with Gwen and Sunny at his side. "You said you'll help even when Ben should be on watch, but you didn't." He glared up at Optimus. "What stopped you?"

"There was a storm." Optimus continued.

"Purple Lighting just like the trap set up for you. Megatron foot soldiers and second-hand command surrounded us, and we had no other choice to retreat into GroundBridge. As soon we return, Ratchet notifies us of the dangers you, all facing. We came as fast we could." Will sunk this all in while Gwen questioned.

"This purple lighting, you manage to find any leads?" Rachet chimes in.

"Well, as of matter of fact." A holographic screen pulled up a Scientist with a distasted look to him. "I'll say digging this up took some time, but easy none the last. He goes by the name Dr.Vicktor: scientist and former employee of NASA. I found schematics of this weather machine, yet his clear motive is unknown, unless-" Ralph cuts in.

"You find him and crackdown this phenomenon. He might even have the location of your friend." Sunny questioned.

"Wait, you don't know where she's is?"

"Megatron may be all brute, but underestimating him will get you killed." Acree answered her question.

"Beep. Beep." Bee gestured as Ralph smirked.

"He said since Megatron has what he wanted, he's guaranteed you won't have to deal with his foot soldiers." Max sighs as Jack finish bandaging him up.

"It's a relief, yet we should hurry before they moved from their position. I want my Granddaughter back. Do you have eye's on his location?" Max gazed at Ratchet that hummed to himself, looking at the screen of words.

"Conveniently, he lived in a mansion on the outskirt of Wisconsin. Jack." Ratchet begins typing while Jack raises: a brow.

"Huh? Oh, right." Jack jumps out of realization, leaving the room.

"Now, heading there. We don't know; what's there, and you wouldn't want to alert Dr.Viktor your presence. So you would go alone, but not entirely." Jack returns with a case in hand. Will and the Tennysons gazed at him while Jack opened it, revealing eight earbuds. "I'll communicate through those devices and guide you through and through. Consider yourselves lucky since I decided to make those out of a gear feeling." He sighs, looking away from them. "And I was right."

"I appreciate the hospitality, old friend." Optimus nods to Ratchet while he nods back.

"So, who's going?" Jack's eyes land on the four. Will walked up to Jack.

"If it's for a friend." He grabs a bud. "I'm in." Gwen followed up grabbed one.

"She's a doofus, but I'll do anything to get her back." Sunny followed up.

"More fighting equal more Experience." Bulkhead smirk.

"I like her." He comments while Miko kicks his foot. "What?"

Max goes to stand, but Will cuts in.

"You're not going, your much better staying here." Will put in his bud, followed by the two.

"This isn't much." He stood to his feet, grunting under his breath.

"Max, you did so much for me. Trust me, I'll get her back. Even if it's my last breath." Will gave a firm gaze to Max.

"Grandpa..." Gwen gave a reassuring gaze, causing Max to sigh as he sat back down.

"Fine, but you're not going to die. You're stubborn, just like your father." Will gave a soft grin, nodding to him.

The ground bridge opens, gaining everyone's attention.

"The coordinates are set. I can only bring you so close, so you have to bear it." Ratchet announces as Will shifts Blue Runner.

"That has to do." He grabbed Gwen and Sunny under his arms, dashing into the ground bridge, leaving a blue blur.

Dashing through the hall of light, they came at the end. Blue Runner came to a halt causing leaves under his orbs to scatter.

Standing in front of the portal, the forest of autumn stood before them while the half-moon touched the night sky. The portal vanished while Blue runner settled Sunny and Gwen to their feet.

"Ugh, hmm! Oh, god." Sunny stumble until Blue Runner supports her.

"Yeah, I forgot to mention traveling a speed of light can do a number on your head." Gwen nonchalantly, explain causing Sunny to glare up at her.

"Hey, can you hear me?" Ratchet voice chimes from their buds. Gwen answered.

"Loud and clear." They hear Ratchet sigh in relief.

"Good. Go straight ahead: you can't miss it." Blue Runner shifts back to Will as the three-headed in that direction, hearing the leaves crunching under their shoes.

"This is not a practice run, kiddies: no heroic's." Acree states while Will answers, stepping over a branch.

"This is not our first Rodeo, excluding Sunny."

"Ouch." Sunny pretend to cringe.

