
Chapter 49

—🕊Daimom Masashi Kaii (POVs)

As I was sitting on the sofa watching TV, my brother then just suddenly hit my head without any reason.

" What's your f*cking problem!?? " I said and glared at him when he just sits right next to me.

" Nothing, just having fun." Zen said and I just sighed.

( Ugh... I hate young brothers.)

" Isn't it weird? " Zen said and I just ignored him, his really annoying, if I was a volcano, I've already explode.

" That little girl from the school, I haven't seen her this past three weeks." Zen said and so I looked at him and then back to the tv.

( By just thinking of that.)

( Yeah.. Did something happened to her? )

( She was this really sad the last day when we all saw her at the garden and talked to her.)

( I wonder she's okay.)

( If only I know where that little girl just li—.)

( Right, she is King Akumas daughter, I've been there before, but that was years ago, but I didn't seem to see her the first time I was there.)

( I mean it wasn't my first time.. It was actually my fourth time when I visited King Akumas House, though like what I said, it was YEARS AGO.)

( My family were invited to a special occasion that day and we need to attend too, but I've never seen Yurina inside their house.)

( Could it be she was trained? )

( We'll no.. Or maybe she was in her room, forbidden to go out, could she be really locked inside her room? )

( But if yes, how can they locked her inside? She is just so cute and stuff, but now.. King Akuma and Queen Runa showed their cute little girl for the first time.)

( Although, I'm kind of weirded out today.. I actually haven't seen her this past three weeks.)

" Are you listening? " Zen said and so I looked at him.

" Geez, talking to you is like talking to an air." Zen said and looked at the TV.

" Then you should have never talked to me in the first place, you know I love to talked to myself." I said

" Yeah whatever." Zen said and just rolls his eyes, then our older brother then just sit on the other side of sofa.

" And the both of you, don't forget, tomorrow.. There's is an event, be ready. " White Kai said, he is my brother by the way.

" Is it really real that the Gazera, Institute Of The Arcane are really going to have a battle in our school? " Zen said

( Students in there are all stupid.)

" Yeah, so you two be sure to be prepared for the battle, the school will be over at exactly five o'clock at noon. " White Kai said and so I just sighed and crossed my arms.

" I heard some students were talking about that school, they were the toppest school and they were known for their most achievements and ranks. " Zen said while watching the TV.

" Indeed. " My brother said

" But they are all just some stupid demons." I said

" We'll some of them. " Zens said and laughed.

" But they are also known for their powerful and top rankers students in their school, and they are world wide underworld known. " My brother said and so I just rolled my eyes.

" Just say it that you're giving a compliments on them." I said and looked at him.

" We'll not really, but if you want it that way, then yes, you know that I really love to school in there, but father and mother won't let me." He said and keeps reading his book.

" Why do you keep reading that book? It's been years and you haven't finished it!?  " I said and looked at him.

" Just to let you know, this is a new book that was published by my favorite demon author. " He said and sips his coffee while crossing his legs.

( He and his gentleman looks, but is not actually innocent.)

" Why do you keep reading that? There's no fun in reading books, that's just so boring. " Zen said and rolled his eyes.

" For you its boring but for me it is not, its my hobby and I love to read books a lot." He said and keeps reading while he wasn't looking to my brother.

" Yeah, when its about some weird stuff, and that is what you like the most about books." I said and rolled my eyes.

" You mean.. Adult books? We'll I do love reading books like that, it gives me knowledge of how to give so much pleasure." He said and smirk looking to both me and my brother.

" Do you want me to apply it for both of you?  " He said and smirks.

" Eww gross, no thanks. " Zen said and looked at the TV again.

( F*cking lunatic.)

" What about you Daimon? Do you wan—. " He said and so I cut him off.

" F*ck your own self, your so disgusting. " I said and looked away from him, it really gives me shiver and makes me uncomfortable whenever his acting like this.

" Uh.. Actually.. I already did that, it was fun giving myself so much pleasure. " He said and smile.

" The f*ck???? " Me and my brother said in chorus, but then he just laughed.

" AHAHAH!!! I really love watching both of you giving me that looks! " He said and laughed so hard and I just stare at him.

" Huh?  " Zen said while looking at our older brother.

" Man, I was just joking around, you two did really believe that? " He said and smile.

" You looked so serious when you said it a*shole. " Zen said and crossed his arms.

" We'll, that doesn't mean I was serious about it too, but I didn't know that you two would actually falls for that! That's just so funny. " He said and continues to read again.

" But have you really tried it?  " I said and he then looked at me.

" We'll, everybody does that, so why denying it?  And besides, its pretty normal, for a guy like me. " He said and smirk.

( Ugh! This lunatic.)

" Damn, you and your crazy adult stuff." Zen said

" Don't play too innocent Zen, I saw many adult magazines under your pillow. " White Kai said and so I looked at Zen who just smiled at me.

( Am I the only one who is out cast? )

" I saw you once last night, you were covering your whole body while your other hands were under the blanket, I wasn't asleep that night, and don't even try to deny it, I saw it with my own two eyes." White Kai said and so I just stood up and was about to walked away.

" Whatever. "Zen said

" And where are you going?  " He said

" Somewhere that I will not see the both of you. " I said.

" Out of place?  " He said and smirked.

" Yeah, I'm not like the both of you, but I won't also deny the fact that I am not innocent, and just to let you know, I am very uncomfortable with this conversation thing. " I said

" Pfft, speaking of uncomfortable, can you please stop watching adult videos on the TV secretly? *laughed*" He said and so I just glared him.

" Shut up you lunatic, and quit spying me. " I said

" Yeah, whatever you say. " He said and just waves his hands on me saying I can go now, but then he just smirked.

" Oh and by the way, I already washed your clothes, you can say thanks to me later." He said and so I just rolled my eyes.

" Why did you even washed it? I can take care of that!! " I said

" Yeah you can but you are so lazy, and you should be thankful for your older brother for cleaning your clothes idiot." He said and glared at me, and so I just left the room immediately, I don't like talking to any of them anymore.