
Chapter 6


—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

As minutes passed by, we all have fun playing games with my new so called demon families, I'm still a seven year old, but I was adopted by a demon family that I never knew they existed and a world that I thought it was only just a story legend, but only to find out that it actually does exist.

" My King and My Queen, there's a meeting that will happen today this afternoon, there will be lots of royalties and demons from other kingdom, some from high ranks demon will be also joining the gatherings." The white hair guy said, with his none expression face, I still can't remember how to say his correct name.

My demon dad and mom then looked at me, and my mother then made a gesture to come towards to her and so I did.

" We will come home very late tonight and Zenaku and Yoru will be the one who will take a good care of you today, but will you be okay without us for breif minutes? " Mom said with her worried face.

" Yes, I will be okay, no need to worry about me.*smile*" I said and give her a tight hug.

" Oh, I wish we could cancel this meeting, so that we can see you grow up a little bit. " Dad said and so I walked towards to him and give him a tight hugged too.

" Don't worry, I'll spend my time with all of you—, after all, you are my new families now. *smile*" I said

" Then it's settled, Zenaku and Yoru, take a good of our daughter, and do not let any unknown demons gets near to our daughter, do you understand?  " Dad said with strict voice.

" We will take a good care and protect the little princess, My King and Queen. " Zenaku and Yoru said

( Zenaku...)

( Yoru..)

" And never take your eye's off of her, you need to watch her carefully and do not let her wander outside the house gate, because, I heard from the headquarters today, from the poldemon that there's an evil psycho woman who escape from the dungeon, do you understand? " Mom said

( An evil demon who escape from the dungeon? )

( What's a dungeon anyway? )

( And what's a poldemon? )

( Is it a demon that has a pool? )

( And what's an evil psycho mean too? )

( I don't understand any of the words.)

" And my dear sweet cake, never talked to unknown people whom you don't know, do you understand? " Dad said

" And If someone approaches you, and you didn't know who he/she is, call Zenaku and Yoru immediately, do you understand darling? " Mom said

" Yes mother and father, I will be a good girl while you two are not here. *smile*" I said

" Good, remember what we told you Zenaku and Yoru. " Mom said

" Yes, My King and Queen. " Yoru and Zenaku then bow down to both of my parents and so I did the same way.

" Oh no, darling, don't do that, we're you're family, you don't need to do that too. *smile*" Mom said

" Those humans really raised their child with respect. *smile*" Dad said

( Does he mean, my dad and mom from the real world? )

" Now get inside, the three of you. " Dad said

And then a very big hole with different colors appeared right in front of my dad and my mom, and before they left, they both hugged me and even give me a little peck of kisses from my cheek.

" Do not make her cry, don't you understand?  " Mom said with glaring eyes

" Yes my Queen." Zenaku and Yoru

( Oh wait! I can now remember their name! )

And when both of my parents disappeared right in front of me, now I'm actually questioning myself right now.

( Am I still normal? )

( I'm not even scared of how they all look like a scary monsters with funny costumes.)

( I mean—, it ain't a costume anymore... I guess? )

( Since they always tells me that they ARE demons from the underworld.)

( And—.)

" Huh? " I said

I was just standing in front of the bushes, not long enough when someone carries me on its arms, and making me face that person.

" Put me down! " I said while whining.

" Stop whining and behave like an adult." Yoru said

" But I'm not an adult." I said pouting.

" Then act like one, a demon princess shouldn't act like that." Yoru said and when he did, I was going to cry.

" The Queen said to never make her cry." Zenaku said

" I was just playing, and besides she's really so cute, look. *smile*" Yoru said and he then uses his other hands to pinched my cheeks.

" And she looks like the Queen, and her eye's is also as the same as the King. " Yoru added

" Yeah. *smile*" Zenaku

" Hey! Let me hold her, you're making her cry even more and stop pinching her cheeks you evil coconut." Zenaku said

" Shut up Ice bear." Yoru

I then stopped crying and looked at them both, with my eye's—of course.

