


Hashio_ · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs


The door was locked.

I mean which self-respecting family wouldn't lock their son inside, in an apocalypse in a bid to protect him... even the ones that abandoned him.

"Shit!" Aran cursed under his breath, pausing for half a second before flying straight for the large broken window beside it.

Looking back wasn't an option for him, as he heard the multiple growls that surrounded him on every side.

Still, he regretted it the instant he got outside, as his feet touched the ground, crunching large pieces of glass under the soles of his feet and attracting the gaze of multiple zombies who rushed towards him the instant he was spotted.

"Shiit!" Aran cursed again, unable to think of what more to say when he saw the small crowd of technically insane and flesh-eating humans running towards him.

With no weapons and no plans, Aran began running as fast as he could, doing his best to dodge the ones that came the closest to him as he ran on the street.

Like a moth to a flame, Aran drew even more zombies as, by the time he had run about ten steps out of his house and into his street, most of the zombies around have already zoned their attention on him including the ones roaming around the houses.

"Help me…" Aran had the urge to call out in a loud voice but he didn't. There was no sense of any normal humans as he kept running seeing as how most of the people in his neighborhood seemed to have fled.

"Is this really how I'm going to die?" Aran thought with a fear-stricken expression on his face, after taking a short glance behind him and seeing how he was being chased with most of them already catching up to him.

He increased his pace, his eyes searching furiously for any houses that even seemed remotely empty, sturdy, and undamaged that he could run and hide in.

His slight distraction was why Aran barely noticed one zombie in particular that ran furiously from his left side with a muscular body, intent on barreling himself into Aran and tackling him down before he began feasting on him.

By the time, Aran heard and noticed a growling closer than normal, it was already on him, tackling his leg down.

"AHHhhh!" Aran screamed watching the events around him play out like a movie in slow motion. His body fell to the ground, as a full grown muscular zombie chattered and growled beside him, seconds from tearing his teeth into his legs. Others of its kind quickly increased their speed for an opportunity to get the second taste before his body- the food turned sour.

"Do something… do something Aran… DON'T FREEZE. YOU'RE GONNA FREEKING DIE HERE!" He mentally yelled at himself, watching his body do nothing but struggle to crawl away, his nose taking the musty and metallic smell of blood oozing from the muscular zombie that was seconds away from him.

By chance, to the muscular zombie seeing his prey in his grasp, Aran's legs no longer looked as tasty as the other parts of him as his eyes focused straight at the pulsing veins he could feel on his neck, ready to sink his teeth into them.

His mouth already salivating in anticipation of the sweet fresh blood that would run down his throat, and the hot flesh that would satiate a little of the great hunger he felt in his body.

Seeing no need to hold back in the slightest being the closest to his prey, he leaped forward not caring whether or not he crashed into his food, as long as he got there first.

In an instant, he was in the air, and he was still there when a loud shot rang out, loud enough to startle its sensitive ears.

Still, not a fraction of his attention left the human flesh in front of him whose pounding heart he could clearly hear, wanting nothing more than to have it in his mouth,

"Graaaaa…" he growled, hearing another loud bang ring out again, only to find himself being shoved away by a greater force than he couldn't ignore. Its body flew backward, about three feet away before crashing into the ground. Dead with a big hole in it's head, before it even became aware of what that meant for it.

More shots rang out and by then, Aran could no longer continue to keep his eyes shut as his entire body trembled in fear, having shut it the second the zombie was upon him, not knowing what else to do but accept the torturous death that was upon him.

Looking around with his eyes open, he was shocked to see that the street was empty. Not particularly empty, as dead zombie corpses littered the street in front of him, dark red blood flowing from the huge holes in their heads.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked him as a young man around his age appeared in front of him with guns around his shoulder, looking at him with an expression that conveyed intense pity,

"You're asking the wrong question, Gary. You should ask him if he's been bitten, so I can know if the next bullet would go through his head. The faster we know that, the faster we can get it over with," A gruff and clearly unfriendly voice came from behind him. Aran was still trying to find out who it came from, as he slowly twisted his body around to look as he sat on the floor when he felt a cold and hard object touch the base of his neck.