"Besides, We fought way many aliens and mutants. I couldn't even count. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised in our Teen years we would discover time travel and demi-gods."

"There are studies." Ralph chimes as Optimus follow.

"Language." Miko cuts in.

"Just promise me not to leave me out! I want in!" Will gaze to Sunny and Gwen that shrug.

"Sure?" They heard a quiet 'Sweet' in the background.

"I believe this is enough talk. You should prepare your mind for the upcoming battle." Optimus advised as their coms grew quiet.


Their crunching grew quiet as their foot hit a pathway of dirt.

"This never ends!" Sunny said under his breath, growing annoyed.

"This is a sign. Let's follow it." Gwen comments, causing Sunny to roll her eyes.

"Why not fly? We could stay near ground level."

"As much I like that idea, we can't afford to..." Will trails off going, silent getting, Gwen and Sunny to turning their heads. "Right." He said under his breath.

They grew quiet and the utter to talk was low.

"H-hey, Sun." She turns her head to Will. "I don't think I said anything to you, but thanks."

"What's this about?" She questioned, looking skeptical.

"Saving my life and theirs." He continued getting Gwen attention. "If you think I haven't seen you, you were helping Gwen with a force field yet-"

"What the hell are you a detective?!" Sunny flared her nostrils. "I was doing it, so they owe me! Nothing more, nothing less!" She hissed, walking ahead of them staying, in their line of sight.

Will and Gwen exchanged looks before looking back at Sunny.


The three came to a stop gazing at a wall of concrete.

"You're right on the dot." Ratchet states.

Will shifts Edge while Sunny floats to the wall gazing over it.

"Need a lift?" Edge gazed at Gwen closing her eyes.

"De ump ya to." Gwen whispered, revealing her pink, shimming eyes.

Green vines rise from the leaves and dirt, climbing against the wall aligning themselves into a makeshift ladder.

"Nevermind." Edge leaps grabbing the top of the wall looking over while Gwen joins the three.

"Good thing, it's way out here. It's hideous." Sunny comments.

Before they lay an abandoned Mansion covered in old bark and crack windows. Moss and vines layer all over the house, giving a haunting look while a few lights shimmered through some of the windows.

"Wait, is that..." Gwen comments.

They watch a few of Forever Knights' men roam the front yard.

A circled driveway of rocks is connected near the entrance of the house. A fountain of an angel reaching for the sky was inside the circle, surrounded by a patch of grass.

"Uh, Ratchet?" Edge whispered.

"Yes?" Ratchet respond.

"Is there any chance Dr.Viktor, working with the Forever Knights?"

"Give me one moment." They hear typing until it stops. "Hmm."

"What is it?" Edge raises a non-exist brow resting his sharpened teeth apart from his jaw.

"Well, yes, but actually no." Gwen and Sunny gaze at Edge dumbfound.

"It's a yes or no." Sunny butts in while Ratchets: continued.

"If you let me finish, you'll get your answer sooner." Gwen glared at Sunny that ignored her gaze. "Thank you. Anyway, he works under the Forever Knights in his early twenties...until now. He has a heavy sum on his head. Yet, that doesn't make sense. Is there any in his perimeter?"

"Quite a few, as a matter of fact." Gwen states while Jack cuts in.

"Maybe he gathered quite a following."

"Well, this can wait for another time." Edge states gazing at the knights.

"Since this an interrogation mission, it's best if we can slip in and out." Gwen states her opinion. Sunny cursed under her breath. "Will." Edge gazed at Gwen. "Using Big Chill will give us an advantage. Can you scout ahead for a possible entrance?"

"How about you guys? I don't like the idea of splitting up." Gwen pulls out Charmcaster's book of spells from her back pocket.

"I have a gut feeling I'll find something. Go." Gwen begins skimming through the book while Edge shifts Big Chill.

"Just be careful I'll hate to lose you two." Big Chill opens his wings.

"I'm surprised you care." Sunny comments while Big Chill takes to the skies, cloaking.

Big Chill scans the Mansion with a bird-eye view.

"The obvious fact out front is loaded, but the back only has a few. There's a maze you have to get through to go unnoticed. Why does every Mansion in the wilderness have a maze?" He comments.

"Think about that later. We'll go that way." Gwen's voice hummed from his bud as they repositioned themselves outside the wall going through a metal gate outback.

