
Being His Maid

Seventeen year old Sierra Ventresca's life comes crashing down when she finds out that her father disappeared, leaving her with the huge debt that he owed to the mafia.

hushhushcrush · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs


I started walking fast down the stairs when suddenly I bumped into someone. I lifted my gaze to see Logan. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, gathering him into a hug, while tears made there way down my cheeks. I pressed my cheek on his chest, trying to control the tears that rapidly came out of my eyes.

"S-sierra" Logan stuttered awkwardly wrapping his arms around my waist. I lifted my gaze to look into his eyes, but his eyes where looking somewhere else. I turned my head to see Michael standing on the first stair with his lips in a straight line and a cold expression on his face. When he caught me staring at him, he immediately turned around and started walking towards his room. "What happened?" Logan asked, tilting my chin. "ssh, stop crying." he patted my back, trying to stop my tears.

"I hate Michael!" I said, burying my head in his chest. "He is a selfish jerk."

Logan started laughing and I frowned staring into his eyes. "W-why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughing because I was right."

"Right about what?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"That you like him." he said and my eyes widened. "And the problem is, that he doesn't give a shit."

"No I don't" I said, burying my head in the chest again in embarrassment.

"You can't lie to me, the way you were staring at your wrist, like you never wanted the handcuff to be removed." he said and I blushed harder.


"Yes" Ashley said, cutting me off and Logan turned around with his hands still wrapped around my waist. "You like him."

"Ash, at least you can be on my side." I said.

"Well, I'll only be on your side if you speak the truth." she said smirking.

I cleared my throat before admitting. "Yes-"

"Kids, would you like to stay for dinner?" Maria said, cutting me off and I sighed in relief. "You can inform your families that you're staying here for tonight."

Ashley winked at me, but Logan had a cold expression on his face which I didn't know why? . "Yes, that'll be great." Ashley said and lifted her gaze to look at Logan who just smiled in response

"I'm so happy that you both are staying over, Michael barely introduces me to any of his friends." Maria said with a little smile on her lips. "You both can freshen up till dinner, there are two guests rooms upstairs and two downstairs you can choose any." Maria walked inside the kitchen leaving the three of us in awkward silence before Ashley cleared her throat.

"Can we both stay in your room, we'll be bored in different rooms?" Ashley said and I nodded with a huge grin on my face. After all, its been a long time since we've spend a lot of time together.

"I need to change" Ashley said with a tight grip on my hand and dragging me towards my room. I slightly turned my head to see Logan walking behind us.

Suddenly, someone bumped into Logan and I stopped in my tracks. Ashley had a confused expression on her face before we both turned to see Michael walking towards the main door. He looked mad and was in a hurry. "What the-" Logan said, but before he could complete his sentence, Michael was out of the mansion.

"Sierra" Ashley said, snapping me out of my thoughts and I turned towards her. "What happened, you look worried?"

"N-nothing" I stuttered, taking hold of her upper arm. "Lets go"


It was finally dinner time. Logan, Ash and me were sat on our chairs accompanied by a huge dinning table. Ashley was sitting beside me, while Logan sat on the chair across from me. Plates were already kept in front of us and we all were desperately waiting to be served. "Do you have dinner, like this?" Ashley asked, looking around with a bit of shock lacing her voice.

A giggle escaped my lips. "Yes ma'am! I have dinner like this" I said, emphasising on the last two words. Before Ashley could open her mouth to say something in response, Maria walked out of the kitchen.

"Kids, dinner is ready! call Michael" she said and I stood up.

"I will do that." I said and was about to leave, but I turned around. "Mari, what about Jerico?"

"Oh he's out for some work, he'll have dinner wherever he's staying." she said and I nodded.

"But, I think Michael is not here." Ashley said, looking at Maria briefly before turning her head towards me. "We saw him going out."

"I think he's back honey, I heard his voice when I was in the kitchen." she said and I nodded before walking upstairs.

I started walking towards his room before gently knocking on it twice. I stood there waiting for a reply, but I got none. I knocked again, this time a little louder, but still no reply.

I slowly pushed the handle before unlocking the door and slightly opening it to see Michael's closed eyes. He was sleeping peacefully, he was shirtless and had a white sheet covering his body.

I started opening the door more and I couldn't believe my eyes to what I came across.

Michael was sleeping with a girl.

The girl was blonde and had makeup on, which was now smudged. She also wasn't wearing anything and a single white sheet was covering them both.

Her short red dress was lying on the floor with her heels accompanied by Michael's clothes.

How can he even do this to me?! I was right he doesn't have any feelings for me. He's just a jerk, a man whore, a heartless vulture and the definition of devil

I little tear made its way down my cheek, but I wiped it off before picking up her red dress and throwing it onto her face. "Get up" I said loudly.

She flicked her fake lashes twice before completely opening her eyes. "What the fuck?" She cursed.

Suddenly, Michael started moving on the bed and finally opened his eyes too.

The girl sat on the bed, clutching the sheet dryly on her chest. Michael eyes stared into mine for a split second before there was a smirk on his face. "Why do you want?" he asked casually, but I could see an evil glint in his eyes.

"M-Maria is calling you downstairs, dinner is ready." I stuttered a bit.

I turned around and started walking, but his voice interrupted me. "Wait" he said and I wiped my tears with my palm before turning around. "Can you pass me my boxers?" he said, but I didn't moved and started staring at him angrily. I was clenching my fists so hard that my nails were now digging into my skin. "Oh did it sounded like a question, it's an order." he said, smirking before pulling the blonde header towards her and kissing her harshly.

I turned again and started walking out. Jealousy burning in me. "And I want this room clean when I step inside again." he commanded again and I slightly nodded still sobbing.

After all I was just a maid.