
Beloved Beyond the End! Wangxian...

Wei Wuxian an intersex male, got married with the second twin jade of the Gusu, instead of elder Jiang sibling Jiang Yanli, his shijia. Trigger Warning: Sad AU Mian character death Misunderstanding Violence Unhappy marriage Betrayal Sad ending

anonymouscat123 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
9 Chs

Part 3.

'Wangji' Xichen called.

'Wangji, how's master Wei?' Xichen inquired, where Wangji just lowered his head, he doesn't have any answer, how he supported to say this.

His brother noticed the worriedness on his face, though normally no one able to read Wangji, through his face, but seems like only Lan Xichen is one who can read him like an open book.

'Wangji, don't worry, it's not your fault, I'm sorry you need to go through all this, but whatever happened with master Wei is their own doing, he shouldn't have done that...'

Wangji cut his brother's words in between interrupting his brother speech he asked... 'Brother do you think he's hiding something?'

Xichen started on his brother's face for a minute and asked 'Wangji, do you mean that Jiang's forced him for this marriage?'

Wangji shakes his head and said.

'Their worries seem to be genuine'

Xichen nodded at this, and tell Wangji not to worry too much, right now I'm here to check on the master Wei condition to inform uncle and elders and Jiang's too, Yu Ziyuan seems to be very furious to talk with him now.

Wangji nodded and Xichen went inside, while Wangji left for the Jingshi, for now he just wanna stay alone.

He went inside the Jingshi and starts meditating, yet his mind is still occupied with the thoughts of Weiying, he can't understand his feelings, his worries but now he's sure that he's gonna be the first one to talk with Weiying, when he wakes up, even though it's gonna be really tough for him, he isn't a type of person who's very fluent in communication, his communication skills are even worse than 5 years old kid when it comes to emotive talks...


After few minutes Weiying woke up, unaware of the shocking announcement of Lan Qiran waiting for him.

The healer entered the pavilion, and saw Weiying staring at the ceiling, he went near him, weiying focus comes back to the reality as healer checked him.

After checking him, healer just told him to rest, and weiying understand that healer isn't very pleased with his presence here, he realised that everyone hates him now, not just madam yu but others also.

He knows that the secret he's been hiding will hurt him badly, but as things don't go as he planned, he decided to stay quiet and not to unveil until he feels it's the right time.

After checking Weiying, the healer went towards the Jingshi as Lan Wangji instructed healer to tell him first when Weiying wakes up.

He knocked on the door of the Jingshi, Lan Wangji understand that's it's the healer who knocked at door as no one usually comes here, he went to open the door, healer bow down and informed him about weiying consciousness.

Lan Wangji nodded, and went with the healer, he informed everyone not to disturb or come inside until he comes out.


Wangji entered the pavilion, and went near Weiying's bed, sitting on the stool beside the bed, he said 'um', Weiying opened his eyes and look towards the Wangji, he tried to get up, and Wangji helped him by putting the pillow behind his back.

After sitting comfortably, Weiying look towards Wangji and give a short bow as a greeting, Wangji nodded his head, and said, 'I would like to have some words with you, before anyone else ask again.'

Weiying take a deep breath, and said 'How can I entertain second Master Lan?'

Wangji tighten his grip on bichen, and said, 'I would like to ask you, if you marry me by your own will?'

To this Weiying stay silent for a second before answering 'Yes'

'Does this have anything to do with miss Jiang missing?'

To this Weiying nodded and then shake his head, to this Wangji become more puzzled he doesn't understand what Weiying have to answer to his question.

This time Wangji decided to change the question and asked 'Do you have anything to do with Jiang Yanli missing?'

To which Weiying nod his head, this surprised Wangji but he tried to keep his patience.

And asked one last question.

'Why you marry me?'

Weiying glare at Wangji, as he's trying to keep his patience, even though he knows, he's at the fault and second master Lan is not guilty for this, he takes a deep sigh and said 'Don't you think second master lan you should ask about this before dragging me to the hall by my hairs, and insulting me and my parents, my family, and before everything?'

Wangji was angry now with coldness in his voice, he said 'I asked! I asked you where's lady Jiang, and why are you here? You don't answer, I'm still asking but you are not answering.'

With this Weiying just lowered his head, his eyes are filled with the tears, not having any more words, understanding that it's only his fault, it's true Wangji gave him a chance before, he's still giving a one, but it's him who's hiding the things from him.

Seeing Weiying crying like this, Wangji heart melted and he somehow calms himself, he passed his handkerchief to Weiying and stand.

'Uncle had decided to keep you in seclusion, but not a normal seclusion, rules will be different for you as a punishment, if there's anything you wanna say, I'm ready to listen.'

He created a butterfly message with his spiritual power and gave it to Weiying.

'While transferring your spiritual energy in it, read the message you wanna delivery and it will fly, to me, I will come to personally attend you, if in future you decided to speak any thing.'

With that, he left the pavilion, and went to the main hall.

In the main hall, Madam Yu zadian was glowing, like ready to hit Weiying, enough to show her anger, and Jiang Cheng was sitting silently in the corner as Yu Ziyuan is not letting him go anywhere. He already scolded cos he tried to help Wei Wuxian and stop the punishment.

'Wangji, you don't bring Wei Wuxian with you?' Lan Qiren asked in an annoyed tone.

Wangji bow down to his uncle and said, healers said, his health is not suitable for coming now, we should let him rest for a few more hours, Wangji was lying, for the first time he was lying to his uncle so he's unable to make an eye contact with his uncle.

To this, Yu Ziyuan shouted 'What do you mean!? I wanna know where's my daughter! Let me meet him, I don't care what those healers say, I want my daughter location, that's all!.'