
A Kieran's Challenge: Iggy The Fool & Geb's N'Doul Part 1

As Nico woke up from his dream talk with his sister, the first thing he noticed was that the inside of his bag was shaking like there was an earthquake, meaning someone was shaking it to wake him up. So, he got off of his snow bed, hearing the crunch of the snow and bits of ice he had made by trying to fall asleep earlier.

"I'm up... I'm up..."

He said trying to get the attention of whoever was shaking his bag, but the shaking only grew more intense.

"I said... I'm up!"

Out of frustration he made the extra snow and ice form into a giant spear of ice, which he threw out of his bag near whoever was shaking it as a warning.


Polnareff yelled out as an ice spear as wide as a person, and as long as a two-story building, suddenly flew out of the bag that had Nico inside, who he was tasked with waking up this time. This sight had scared the shit out of him, made him fall on back on his ass, and shocked the others, who were all staring at the hybrid that was now climbing out of the bag.


"Don't be stupid, I didn't even aim to kill you, and if I did, I wouldn't have missed."

Nico said as he went to grab his bag, before noticing that they were in the middle of a desert again, which annoyed him. Though, he shoved that down for now and went over to Joseph to see why they woke him up.

"So, what is it now? Does someone need to be killed, or what?"

'I should probably hold back on the killing at some point, 'cause this shit is making me too comfortable taking lives.'

He thought to himself, before he heard the sound of a helicopter flying towards them.

"You'll see, Nico. I already told the others about this on the way here, but since you were asleep you're the last to find out."

"So, what, are we getting another person to join us on this trip? And are we going in a helicopter this time, or something?"

"To answer your second question, they're from The Speedwagon Foundation, but none of them are Stand user's, so we'd be putting them in harms way if we did."

Joseph replied as the helicopter began to land in front of them causing a lot of sand to be kicked up.

"And what about my first question?"

Nico said as the helicopter finally touched the ground, but the blades kept spinning for a bit.

"Yes, Nico, they are bringing us a new ally. But, I'll warn you too, he's a bit of a handful, which is the primary reason it took so long to fetch him."

As Joseph said that, Avdol looked unsure about this whoever this new ally is, they may have a history, or maybe Joseph informed him about who this person is prior.

"So, he could potentially do us harm then? His Stand better be powerful then, because if not, I don't see the point of bringing in a liability."

"It is, and his Stand is represented by the card of The Fool."

Joseph said with a stone-cold face, seems whatever The Fool was, it had him on high alert just thinking about it.

"Pfft- I still think The Fool is a pretty stupid card, if you want my opinion."

Polnareff mocked the card, and Stand, without even knowing its meaning, or the Stand's abilities.

"You should count your blessings that he's on our side, you can't beat him."

"I think I'll have to agree with Avdol here, even without knowing what the Stand can do, because The Fool is the first card of the Tarot, it represents new beginnings, independence, and risk-taking. So, this guy could be a beast on the battlefield for all we know."

Nico said, much to the annoyance of Polnareff, and astonishment of Avdol.

"Nico, you're familiar with the Tarot cards?"

"Of course, after all, one of the girls I know got me interested in the journey of The Fool when we were little. You two would probably get along now that I think about it, since you two do act kind of similar."

It was Gwen that Nico was talking about, at one point she was really interested in fortune-telling, and tried teaching him about it.

"You must introduce me to her at some point, I am very curious to see what type of girl you hold in such high regard."

Avdol could tell from the look in Nico's eyes that whoever this girl was, he cared about her quite a lot.

"Maybe some day, but right now, it seems like it's time to meet the new guy."

Nico gestured over to the helicopter, where the pilot and co-pilot finally got out of as the blades came to a halt. The two stepped out of the vehicle and walked over to Joseph, where the pilot shook his hand.

"Mr. Joestar, good to see you."

"Thank you for bringing him here, must've been rough."


Jotaro said as he looked to the two in front of his grandfather.

"Which one of you is it? Who's the Stand user?"

Both men glance over to Jotaro with looks that seemed battle ready, but to Nico, they just seemed confused.

"Well, you gonna answer me or not?"

While Jotaro questioned the two, Nico slowly walked over to the back of the helicopter as he noticed some movement there. But, since Polnareff was right behind him, the Frenchmen clearly noticed what he was doing and decided to follow him.

"What do we have here?"

The hybrid said as he opened the backdoor of the helicopter, only to see a lumped up dark green blanket on the seat, much to his confusion.

"No sir, neither of us is the user, he's actually in the back."

The pilot said before pointing to the back of the helicopter, where Nico and Polnareff were looking inside.

"What's the deal, is the guy really short or something? Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

Polnareff said as he smacked the seat, which made a wet sound when his hand made contact with it, making Nico get a bad feeling and back up from the helicopter a bit.

"Hey! Watch out!"

"Huh, that's weird, what the hell is this stuff?"

Polnareff ignored the co-pilot's words, while raising his hand to notice that there was something wet and sticky on it now.

"Please, be careful! It was a rough copter ride, so he's in a foul mood!"

"Step away! I already told you this guy is trouble!"

"Get back, Polnareff, you cannot beat him."

Polnareff didn't pay heed to their warnings, instead he seemed to think this was just a prank of some sort.

"What's the big deal? All I'm doing is asking where he is."

The Frenchmen said, thinking this was some sort of joke, until a sound came from the bundled up blanket on the seat, which was followed by a Boston Terrier jumping out of and jumping for his face.

"Cool dog."

"A dog?"