"Wait, a knight ahead!" Big Chill called out, causing Sunny and Gwen to hide to the closest thing: that was a Greenhouse.

A knight stood at the entrance of the Maze scouting, from where he stood.

"Wait, something seems off about him." Sunny comment gains Big Chill's attention. "A matter of fact, they all are. I can't believe I'm noticing this now."

"What is it?" Acree's voice joins their call.

"Darkness shrouds their Mana. I think we should leave them be." The Knight standing guard walked from the maze and away from their line of sight.

"You all clear." Big Chill gave them a head's up as Gwen and Sunny sneaked into the maze.

"You can sense mana?" Gwen whispered.

"I would love to tell you I was self-taught, but that would be a lie." Sunny whispered back as they came to a two-way path. "Hey, Popsicle, where to?" Big Chill study the maze.

"Left." They took it. "On the next, take a right." The two continued without delay. "Oh, shit." Sunny and Gwen come to a halt.

"What is it?!" Gwen questioned while Big Chill eyed a furry beast size of car wandering from the GreenHouse following the tracks of Sunny and Gwen.

"There's no need to panic, but there seems to be a dog following you."

" Hmph. We can take it." Sunny said as the dog stopped at the entrance looking at it.

"No, there's something familiar about it: stay clear from it." The dog continued tracking as Gwen and Sunny picked up the pace. "Keep straight and then right." They did just that as Big Chill eyed a few Knights entering the maze with flashlights in hand. "A few boogies are entering from the exit; listen very carefully.

A knight was heading their way.

"One coming for you're right, take a left." They do so nearly to the exit. "Crap! That dog is hot on your tail, and a Knight got you in a trap!" Gwen and Sunny stopped in a panic.

"Dork, is there anything in that book of yours?!" Sunny questioned as Gwen searched through her book at a wicked pace.

They grew close.

"Gwen, I'm coming down there!" Big Chill called from his bud, but Gwen cut him off.

"Give me a minute!" She hissed under her breath as they grew dangerously close.

The dog wandered in the hall of grass.

Sunny and Gwen stood until a light shines down at it putting it to a halt.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" The dog tilts its head. "Your cuteness may work on half us, but I'm not the one. Come on." He walked up to it grabbing its fur forcing it in the other direction. " I honestly don't know how he put up with you."

"Gwen? Sunny?!" Big Chill gazes around the maze at a loss.

"At the exit." Gwen's voice hums from his bud as Big Chill's eyes land on Sunny and Gwen crouching by a hatch behind the Mansion. "An Illusion spell in case you're wondering." Big Chill lands by the two: wrapping his wings around himself.

"Jeez, you nearly gave me a heart attack." Big Chill's cold breath hits Gwen's face causing her to shiver.

"I told you, I can handle myself." Gwen's lips shivered.

"When you two done flirting, I like not to sit in the middle of the open."

"Right." Gwen and Big Chill state as the three eyes land on the hatch.

Big Chill pulled the hatch, causing it to jump.

"They lock it." He whispered, fazing his head and shoulder through the hatch.

On the other side, darkness invites him. Big Chill unlocks the door from within, letting Gwen and Sunny in. He closes it behind, dwelling in darkness once more until Sunny snaps her fingers. A pink ball of light formed above her head, illuminating the basement.

A Wine collection sat there collecting dust and webbing.

"Well, who knew he has great taste." Sunny comments as Big Chill shifts back to Will.

"Gwen? Sunny? Will?" Max's voice hummed from their buds. "Is everyone alright?"

"We all good, we're in. In fact, we're in the basement." Will answered back as Sunny nonchalantly waved the two to follow. "I was expecting he would be down here."

"I'm glad you three are doing fine." Max sighs in relief as Optimus cuts in.

"What you three are doing is extremely brave." Sunny and the others gaze at a spider roaming by. "Benita must be glad to have you as her allies."

"Who said I'm her ally." Sunny cut in. "I'm here for the thrill."

"You can keep telling yourself that." Bulkhead made himself present. As the pink light reveals, the stairs lead to the top. "Anything coming from you're mouth, I already said billion times at Cybertron. You just don't know it." Sunny ignored Bulkhead experience's speech as they slowly ascend to the old door while the steps creak, echoing their footsteps.

Their breath grew as Sunny listened in on the door.

"No one's here, but I sense Mana upstairs."

