

Thank you.

Expressing gratitude is one of the most important things you can do. When you show gratitude, not only do you influence the world's vibe in a positive way, but you show people how much they mean to you.

You can do it.

Express your belief in people! Of course, dissent when needed, but don't simply believe in failure just because that's what you think the inevitable outcome will be. It's okay to be wrong.

I love myself.

Self love is as important as loving others. If you don't love yourself, you can't express love to the rest of the world. It's like putting on the oxygen mask in the airplane before helping someone else. Sometimes you just have to come first.

What's in the past is in the past.

It's important for your own mental health to recognize that the mistakes you've made are in the past, and as long as you've learned from them, there's no reason to dwell upon them.

I hope you succeed.

One of the most uplifting things you can do is tell people that you hope absolutely 100% the best for them. We should do everything we can to help everyone succeed.

I forgive you.

Forgiveness is one of the most beautiful traits of humanity. It's the only thing that can truly repair relationships, be they between individuals, communities, or entire nations. Forgiveness is the ultimate key to world peace.

Being told you're appreciated is one of the simplest yet most incredible things you can ever hear.

Genevieve_Caalimcreators' thoughts