
Chapter 99: Together Alone


But we want them alone together

Chapter Text

Pearl tapped her foot repeatedly, nerves continuing to fire. That wasn't counting for the fact that every gem in the ship had their size completely altered, because apparently homeworld ships were now designated for specific gems for piloting. Steven was out there, in space, drifting aimlessly to who KNOWS where! Why did they keep failing at keeping track of him!?

"Anything?" Marco asked, sitting near Star and constantly patting her back as reassurance.

"There's an asteroid field up ahead messing with the sonar, I'm switching to manual to try and get a better observation." Peridot explained, messing with some buttons.

"Please hurry. Being out in space for this long…it's not a comfortable feeling." Pearl shuddered. There were moments where she was nostalgic for the old days, she wouldn't lie, but she recalled quite a few terrible memories along with it.

"Well, there is the fact we're all Ruby sized." Garnet stated.

"I would have fixed that if someone wasn't threatening my well being every few seconds." Peridot turned to stare at Star.

"I don't care what size you are, you get your butt moving and find my brother!" Star pointed her wand a Peridot for probably the fifteenth time within two hours.

"You do remember it's Steven AND Kelly that's out there, right?" Jana reminded the princess.

"Huh, wha…yeah, yeah, sure, her too if we can." Star waved off, glaring out the monitor and ignoring everything else.

"That's not a red flag at all." Amethyst muttered. "Hey look!" They all turned outside of the monitor, seeing the Eyeball Ruby float along, yelling about 'shattering that Rose Quartz'.

"Looks like Steven tried to reason with another gem." Marco observed. "That means they have to be close by!"

"Come on bro, come on, don't be dead, don't be dead, don't be…there's something big and pink up ahead!" Star pointed to a bubble that filled their hopes.

"I see it too! … No wait, that's just a tall organic. Not Steven or Kelly." Peridot noted.

"You idiot!" Star bonked the green one on the head. "That's Stelly! They fused! PICK THEM UP!"

"Right right!" She flew closer, circling the bubble, and pressing on an intercom like button. "You're going to have to shrink the bubble, you won't fit through the opening like that."

"Oh sure, it's not like being in the cold dark emptiness in space in a cramped environment hasn't made me incredibly anxious about enclosed space. No, I'll gladly sacrifice my personal comfort to accommodate you." The fusion said with a snarky overtone.

"Thank you." Peridot nodded with a smile.

"We spent months together and she still doesn't comprehend sarcasm." Marco sighed, moving to the door with his gloves. "Change these to sticky …" He placed one on the wall, and one aimed at the door. "Open it!"

The door was opened with a large gale of wind, everyone forced to hold onto something as Marco extended his glove, pulling in the cramped looking bubble as the door closed behind them.

As soon as the door closed the bubble popped, the fusion stretching their back. "Hello fresh air." Stelly cracked their neck. "Or at least as fresh as Homeworld can make it. Seriously, it's a miracle there's any oxygen on the moon at all considering gems don't breathe." Huh, that was a fairly good point. 

"BRO YOU'RE BACK!" Star, crying out more than anybody, charged right into Stelly with the biggest hug she could muster, practically forming a fountain of water from her tears.

"Hey sis, miss me?" They asked, holding her tightly. "Don't worry, I'm fine now, you can let it out." … Did the fusion just say 'I'm' fine? "So we have a spaceship now, that's cool."

"Yeah, super awesome, totally amazing, can you please defuse now?" Star bluntly asked as her hug got tighter. "I won't be fully at ease until I can hug the life out of Steven in person."

"Sorry, I'm not separating for a while … they needed some reassurance out there, and I was all they had after that Ruby tried to cut them up …" They turned to Garnet. "No offense Ruby sized Garnet."