"That must be Dr.Viktor." Gwen whispered while Will nodded to Sunny.

She opened the door, causing it to creak. Walking by the decently clean kitchen, they walked into the hallway near the stairs.

Their shoes hit the rose carpet as their eyes land on the empty and torn picture frames. Importantly the boy stood solely by myself as the rest was torn out.

Getting to the steps, the three gazes at each other equipping, their own firepower. Climbing the firm steps, Will took the lead. Each step grew intoxicatingly tense. They climb to the top, following the hall of well-lit candles hanging on the wall.

"Here." Sunny whispered, stopping at a door of peeling old white paint and a rusty nob. "Ready?" She whispered to Gwen and Will.

She nodded while Will was sensing deja vu. Gwen tapped his arm, snapping him out of it. He noticed Gwen and Sunny faces gazing at him. Will nodded, mentally preparing himself.

Sunny cracked the door, revealing Dr.Viktor on the table, studying a few of his projects.

The three quietly entered the room, listening to Dr.Viktor speak under his breath.

"No, that doesn't go there." He scribbles on a notebook. "Hmph!" He slowly leaned back as the children grew hot.

Dr.Viktor set his pencil down.

"Enoch, send more of you." The children came to a halt. "You have seen the others. You're a fool if you think you could kill me." He glances back, staggering, noticing the children. "Is this his idea of a joke?" He spat as Will shifted Edge approaching him.

"I'm not much of a clown, but you're gonna provide us information." He reached out to grab his face, but his hand froze.

"Hey, quit stalling." Sunny stated while Edge's inky hand shook.

'Edge!' Will roar within his mind as Dr.Viktor grew a wicked smile.

'I'm doing nothing!' Edge roared back.

Sharp black claws revealed themselves around Edge's wrist, purple skin rose: revealing a feminine figure and a forehead where a jaw is supposed to be.

A dry red eye stared daggers back at Edge reflective ones.

Her nasty teeth were the last of it.

"Glad to see you again, boy." Ghostfreak voice wisps as Edge and Gwen stagger. "Surprised? Last time we met, YOU SCRAMBLE MY MIND!" She spat as her voice went distorted. "But, I should thank you. That bright lord of yours gave me something I want...power."

She hurls Edge through the wall causing him to crash through the door: they went through. He crashes through the hall wall and outside.

"AAAAH!!" He crashes into the grass with debris surrounding him until rolling to his feet. Posing like a spider while GhostFreak floats through the hole in the wall with her arms stretched.

"I want to rule this world, but What the fun in that?!" She shouts, giving Edge crazy eyes.

The knights from before stood by her side while GhostFreak continued.

"THIS WORLD IS GOING TO HELL SOON!! I WANT TO CAUSE AS MUCH CHAOS BEFORE THAT!!!" Her red eye hasn't left his. "With the girl out the way, and I bet Megatron killed her as we speak." Edge growls, letting GhostFreak continue. "Meaning, you're my last hurdle."

The Knights charge while two Pyro Knight ignites their power.

'I don't think I can take them all!' Will shout in his mind.

'Focus on the fight!' Edge demanded.

The Knight grew striking distance.

Edge evade a slash, hooking the slasher to the ground. He corkscrew flip kicking another.

"AH!" A Knight shouts down, slashing Edge that back-spring shooting black ink onto his helmet blinding him.

The Knight slashes at Edge blindspot, but Edge flipped from his attack.

'WILL!!' Edge shiek but it was too late. A fireball hit him dead to the chest, causing him to crash on the grass.

"HAAAAH!!! HAAAH!!!" Will screams, and Edge screech howl the night.

"Nice shot!" A Knight comments while another charge with an Energy blade in hand.

"GET HIM WHILE HE'S DOWN!!" He leaps, going for a stab, but Edge's leg stretches, kicking him onto his back.

His stretch leg returned as he spun on the grass with another leg stretch tripping all Oportuntitnist. Edge kicks to his feet and backflips, getting distances from the cannon fodder.

A huge hole was present through his chest slowly, the symbiote regenerated.

'I can't take another hit like that!!!' Edge gazed at the pyro knights changing their tact.

"It's scared! Men standby! " The two Pyro Knight boost his way. Edge goes to move, but it only staggered back.