( Are they fighting? I mean, I can see that. )

( That's funny, they're calling each others funny names.)

" See, she's smiling. " Yoru said while looking at me.

" Shut up and give me the princess." he said strictly

Yoru then puts me down to the ground when Zenaku tries to grab him by his shirt, I was just standing by, looking at them playing to each other.

( It's really nice to have a family like this.)

( I wonder, where did mommy and daddy go.)

( But they also said, that it's a meeting where all demons gathered.)

" Psst..." I then heard a noise and so I looked around just to find a woman with broken horns on her head looking at me with its scary eyes.

" Psst.. Come here.. Come child." The woman said, and I was just standing a bit far away from her, and not even bothering to move just a few steps.

" Come here sweet child~ I have free teddy bears." She said while showing a white teddy bear with a red ribbon on its neck.

( She's creepy.)

" I said come here!!!! " she shouted and that creeps me out a little bit. I then looked around and I couldn't see Yoru and Zenaku.

( They were just right besides me.)

I then looked back to the woman, and tears falls down on my cheeks, while I was looking at her, and she's really scary, her eyes were shining bright yellow, and it's like glaring at me.

( Why is she so scary? )

( I-I hated it when someone yells at me.)

( I'm not deaf! )

" Oh please~ don't cry, I'm not going to hurt you, just come closer my sweet child. *smile*" The woman said but only make me to cry even more.

" Waah~ Waaah~ " I cried

" You stubborn child! Come here already!!! I'm not going to hurt you, you dumb*ss. " She shouted

—🕊Yoru Yasuda Yugi (POVs)

" Shut up! Stop chasing me already!!!  " I said

" You better run as fast as you could before I could catch you, you luna—. " He said but then both of us stopped when we heard a cry from a distance and we couldn't see Little Yurina anywhere.

" Was that Yurina crying???  " I said

( Did she not stopped crying? )


We both then run as fast as we could when we hear Yurina cries even more.

" Yurina!!! " I said and when Yurina heard my voice, she then looked behind at her right side and when she sees us, she then run towards to me and so I kneeled down to give her hug and comfort her.

" Hey!!! " Zenaku shouted but only to see someone suddenly disappeared after it created a portal to escape.

( Did that person tries to hurt my little Yurina? )

" Hey~ strawberry, look at me, and stop crying." I said but only to make her cry even more.

" Why are you calling her strawberry? " Zenaku

" Does she looks like a strawberry to you? " Zenaku said angrily.

" Shut up, she just smells like a freaking strawberry to me. " I said

" You f*cking pervert! Why did you smell the princess! " Zenaku said

" I didn't mean to sniff her, she just actually have that sweet smell." I said

" Get lost, you pervert." Zenaku

" Shut up, you're the one who always watches adult videos, don't even deny it, I saw you once! " I said

" Stop saying that! And it was only once, and what's wrong with it anyway, I'm grown up and besides, don't you dare say things like that!! The princess is right here in front of us. " Zenaku said and we both then looked at Yurina when we noticed she wasn't crying anymore, but she was only looking to both of us.

" Are you okay now, my little strawberry? *smile*" I said

" Stop calling her that name! " Zenaku

" Shut up, I do what I want." I said

" Can we call daddy and mommy? *pouts* I want to hear their voice. *cries*" Yurina

( Oh~ KAWAAII!!!! My princess is cuteee!!! My heart is melting!!! )

( Why is she so cute!!! )

" You missed mommy and daddy hah?  " I said

" *cries* A very scary woman tells me to come closer to her because she has free teddy bear. *cries*" Yurina

" We better call the King and Queen now, maybe it's the same person who escape from the demon dungeon. " I said

" Hmm, do you recognize her face, my princess?  " Zenaku asked and Yurina nodded.

" Come on, let's go inside first. " I said and carries her in my arms, and she then hugged me while her tears were still falling down on her cheeks