"It's cool. Not all Rubies can be like the lovable scamp you know." Garnet nodded without skipping a beat. "But they're safe now…"

"Yeah, because I had to come out in order for Kelly's face to not explode while kicking Eyeball out into the abyss. Those brief three seconds of absolutely no air at all around us, that was UNBELIEVABLY painful." They shivered. "I rebubbled us but it didn't help since the atmosphere had already left … it was just cold and painful … I'm the only thing stopping us all from mentally snapping right now."

"Ste…Stelly, I know that what you just experienced was incredibly traumatizing..." Pearl tried to offer a comforting hand. "But fusion shouldn't be the immediate solution to dealing with trauma.."

"Oh, this coming from miss 'trick garnet into fusing because of how sad and lonely I am'." Stelly snorted.

"Dude, low blow." Amethyst crossed her arms as Pearl felt herself sinking back. "Don't start being a jerk after all that crap."

"What, I at least acknowledge what I'm doing isn't bullshit." Stelly turned her back. "It's just a young and adorable couple trying to find solace in each other, though if you ask me about it, they're being a little over dramatic about it. Steven can be such a drama queen."

They all stared at the fusion in silence. "Steven." Star spoke seriously. "If this is just to avoid thinking about Rose-"

"So Rose was a horrible person that killed someone. So what? It's a well known fact by this point how shitty she was. How shitty every ancestor we ever had was actually. She just happened to do the one shitty thing that we didn't think she'd do. Wow, what a revelation." The fusion responded sardonically. "Behold my shocked face."

Peridot coughed as the Crystal Gems, Pearl included, felt ready to snap. "If you're about to fight, can we hold it off until AFTER we land on earth, and not damage our only means of survival?"

"I mean, we can do it now if you want. I'll just bubble all the meat bags while we're crashing down to earth." 

"Stelly, seriously, read the room." Jana rolled her eyes. "You're being a downer right now."

"I get it, I'll stop talking till we get back." They shrugged, leaning against a wall.

"This is a problem, right?" Pearl huddled with everyone else with a whisper.

"Completely ." Everyone said at once.

"You know, just because you're huddling doesn't mean the room is big enough I can't hear you." Stelly deadpanned. This was an even worse trip to space than Jasper's invasion.


"So I say we celebrate our survival with Goblin dogs." Marco watched as Stelly looked around the town with big wide eyes that one would mistake for innocence. "Although I've already eaten those, I wonder what else we can try that's super good? I haven't eaten any donut's like this, oh, or pizza. Just the memories alone make my mouth water."

"Hehe, yeah, so great, Pizza sounds good, like a good FRIEND group activity." Star hadn't let herself relax and drop her guard ever since Steven and Kelly were flung into space, and Stelly was only making things worse.

"Absolutely." Stelly smiled. "I'll buy for everyone, and we can treat it like a celebration. Marco, you still got those dance moves in ya that can give Star a run for her money?"

"Yeah, that sounds super fun…" Marco awkwardly said. "But do you think Steven and Kelly would like to eat and dance…you know….together?"

"They are eating and dancing, because I am." They shrugged. "With me around they're always together." He couldn't tell if Stelly was obvious to what they wanted or knew and just brushed them off less violently than they did on the ship. "Although if you want to dance together you may make Sadie jealous."

"Please don't say stuff like that, I have mixed up feelings with you being around in general." Marco shook the blush off his face.

"Aww alright, I'll stop teasing ya." They gave his head a noogie before going off to pay.

"Ah, Stelly, exactly how long do you plan on staying?" Jana voiced her concern. "I imagine Steven and Kelly will have to go back home eventually."

"If they want to split apart they can do it any time they want." Stelly smirked. "Since they haven't, I guess I'll be around until then." They shrugged. "If it goes on till the morning, then who am I to argue with their happiness." The fusion finally went inside Kofi's pizza, where they were finally free to talk in private.

"I would STRANGLE that asshole if they weren't part of my brother!" Star shouted, letting out a few lasers out of her wand.

"Yeah, what part of Steven made that abomination?" Jana asked with a frown.