'Come on, Edge! I believe in you!' Will shouts as they grow closer. 'THERE CLOWNING YOUR ASS, YOU DAMN PARASITE!!!'

"PARASITE?!!!" Edge roared. Growing twice and bulkier than this size. In a matter of seconds, towering over everyone, he slams his arms against the ground, causing dirt and grass from underneath them to explode: blinding the two Pyros.

One roll across the ground before crashing against the wall while another roll across the grass, leaving a flame trail.

Edge roared at the cannon-fodder, causing them to retreat.

"You sure know how to get under my skin." Ghostfreak glared before a huge man crashed from Dr. Viktor's house with the dog before trying to bite at him, yet its eyes were shimmering pink energy.

"You aggravating mutt!" Electricity course through the dog as it gave a familiar roar.

"BEN?!" Edge shouts, racing to the two.

The dog flew from Dr.Viktor, crashing on the ground shaking. Edge got a better look at it; it was Wildmutt, but its skin was darker shaded orange, and the emblem of the forever Knight was crested on its shoulder.

"Since this mutt is out of condition, we can get back to the fun.~" Sunny in alien form float from the house, while Gwen cast a spell from the hole of the wall Edge, crashed through earlier sliding down a vine of grass: touching ground level with the others.

"Master!" Dr.Viktor called to GhostFreak. "Let's take them on together!" He called for her aid. "Nothing can defeat your divine power!"

GhostFreak dashes into the body of Dr.Viktor, causing him to shake until he opens his red eyes, giving a wicked grin.

"When others can't do it for you." He punches his knuckles together, spewing electricity from the impact. "You're going to have to do it yourself."

"Quit spitting, and let's dance!" Sunny shot a beam as Dr.Viktor tank the shot and blasts a current of electricity at her, yet she dodges in a nick of time as it touches the night sky.

Edge in his brute form charges at Dr. Viktor's blindspot.

He goes to strike, but Dr. Viktor spun on his feet, clocking Edge against his jaw. Edge flew until sliding against the ground.

'I don't think I could do much!' Edge sat up as it happened: his fangs were chipped while his jaw was snapped to the side. He instantly regenerated, watching Gwen and Sunny having a tough time.

"Drago yu Magmiux!" Gwen chanted as a dragon of grass and bark was summoned. It charges at Dr.Viktor spewing green flames.

He tanks it once more, shooting current after current. The dragon dodges it until wrapping itself around him trapping Viktor.

Sunny took this opportunity to focus her energy until releasing a destructive blast toward the trapped Viktor. It hits, creating smoke and debris to rain from the sky.

Everyone was dead silent until Dr. Viktor's shadow could be seen standing back up.

"What's wrong?" GhostFreak voice comes back as the smoke settles. "Can't handle little old me?"

"Our attacks are not fazing him!" Gwen mentioned over the bud.

"You're right, Genius even, I can see it!" Sunny booms.

"Oh, there is no need to fight.~ Your attacks are not utterly useless. Submit now, and I'll let you live for a price, of course." Ghost Freak said from the mouth of Dr.Viktor as she slowly approached them.

"Any ideas?!" Edge questioned while Gwen cuts in.

"Oh! Since he's an energy type, you could power him that could create an equal and opposite--" Sunny cut her off.

"ENGLISH, DORK!!" Edge and Gwen draw their head to the side.

"Overload him; this could create electrical discharge!" She explained clearly for the two.

"There's a problem. I don't have an electrical type." Edge mentioned as Dr.Viktor drew closer.

"I can think of something! We just need a metal sub-" Gwen noticed the metal rods on Dr. Viktor's back. "Distract her!!" Gwen called, flipping in Charmcaster's spellbook with haste.

Dr. Viktor's eyes became urgent.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!" He hurled a massive current at Gwen.

A pink dome saved her life, causing Gwen to stagger.

"Are you stupid?! Get reading!" Sunny protectively stood in front of Gwen.

"R-right!" She countiuned.

Edge shrink to his human form, going head to head with Dr.Viktor.

Dr.Viktor stomps embedded electricity from the ground: towards Edge. He dives to the side, shooting ink into his eyes.

"I don't know how long I can take him!" Edge shouts, webbing onto Dr. Viktor's back: he shot ink across his body and onto the ground holding him in place.

Edge shoots two more, pulling above his shoulders giving Dr.Viktor a challenge.

