

{WARNING: THIS NOVEL IS R-18} "Well, isn't it just a cliche to have your heart ripped out by a rockstar? But fear not, because when life hands Belle lemons, she's not just making lemonade—she's mixing up a whole new cocktail of danger and desire with the mysterious biker, Keo, in a romance that's bound to set hearts racing." ***** Amidst the glittering chaos of fame's aftermath, Belle finds herself adrift in a sea of shattered dreams and broken promises. But just when she's about to drown in the paparazzi's flashbulbs, along comes Keo, a brooding biker with a past as shadowy as his smoldering gaze. As Belle tumbles headfirst into Keo's world of danger and desire, she discovers a passion that burns hotter than the spotlight that once consumed her. But with the ghosts of her past haunting every twist and turn, will Belle find the courage to trust in love again, or will she be doomed to repeat the mistakes of her past?

bluebeeryl · สมัยใหม่
49 Chs


As Belle entered the bathroom, her focus on the promised bath, she began to undress absentmindedly. Unbeknownst to her, Keo was standing near the door, a silent observer to her unintentional striptease.

It took a moment for Belle to register his presence, and a flush of embarrassment quickly swept across her face. "Uh, sorry, I didn't realize you were still here," she stammered, hastily covering herself.

Keo, with a smirk, couldn't resist a sarcastic remark. "No need to apologize. I've seen and touched more beautiful bodies than yours, anyway. Yours wasn't exactly a masterpiece," he quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Belle, cheeks flaming, shot him an incredulous look. "Wow, thanks for the ego boost," she muttered, regretting the momentary lapse in awareness. The unexpected encounter added a layer of awkwardness to the morning, leaving Belle to navigate the peculiar aftermath of a night that continued to unfold with surprises.

"I really don't care if you think my body isn't up to your standards. Could you at least give me some privacy?" Belle retorted, a mix of frustration and embarrassment evident in her tone.

Keo, unfazed, adopted an exaggerated mock tone, "Oh, of course, the diva needs her privacy." He theatrically waved his hand toward the bathroom. "Consider the house and the bathroom officially claimed by the gracious Belle."

Belle rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. "Just go, will you?" she muttered, closing the bathroom door behind her. As Keo made his exit, Belle couldn't help but shake her head, wondering how the morning had taken such a bizarre turn. The peculiar aftermath of the night continued, leaving her to navigate unexpected encounters and sarcastic banter.

As Belle turned on the faucet, eager to finally immerse herself in the shower, she felt an unexpected presence behind her. Startled, she turned to find Keo standing there, also completely naked and seemingly intent on joining her in the bathroom.

Her eyes widened, a mix of surprise and discomfort washing over her. "What are you doing?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Keo, with a mischievous smirk, leaned in, his voice a sarcastic whisper in her ear. "Relax, I just want to take a bath. You know, saving water is important," he quipped, the irony evident in his words.

Belle, caught off guard, couldn't help but react to the unexpected close proximity. "This is not how you save water!" she protested, flustered by the peculiar turn of events.

As Keo casually strolled toward the bath, Belle shook her head, wondering how the morning had evolved into such a surreal scenario. The banter and unexpected encounters continued, leaving her to navigate the peculiar aftermath of a night that seemed to be full of surprises.

As Belle's gaze lowered, she became keenly aware of Keo's impressive size. She promptly averts her gaze, sensing a blush coloring her cheeks and a moist sensation between her legs. Keo, catching on to Belle's reaction, couldn't resist a sarcastic tease. "Impressive, right? My bathtub is quite the showstopper," he quipped, a sly grin playing on his face as he continued to revel in the absurdity of the situation. Belle, cheeks still flushed, shot him a reproachful look, realizing she had unintentionally become the subject of his playful banter.

As Belle rolled her eyes at Keo's sarcastic remark, she decided to focus on her shower, hoping to bring some normalcy to the peculiar morning. Meanwhile, Keo, undeterred by her response, began his own shower routine.

The sound of running water filled the bathroom, creating a backdrop for the awkward yet amusing atmosphere. As Belle was lost in her thoughts, Keo, with a smirk, casually approached her. "You know, last night, you seemed quite fascinated with more than just the bathtub," he remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Belle, caught off guard, turned to face him, a mixture of surprise and confusion on her face. "What are you talking about?" she asked, genuinely unaware of the implied suggestion.

Keo chuckled, enjoying the playful exchange. "Oh, nothing. Just thought you might have a thing for interior decor," he added with a wink, his sarcasm lingering in the steam-filled air. Belle sighed, feeling a bit bewildered by the enigmatic turn the morning was taking.

Belle stood beneath the soothing cascade of water, the warmth enveloping her like a gentle embrace. As rivulets of water trickled down her skin, a peculiar memory began to stir in the recesses of her mind, slowly surfacing from the depths of the previous night's haze.

As the steam-filled air surrounded her, fragments of the intoxicated state she found herself in started to coalesce into a recollection. There, in the dimly lit room, the laughter and camaraderie of the night blending with the scent of alcohol, she recalled a moment of impulsivity, an action that now emerged hesitantly in her consciousness.

The realization washed over her like the cascading water, and her mind replayed the scene of her intoxicated state. In that blurry tableau, her hands, driven by the uninhibited spirit of the night, had ventured to explore the unexpected, encountering a substantial presence that belonged to Keo.

Belle's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as the memory became clearer, the sound of running water now a backdrop to the echoing fragments of last night's daring escapade. The recollection unfolded in slow motion, a surreal playback of her actions that seemed both distant and uncomfortably close.

As the details crystallized, she couldn't shake off the mix of surprise and self-consciousness. The shower, initially a haven of solace, now became a reflective space where the consequences of her intoxicated boldness came sharply into focus. The irony of her own actions mingled with the steam, leaving Belle to navigate the unexpected layers of the morning, where the line between reality and inebriated impulses blurred.

As Belle turned off the faucet, the echoes of her remembered actions still lingered in the air, a palpable tension swirling around her. Determined to put the peculiar recollections behind her, she moved to step out of the shower, only to feel a firm grasp on her hand.

Keo, with a sly grin, held her hand, his tone dipped in sarcasm. "Wait, Belle. I was thinking of returning the favor. You know, a little payback for last night," he teased, his words hanging in the steam-filled bathroom with a provocative edge.

Belle's eyes widened in disbelief, a mixture of surprise and embarrassment flashing across her face. "Seriously? Can we not bring that up again?" she protested, trying to free her hand from his grasp.

Keo chuckled, the playfulness evident in his eyes. "Come on, it's all in good fun. Just thought we could keep things interesting," he remarked, maintaining the sarcastic tone that seemed to have become a signature of the morning banter.

Belle sighed, feeling a mix of awkwardness and exasperation. The unexpected twists of the morning continued, leaving her to navigate the fine line between playful teasing and the repercussions of last night's blurred boundaries.