"Don't tell me this dog is..."


Nico, Kakyoin, Jotaro, and Joseph said one after the other, as the dog began to tear out Polnareff's hair with its teeth.

"Yes, this dog possesses the Stand of The Fool. His name is, Iggy, and he's crazy about ripping chunks of hair out of people's heads. To be honest with you, I'm not sure where he's from, but Avdol found him in New York after none of the dogcatchers could wrangle him. And, it's thanks to Avdol that he's not roaming the streets now."

Joseph said while none of them made a move to get Iggy off of Polnareff's face as he tore out more chunks of the Frenchmen's hair out. Polnareff couldn't even try to get Iggy off his face himself, mostly because he was still shocked about what was happening, and because he was actively in pain from his hair being torn out.

"Oh, there's something that I probably should've mentioned. When he's in the middle of ripping out someone's hair, he likes to, uh... pass gas in their face, it's a disgusting habit really."

As Joseph said that Iggy immediately farted directly onto Polnareff's face, before jumping off and getting some distance from them all.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm already liking this dog. Hey, Joseph, do you think if I can get along with him, I could take him back with me, after we kill Dio?"

Nico said with the widest smile he has ever shown to the group, looks like he already grew fond of the dog just by it fucking with Polnareff.

"Well... that's if you can actually get along with him, because he's-"

"You little mutt! You're gonna pay for that!!"

Polnareff cut off Joseph's words as he screamed at the dog with rage in his eyes. He then proceeded to summon Silver Chariot, his Stand, to face Iggy, the Stand itself looked similar to a type of knight with a rapier as its weapon. 

But, Iggy responded in kind by summoning his Stand too, which looked like a mechanical beast with wheels as its hind legs, though, when he summoned it, it seemed to form out of the desert sand itself. This caught the interest of Nico, who wanted to test out The Fool's capabilities.

"Who does this stupid mutt think he is?! Bastard! Don't make me turn you into dog mea- Hey!!"

The Frenchmen wasn't able to finish his insult before Nico put up a wall of ice between him and Iggy, stopping the fight before it could begin.

"Sorry, not sorry, Pole Dancer. But, I want to test out this Stand's abilities myself. Iggy, you have my full attention!"

"This is going to end badly, I can feel it..."

Joseph said, while Nico ran up to the wall and jumped over it as if it were nothing, before making a hammer out of ice and swinging it down to The Fool's head. The first thing Iggy saw in this situation was a teenager with a creepy smile, and red eyes that looked like they were glowing, who was swinging a huge hammer that appeared out of nowhere directly at him for no reason.

So, his instincts immediately told him to either submit himself to the man before him, or defend himself, but, Iggy wasn't the type to submit easily, so he defended himself by warping the sand that made his Stand to try and grab the hammer to make an opening to attack Nico.

"Interesting move... But it was the wrong one!"

Instead of going further with the attack, Nico instead let go of his hammer, letting himself fall onto the ground, where he made a pillar of ice shoot Iggy up into the air with the hammer.

"Nico!! What in the world have you done!?!"

Joseph yelled as Nico prepared himself for what he was about to do.

"Nothing much, just made this spar a little more interesting!!"

The hybrid then proceeded to make another pillar of ice that shot himself up into the air with Iggy. With the air rushing past him as he flew through the air, he couldn't help but look around a bit as he closed in on Iggy, who was now beginning to fall towards him.

'The fuck? Why is there a man on that mountain?'

He thought to himself as he noticed a lone man sitting on a mountain that was a few dozen meters away from the rest of the group. It seems that with the assimilation of his newest DNA, not only has his durability increased, but so has his eyesight as he could easily see the man, even with the growing distance between them.

'He has a cane, and his eyes are closed... is he blind? Didn't Eve say something about beating a blind man?'

He questioned before he shook his head, deciding that he would investigate the man after his spar with Iggy.


Iggy yelled out as they were now closer, the dog deciding to try using the ice hammer as a weapon against Nico. But, when he tried to swing it with his Stand, it wouldn't budge, in fact, it felt like it stopped his fall all together.

"You really shouldn't trust something an opponent gives you, especially when your instincts try to tell you to not even fight."

Nico said as he sprouted the mutant parrot wings from his back, which he covered in ice to make it seem like it was another ice construct. As he flew in front of Iggy, and looked into the dogs eyes, he could tell what questions were going through his head.

'What is this guys Stand? What's its limits?'

'Should I have played dumb when I had the chance? Would that even work with this guy?'

'How can I get out of this situation to live another day?'

This made Nico's smile widen a little, as this seemed like the perfect time to teach this little dog a lesson, and I don't mean the violent kind.

"You know, your Stand is quite unique, as it is literally made of sand, though I can't help but feel disapointed that you don't seem to use it in more creative ways. After all, if you can manipulate the sand that makes up your Stand however you want, what's stopping you from turning it into a large bird to fly on the back of, or wings like mine to fly with?"

He told Iggy, knowing that the dog could somewhat understand him, judging by that almost human glint in its eyes, showing that Iggy was far more intellegient than he let on.

At Nico's words Iggy's eyes had widened, the dog then proceeded to bark something, which was most likely it cussing itself out for not thinking of that prior. The Fool was then made to let go of the ice hammer, causing it and Iggy to fall, before its body began to morph into that of a bird, while the head remained the same. It seems that Iggy's control of his Stand was truly remarkable, which only reinforced Nico's desire to make this dog his ally, rather than just the groups ally.

"Now, let's have some fun, Iggy!"