"I got it!" Gwen shouts. "When Earth is born, the storm has followed." Gwen's eyes shimmer pink. " The plains of Man has wretched the lands that were given as virtue." Clouds begin to build up, covering the stary night.

Dr.Viktor grunts spewing thousands of bolts into Edge. He shrieks.

"The gods of plains were enraged!" The cloud crackles as the wind grow: causing the grass to brush against Dr. Viktor's ankles.

Edge finally went limp as Dr.Viktor broke from the ink holding him down. He charges at the dome.

"Soon, the world will know their wrath!" Dr. Viktor's fist clashes against the dome while Sunny stands firm. "Those who followed would be enlightened!" Dr.Viktor increased his power after every strike causing Sunny to stagger. "Those who not will perish!"

"RAAAAGH!!!" Dr. Viktor's covered his fist with a deadly amount of electricity. His last devastating strike caved in the dome.

Gwen fell on her back as Sunny returned to her human form while blood gushed from her head. Viktor goes to hook her, but Sunny uses the last of her energy to block the attack. Flinging her from Gwen only protection.

"May this storm quake us!!" Gwen chanted as a deadly amount of Lighting struck Dr. Viktor.

"AAAAAAAH!!!" Dr. Viktor spasms as his metal rods collect as much as possible.

Lighting from Dr.Viktor spews in every direction one hits his home: setting it on fire. Gwen uses her power to cover herself as Dr.Viktor releases a massive discharge touching the sky.

Dr.Viktor flew onto his back, sliding to a halt.

Gwen's dome vanished as she stood panting, of another life flashing before her eyes. Her eyes landed on Dr.Viktor, that was now unconscious.

"Cousin?! Will?!" She raced to Sunny while the storm slowly settled, revealing the sun rising. "Cousin?!" Gwen lifts Sunny shoulders off the ground as Edge slowly stands up, shifting back to Will.

"Shit!" Will raced to the two. He stood over Gwen as Sunny eyes opened, looking up at the two.

"Ow! Hmm!" Sunny coughs. "I really hated this feeling." She hissed.

"Don't worry, Sunny! We'll get you back to Ratchet! Just keep your eyes open." Gwen wiped the blood from going into Sunny's eyes.

"This is the first you called me by my name." Sunny wince. "Don't say it, again. It sounds weird coming from you." Gwen smirked.

"You're still a bitch even when you are exhausted."

"That's much..better." Sunny relaxed into Gwen's arms.

"YOU PEST!!!" Will and Gwen look back at Dr. Viktor's body where Ghostfreak rose. "You think this fight over?! RAAAAGH!!!" She floats toward the two only to drawback because the dawn rays separate GhostFreak from the children. "I'll KILL YOU ALL, MARK MY WORDS!!!" She fazed into the ground as the Groundbridge opened near the Children.

Bulkhead, Bee, and Acree raced out, noticing the situation.

"Bee, get the girl to Ratchet, now!" Acree commanded.

"Beep. Beep." Bee raced to the three gently carrying Sunny in the palms of his hands. He dashed into the Groundbridge.

"Is any of you hurt?!" Bulkhead asked worryly.

"I think we're fine. Just need some rest is all." Will said, wiping the sweat from his eyes.

"Get anything out of him?" Acree questioned.

Gwen and Will gazed back at Dr. Viktor's body.

" No, until now." Gwen said while Will approached him.

He crouches by Viktor's head while his arm shifts Edge. Will places it on his forehead while it absorbs into his skin. A flash blinds him.


"What makes you think I would trust a human-like yourself?" Megatron sat on his commanding chair, giving a firm gaze.

Viktor's eyes land on the deceptions of all shapes and sizes like Starscream, Breakdown, Knockout, and a quiet tall one without a face.

Viktor clears his throat.

"I don't have much interest in this world. And I know you needed the girl. I can set up a trap that would strand the Autobots from your goal in a matter of minutes. I just need your bots." This catches Megatron's interest.

"Go on." Viktor's eyes gazed at the monitor by Megatron Drone.

There was a time limit as a red dot blinking on a chart.

"I made an invention--" Viktor was cut off by a flash.


Will jerks, panting.

"Are you hurt?" Acree stagger for his aid.

"No, no, I'm fine. I'm just not used to it, but I think I know where Megatron ship is." Will gazed at the three.