
Chapter 16

—🕊Hori Hisayo Rokurō [Queen Hori] (POVs)

( She's... My son's daughter!???? )


( Oh my.. I've.. I've never knew they had a child.)

( That stupid son of mine!!! )

( How did he not informed all of us?! )

( That idiot!! He will taste the power of her mother! )

I then walked as fast to get to my son's private room, but then.. I saw this child again.

" You shouldn't had a fight with Hisae, that was really dangerous pumpheaded pumpkin." said to the young man who had red hair.

" Though.. I'm quite surprised and amazed, you're one strong little demon. AHAHA now I'm thinking you might be my rival." he said

" As expected from a daughter of both powerful King Akuma and Queen Runa. *smile*" I then walked towards them and when they all noticed me the three young man vowed down to me.

" Good Morning, Queen Hori. " I then just smiled to this three young demons and I look at this young little girl in front of me again.

( Somehow.. Her eyes resembles to my son Akuma, and her face resembles to my son's wife.)

( She is their daughter!! )

" Hwello. *smile*" she said while eating her lunch.

" You are little Yurina? " I said and she then smiles.

" Yes! *smile*" I then smiled in front of her.

( Awe~ this cutie.)

" You're father is Akuma... Hida Rokurō? " I said and she just nodded and so I smiled again.

" Would you come with me for sec? " I said and she then stood up.

" Where are we going? " she said

" To your father, come along little one." I said and she then says goodbye for now for her three friends and we both then walked away from them.

As we were walking, while this like girl besides me then suddenly grab my hand and so I smile to what she was doing.

( I love how it feels to have a grandchild..)

( I've been waiting for this moment for too long.)

( But only to knew my son is hiding something from me!!! )

When we reach my son's private room, I then opened widely both doors in front of me and this little girl then suddenly run towards to my son.

" Sweet cake!! *smile*" Akuma

" Papa!!!! " she said

( So she is my son's daughter.)

( I can't believe what I'm seeing now.)

( I'm being so emotional now.)

( I'm so glad to have a grand daughter!!!! )

" Papa!!! I miss you!!! " she said

" I miss you, sweet cake." Akuma

I then slammed the table in front of my son, so he then looked at me with his eyes and smile like I didn't know anything.

" You little!! Why didn't you tell me about this!?? " I said

" Tell what? *smile*" Akuma

( Why this bastard!!! )

" That you already had a child! Why didn't you say anything about this matter hah!!!? " I said angrily

" Why would I let you all know that I had a daughter?  *smile*" Akuma

( Why you!!!! )

" Do you want to die?  " I said

" Not now, I had a child. *smile* By the way, what are you doing here? " Akuma

" Are you now telling me that you're own mother can't visit her own son!? " I said

" So, you're visiting me because you missed me? Ehehehe, you don't need to worry about me.*smile*" Akuma

" Why you little crumpled head! *sigh* Anyway, how was you and your wife doing? " I said and sit down on a chair

" She's doing well, besides she should be, we already had a child to take care of. " I then looked at the little girl playing on the other side of the table and so I smiled.

" I'm actually here and was about to asked you if you and you're wife already making a baby, but I never expected to see this matter that you two already had one. " I said and looked at that child again.

" We planned to never say anything about it, not until on her eight birthday party, to surprise all of you. " Akuma

" To bad, I already found out. " I said

" And my guess, you already informed the other's don't you? " Akuma

" What do you expect from your mother? Of course I did, after that child introduced herself, I was bit surprised to hear her name. " I said

" Yurina, sweet cake come here. " Akuma and then this little demon stood up and walks towards to him with a smile on her face.

" Yes papa? *smile*" she said

" I want you to meet my mother and that mean, she's your grandmother. " Akuma

This little girl then looked at me with her red eyes and walked towards to me, she then held my hand.

" It's nice to mweet you grandmommy! *smile*" she said

( Oh my!!! This is just so cute.)

" Oh Akuma! You're daughter is so cute!!!  "I said

" Yeah, I couldn't believe It either with my own two eyes, my daughter is so cute. " Akuma

" My~my~ such a very lovely little demon you are. " I said and smiled at her and she then do the same thing.

" Papa, can I go to my next class?  *smile*" she said

" Of course sweet cake, you may go. *smile*" Akuma

" Be careful on your way back dear child. " I said

" Bye papa, bye grandmommy!!  *smile*" she said

She then left the room and closed it behind her, I then looked at my son and told to say goodbye for I need to prepare something for my grandchild if I will soon visit her.

—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

As I was walking through this hallway again, I then bump to a demon lady.

" Watch your way you fo—." she said but then when I looked at her and when she did the same way, I then creep out.

" I'm sorry! " I said while bowing my head in front of her.

" You again, why aren't you on your class? " she said

" I-.. I don't know where's my next class. " I said

" Since you helped me with the books this morning, I guess I'll help you find your class." she said

" Oh thank you, ahm..." I said and she then smiles.

" Name is Akumu Kitahara Miyako, it's nice to see you again Little Yurina. *smile*" she said and so I smiled at her too.

While we were both walking up through the stairs and was walking... passing all each doors, she then later on stop on her tracks and pointed my next class is.