
Beloved Beyond the End! Wangxian...

Wei Wuxian an intersex male, got married with the second twin jade of the Gusu, instead of elder Jiang sibling Jiang Yanli, his shijia. Trigger Warning: Sad AU Mian character death Misunderstanding Violence Unhappy marriage Betrayal Sad ending

anonymouscat123 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
9 Chs

Part 5.

Wangji, bought him to the Healer's Pavilion, and place him on the bed, the healers took a glance at Wangji when he was doing so, once Wangji is done he looked at the healer the head healer comes forward and bow down to greet Wangji.

'Second master Lan, how I'm supposed to help you'. Healer asked.

'I found him unconscious, I doubt that it happened multiple times in the past from the information I got, I'm afraid if it's a sign of any serious health issue, do check him please' Wangji said and moves backwards giving space to healer so he can check him.

The healer went near Weiying and take his hand to check his pulse, Weiying said nothing observing every action of the healer.

'Um, I assure there's a weight loss too' Wangji said.

'Okay, we will check his weight, and keep in check if anything serious, can you please wait outside for a while.' Healer said.

'Please open your outer robes I need to check your stomach' healer said.

Weiying did as healer said, the healer pressed his stomach and check it, 'there is no gastric issues right?' healer asked.

'Sometimes it hurts and burns' Weiying said.

'That's due to lack of proper food and you faint due to dehydration I assume there's no other problem in your body, and you should meditate more, it will help in reducing stress, and anxiety.'

'Sometimes I feel heart palpitations, and body ache, and dizziness also ear pulsation' Weiying said.

'Since how long?' Healer asked.

'Earlier it happens sometimes but now very often in every 2-3 days' Weiying said.

'I see, I will recommend you some medicine for this, do you have constant nightmares too?' To which Weiying nods.

The healer went to medicine chamber and start preparing some herbs and medicine for Weiying.

'Here, take it 2 times a day after food' healer said.

Weiying grabbed the medicine pouch keeping his eyes down.

There's something hollow in Weiying eyes Which healer does understand, ignoring that he went outside and greet Lan Wangji once again and informed him about Weiying condition.


Inside Pavilion.

Weiying pov.

Two times after food I don't even have a food for one time how I'm supposed to eat two times, I looked at the medicine pouch and see the herbs that should be mixed with tea or hot water, I thinks for a movement and take out the herbs from the pouch and leave them on the bed so someone else can use it, I don't wanna waste it by taking it with me.

Standing up from the bed, I went outside and greet the healer and thank him, Wangji was standing outside with him, I smiled at him, and he took me back to my prison, this time I walked back.

I thank him and he left from there, telling me if I need any help or face any problem or wanna confess something I must send him the butterfly message to him. I just nodded cos there's nothing I wanna confess or say now, not even to my husband...

With the time, his condition doesn't improve at all, and another two weeks went same for him, the medicines are very bitter, he doesn't like to eat what he have, but somehow he chews at first but he really needs water after that.

Weiying pov.

It hurts, my mouth burns, ah! water, Water please, I can't breathe, tears? Can be drunk right? Pot!? I looked around for the pot to collect them, but that wasn't enough, I'm drinking my own tears to quench my thirst but it's not helpful at all.

It's not helping, I can't breathe anymore, water, I need water...


Suddenly, everything blacks out and he faints there.

After that he wakes up the next morning with a constant knocking on his door, it was Wangji, he come there to see how's he doing, but after incessantly knocking Weiying doesn't open the door, which makes Wangji worried about him.

He decided to go inside, but suddenly Weiying door slides open, and he comes out he was looking very pale.

'Sorry, I was sleeping' Weiying said with a smile which was real cos he saw Wangji.

'I wanna know how've you been doing, any better, did you take the medicine?' Wangji asked.

Weiying smiled and nodded his head, Wangji said nothing.

'Do you wanna talk?' Wangji asked

'Water please...' Weiying said grabbing the door handle to hold himself together, Wangji grabbed his arm too to support him, he slides his one arm on Weiying waist, and another on his arm and helped him towards the bed.

The room was a complete mess, Weiying feels embarrassed and turn his head to another side.

'I will bring the Water' Wangji said before leaving.

Wangji went to Jingshi to bring a jug of water.

'Here', Wangji pass him a glass of water which he poured for him.

Weiying grabbed him and started drinking like a crazy person who haven't seen any water in his life. He's choking himself with water.

'Slower' Wangji said.

Glass after glass Weiying drinks, he finished a full jug of water in one go. He's embarrassed, but he's too thirsty to think anything before.

'Thank you so much'

'Hm' Wangji replied.

'Have you taken a bath, your body stinks.' Wangji said.

'I'm sorry but as you see I don't have any water here to take a bath.' Weiying said lowering his head, avoiding eye contact with Wangji.

'I'm sorry' Wangji said, 'I will bring a water for you to take a bath.'

'Wait! You will be in trouble if you do anything for me' Weiying said.

'I will handle that' Wangji replied and left from there.

Wangji pov.

He doesn't have any water to drink how can I ask if he had taken a bath or not... He looks so pale, he's longing for water to drink and here I'm asking if he had taken a bath or not. I will send an extra water for him to drink, if anyone ask I will say he was stinking so I feel uncomfortable talking to him, and he's coughing when we started talking so I bought water for him, brother, may help me with this, though it's against the rules but I need to do that...


That day Weiying just taken a bath with a few mugs of water and soap, rest of the water he stores with himself with whatever container of pot he found in the room...