"Ah, Garnet has said it takes two or more for a fusion to work. Kelly's never been shy about making snarky comments before … although I think Kelly's more violent tendencies are feeding into Steven's repressed anger." Marco noted.

"Come on, Steven doesn't have repressed-" The two of them gave Star a look. "... Yeah who am I kidding, he's too kind not to repress it."

"Yeah, except he either talks to us about it when it reaches, pours that frustration into music, or punches a rock into dust." Jana pointed out. "Anger is practically non-existent whenever Quana forms."

"Ugh, I knew my bro dating Kelly would bite us all in the butt. I should've sent her to the void when I had the chance." Star grumbled. "If it took three years for her to finally get over Tad to move on, then this was doomed to crumble."

"Well it's not like there's anything we can do." Marco groaned.

"Come on, there's gotta be something we can do." Jana said. "Like an anti gem thing."

"I actually talked with Pearl about it a while back." Marco said to the two. "The only ways to make gems defuse are to either get them out of sync or poof them … and considering they have a physical body instead of hard light …"

"We bring in the drama to get them to split their focus as we beat the crap out of them!" Star shouted, turning her wand into a mace.

"What, no, I was gonna say we can't get violen-"

"I don't care if it works or not, I just need to beat up the jerk." Star interrupted. "Sorry bro, but this might sting you…although I will do my best to hurt the Kelly side more if I can."


Stelly came out. "Alright, I got one meat vegan, one plain cheese, a pepperoni, and Jana's favorite topping of mushrooms." They smiled, noticing the mace. "Oh, we're going hunting for a corrupted gem?"

"Oh, there's something corrupted all right, but I'm definitely sure it isn't a gem." Star grumbled, tightening her grip on the weapon while pointing at her.

"Oh come on, I didn't spit in the pizzas if that's what you're concerned about." Even if they did, all that would happen would probably help them. "So come on, let's just eat and have fun for the day, alright?"

"Steven, Kelly, you know this…your relationship…this isn't healthy…at least this aspect of it." Star reiterated.

Stelly stared at Star, the smile dropping. "Sis … it sounds like you want me gone." She spoke very coldly.

"Don't call me sis, Stelly." Star threatened. "You get one chance. Split now, or we force the two of you apart."

"Don't call you sis …" The fusion sighed, placing down the boxes. "I barely have any time alive, I have all their memories and feelings of love for you, I really view you like a sister … so please, don't make me hurt you." They let emotion into their voice. "I really don't wanna fight you of all people."

"I know…the last thing I want to do is hurt my brother…" Star began swinging the mace. "But what you're doing isn't right for him either!" Star swung the mace down at them and launched themself right at them.

"Don't you get it!? Living is hard for them!" They shouted at the top of their lungs, making a shield to block the attack. "The pressure is practically suffocating Steven by this point, and Kelly gets to feel strong, safe, and protected! I give them everything that they need!" Stelly moved to the top of the roof, staring down at the group as they pulled out their sword. They didn't plan on hurting anyone, but it was still a decent melee weapon to use the blunt side of.

"And what about what they need on their own!?" Marco called out as he flipped to the top of the roof with a right hook.

"They HATE being on their own! When I'm around they're never alone, and they don't have to deal with the bullshit life wants to throw at them for funnies!" They blocked his punch. "They don't have to deal with how every member of their family is bad in some way or form, they don't have to deal with constant reminders of the past, they don't have to deal with ethical moral problems that drive them up at night and refuse to let them sleep!"

"You're just ignoring the problems!" Jana called them out as Star tried to attack with a Rainbow Fist Punch. "I know how great the feeling of fusion is, but it's an addiction for you! Your emotions are all on cloud nine, and now you're fighting your friends over it!"

"Fighting is generous." Stelly rolled their eyes. "I haven't thrown an attack, and I really don't wanna hurt you guys! And what if it feels good, maybe we all deserve it after the constant bullshit life throws without end. When was the last time we had fun without something going horribly wrong!?"

