
Who is she

On the outside she's just a girl who's smile lights up the world. One in a billion there is not one alike. She carries herself like there is no weight upon her shoulders. Her expression shows no depression. She looks as if she soars with the wind , her earthly green eyes held the stars upon the sky.

That is just the surface.

Below the surface her soul has more purpose. You can catch a glimpse of her fire by getting lost in her eyes. See on the inside she is of the moon and the sun. The sun lit her up dancing with her through the day keeping her light shining bright. The moon keeping her safe giving light through her darkest hours. Both sides worked to make sure she never dimmed and never lost her flame. As like a wolf she is not to be tammed , always running free that's how it's meant to be. The smarter she gets the less she speaks. Running wild until she finds someone as wild as her to run beside.