
Ben 10 Classic: Reincarnated

Am_I_Funny · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

A Satellite

"I'm feeling this is gonna be a Loong~~ summer" as max said they drove off as we see Ben playing sumo

And Gwen on her computer and at the back we see Sam

"Okay...I have 23 chips...1.5 crate of cola...and chocolate...nothing else" as Sam said he puts the cola in the fridge

(Hey guys I have to ask something...if a girl always see me does it mean she like me or wants to talk something...a girl is glaring at me weirdly)

After a while

We see Ben bored as he asked

(It's the third time I'm rewriting it this mf didn't save the third time!)

"Grandpa! What's for dinner?" As Ben said and instantly max replied

With a happy expression"yes! The good old yummy..." As max took a pause Ben was anticipating something like a normal dinner

As max finished the last sentence making Ben do weird faces

"Worms meal! You know, I wanted to eat it for a Loong! Time!" As he said we look towards Sam

Clearly he was disgusted as hell as he was looking at the ironic meal of max

Bed asked

"So what the two of you have...I have 2 chocolate bars and a half eaten chips"

As Ben said Gwen replied"I have have..candies...hair conditioner .." as she was about to continue Ben said

"Meaning you only have candies....think we can use these supplies till summer vacation?" As Ben said Gwen shakes her head as she say

"yeah! We have Sam too!" As she said they looked towards him as he was shaking his head

As they thought'well...he didn't bring any-'

As Sam said"23 chips and 1.5 carte of a cola and some chocolates think we can make it out the trip?" As Sam said both Gwen and bens eyes lit up

As we see the light dim in Gwen's eyes as she said"it's unhealthy!"

As Ben looked towards her as he was looking at shit

As they trio went into the rust bucket and started eating

After a while

we see Ben and Gwen bored as well as Sam

"Hey kids...what about I tell you a scary story"

As max said Ben replied"yeah I scary story that consisted of a girl joining a trip she wasnt invited to...well I'm watching it live!" As he said gen angrily replied

"Ohh! Yeah! I was invited by someone saying it will be a good experience and I had planned all things!"

As she said max replied"okay if you aren't enjoying yourselves clean the rust bucket!"

As Ben blabbering something left the rust bucket

"What did he say?" Sam asked as max shakes his head as sam said"I'll go after him!'

After a while

We see Ben looking towards the sky"hey! Ben!" As he heard a familiar voice he turned back

"What is it?"

As Ben was about to continue he saw a shotting star!

"Woah! A shooting star!" As Sam replied

"Yeah in my direction as well"

As Sam understood the star he saw is a really shooting star but bens one is Omnitrix

As Sam wished'i wish to get a watch similar to bens'

As he said Ben screamed"run!!"

As they went out of the way of the shooting star Ben was fine but a rock had hit sam's leg

"You okay"

"... fine..." As Sam replied in pain Ben goes to check the star out

As he said"it doesn't look like a star mentioned in books"

He instantly falls because the ground beneath him crashed as the pod opens as we see a watch


As the hourglass on it glowed green

"What's a watch doing in outer space" as Ben said the scene changed

We see the star Sam saw goes to him and a yellow light appeared "scanning..."

As it said the box landed in front of him

As the pod opens he saw a red watch

'the... watch...I didn't watch the alien force series to the end but...I remember albedo making it ...what did he call it?"

As Sam couldn't remember he gave up as he saw Ben

"Your not the only one who got that watch!" As Ben looked back he saw Sam Infront of a pod that was glowing red

"Let's take it!" As Sam and Ben extends their hand Ben was panicking that it stuck on his hand but sam

We see him fiddling with his watch

After a while




We see all the methods to get rid of the watch failed as Sam appeared and said

"Press the button here"

As Ben pressed it thinking it will be taken off but

The hour glass goes up and a gem type green came and in the middle a silhouette was standing

As Sam did the same as we see Ben slammed him watch and he transformed into heat blast

"Ahhh I'm on fire in on fire!"...as Sam saw Ben he laughed

As he gently press his watch and transformed into


To be continued