"We had those times! Partying with Peridot, afterwards with Toffee, that entire summer!" Star blasted narwhals into their hair. "And the thing about that, is that I had BOTH Steven and Kelly with me during those times! I could talk to my brother in private, I get to laugh and deal with problems with him! AND YOU'RE JUST KEEPING HIM AWAY FROM EVERYONE THAT LOVES HIM!"

"And what about me?! Don't I get a say in whether or not I stay!?" Stelly sent a blunt strike right into Marco's back, sending him back down. "Because news flash! I started off hating the fact I existed when I first formed, and now that I can actually enjoy myself and live life, you want to take away what you all get to experience for free!?" They cried. "Why can't I live!? I'm not a monster like Toffee or Jasper, I'm your friend and family and you all treat me like I shouldn't exist!!"

"Hey could you guys keep it dow-" They all turned to Kiki, who came out and looked at the mess. "... Just pay for this after." She said, walking back inside.

"You're leaving out the fact that you're not exactly the nicest person to be around, Stelly." Marco countered. "You've been a jerk all day, casually dissing everyone, and you have a repeated history of going overboard.

"Oh, is that the case?" They asked with a tone. "Well fine, maybe I'll just leave if I'm not wanted!" They pulled out a pair of scissors, making a bubble around themselves as they opened a portal.

"SUPER STICKY HAND SYRUP GOOP!" Star blasted a goo, which simply hit the bubble in question. "Last chance, Stelly, or I bring in the big guns!"

"You can't pierce this bubble, I'm leaving, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it!" They shouted with rage.

"Oh really?!" Star smirked as she pulled out her mirror and dialed it. "Pony, Code Strawberry Mint! It's time!"


"Strawberry Mint … aww, you made a code without me." Star watched the fusion pout. "Another reason to leave. Maybe Marco had the right idea about the Neverzone."

"I left the Neverzone for a reason!"

"Yeah, because you liked Star even if you didn't fully know it." Stelly rolled her eyes. "And even then you keep going back to it because you're sooo hung up!"

"This is the reason nobody likes you Stelly!" Marco shouted.

Ponyhead rushed in with a glare. "I have come with Drama." She spoke with a glare.

"Oh my, sitcom drama, I'm so scared." The fusion spoke sarcastically, as Pony pulled out an object. "Wait, did you steal Kelly's phone!?"

"Yep! Because as Q-fly's honorary sister, it's my job to watch out for him, especially when the bush head he's dating is planning on two timing!" Ponyhead accused.

"I'm made of love moron, simple lies aren't going to work on me!"

"Yeah, toxic love!" Ponyhead rolled her eyes. "And I don't need to lie at all when I have the truth! About fifty six messages of truth to be precise." They pressed a button.

"Hey babe, just checking up on you again like usual. I know you get lonely during those cold nights alone, so hopefully my voice can keep your thoughts warm at night."

The fusion stood in silence, its expression stone as the sword dropped, the bubble dissipated and their hands dropped, just staring at it. They said nothing for five whole minutes. "Why … Why was he calling you? She stole my phone, I couldn't check the messages, let alone delete them."

"There were forty six messages on this thing before I nabbed it. Tad's been contacting her for over two months!" Pony head called out again.

"He … he what? Look, it was just messages. That sounds so arrogant! I know he's a jerk, but I was still his only friend, and I didn't want to just cut him out. But you didn't delete the messages!?" The fusion's arms trembled as they hugged themselves. "Let's just take a breather, we can talk this out, we can compromise."

"No, no, this isn't something you can compromise!" Star had to join in now. 

"Yeah, it's my phone, why should it matter what's on it! It matters because your EX BOYFRIEND is on the line! And that just gives you the right to say I should never ever call him? No, i'm saying that you shouldn't keep his messages!"

"Remember what you told me before Kelly!? After the slumber party!?" Star kept shouting, noticing the trembling and shaking getting worse. "You said you liked Stelly! NOT STEVEN!"

"You told her….what!? It was like that at first, but then we spent that time in the Neverzone and it changed. You're both amazing, you're both amazing, you're both amazing." The fusion's face began to warp and twist, their hands trying to hold it together. "If that never happened…would that ALL I'D BE TO YOU!? JUST SOME BLANKET FOR YOU TO USE WHEN THAT DISHRAG ISN'T AROUND!?"

"Yeah, you tell her!" Pony shouted

"You'd be my friend still! Friends don't use each other like that, they don't-SHUT UP!!!!" The hair on the top of their head squeezed their body tight. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!" The fusion kept twisting and morphing itself in various sizes and shapes as the bodies that made them up attempted to get free. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULTS!" The fusion accused. "NONE OF THAT MATTERS! As long as we're together, none of that shit matters!"

"It matters when it concerns Steven!" Jana shouted. "You can't ignore this!"

"I'm done, I don't want to be around you anymore! One message and you get all uppity!? Fine then- STOP IT!" A head started to form, which was quickly shoved in. "We can work it out, we can fix this, don't leave!" They kept trying to shove themselves back together as parts kept forming.

"Everyone, grab them!" Star ordered as she and everyone else jumped the huge shifting mess. "They don't want to be like this! You said that they came out the moment they wanted to split!"

"Why can't I live, why do I have to go away again? Get off of us! Let me out!"

"Come on Steven! Kelly! Your much stronger than this!" Jana called out, but that only seemed to make Stelly more violent looking.

" Oh you'd just love to have him all too yourself you greedy sl- Don't you dare finish that thought! We can work this out! We can be like Garnet and solve all our problems together!

Star grabbed onto what looked like Steven's hand, pulling it roughly. "Let him … go …"

"LET US OUT!!" She finally yanked her brother out, sending them both falling to the ground. She looked over at him, then at Kelly, both looking furious at one another.

"If you want me gone so much, fine." She shoved her way out of Marco's grasp, cutting open a portal. "I'm outta here, you clingy overbearing baby!!"

"Good! Stay away! See if I care, you soul sucking parasite!" The two sternly stared at each other for a full minute, before the two of them had tears in their eyes. Nonetheless, Kelly lept through the portal without another word. The moment the portal closed, Steven fell to the ground in a look of absolute agony.


Everything was bad and wrong all at once. He couldn't breath, he couldn't focus, he couldn't do anything. He was worthless and pathetic. "I went too far, I shouldn't have said that."

"Ah Q-fly, she was the one that was hiding from you." Ponyhead said. "If anything, you let her off too easily."

"No, no, she'd only be tempted if I was doing something wrong." Steven groaned, cold sweat running down all over him. "I'm the problem, just like I always am for everyone."

"Steven, you're not a problem." Star patted him on the back, before pulling back. "Ow … spikes?" Oh great, those were back to. He really was a freak.

"Oh really, let's do a headcount about what happened today: I ruined the one good thing an unstable and clingy woman had … my mom was a hypocritical murderer of her own kind … oh, and I had my heart broken because I'm a terrible, selfish, and emotionally broken boy that failed to make the girl I love completely happy and satisfied." He felt two large objects growing out of the side of his head, but he didn't care, they felt completely appropriate. "I'm a monster…in the worst possible way."

"Dude, it's one fight." Marco spoke up.

"It's not JUST one fight!" He shouted. "It's always another fight, always another decision, always someone that wants to hurt people and won't change, always another emotional problem springing up! We don't get breaks and we lose even when we win." He cried. "It's not worth it … it's not worth it anymore." He ran, Steven ran to Lion. "Take me home."

"Steven, just take a second to calm down.." Jana tried to comfort him. He needed to get away from her before he ruined her too.

"No, I can't be around people, I'm just this huge…infection that gets everywhere and makes life terrible." He hopped aboard his pink pet and had him make a portal. "Stay away, for your own good." He vanished before he was tempted to stay.