
Being a Nobody

When Tang first opened a book as a child, he was mesmerized by a world teeming with billions of people. But amidst the crowd, there was always that one extraordinary individual who defied the odds, embraced adventure, and lived a life filled with excitement and purpose. Determined to script his own thrilling narrative, Tang made a solemn vow. He delved into countless projects, honing his skills and talents to perfection. Yet, he couldn't escape the realization that there were others who far surpassed his abilities. As he grew older, Tang became a daring helicopter pilot and found love with his high school sweetheart, who now carries their first child. It seemed that Tang had finally discovered the exhilaration he had always craved, but little did he know, this was just the beginning. During a routine client escort, tragedy struck as Tang faced a fatal helicopter crash. Just as he was about to succumb to his fate, a mysterious voice echoed in his ears. And when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a strangely familiar yet unfamiliar room. Tang soon discovered that he had been transported to a magical realm, where he yearned to reclaim his role as the protagonist. But it quickly became apparent that this new world wouldn't make it easy for him to seize the spotlight once again.

JL_San · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


"Poor soul who has fallen prey to other mortal malice, I will give you yet another chance," a voice muttered.

And then, against all odds, Sebastian slowly regained consciousness. The sun was already about to set. As he opened his eyes, he felt a searing pain shooting through his body. He tried to move, but every muscle screamed in protest.

As he struggled to sit up, he realized the extent of his injuries. His right eye throbbed with intense pain, a sharp branch having pierced through it during the fall. Blood trickled down his face, blurring his vision. And as he shifted, he felt the deep, diagonal wound on his back, causing him to wince in agony.

Despite the pain and the overwhelming urge to give up, Sebastian knew he couldn't stay there. He needed to find help, to return to the town where he could get the medical attention he so desperately required and to inform everyone about the undead.

Summoning all his strength, he forced himself to his feet, stumbling and swaying with each step. Luckily, the trees stopped enough force during his fall in exchange for his right eye. Each movement sent waves of pain coursing through his body, but he gritted his teeth and continued on. The determination to survive fueled his every move.

With each agonizing step, Sebastian pushed forward, his mind focused on reaching the town. The path ahead seemed endless, but he refused to let despair consume him. He knew that with every passing moment, he was getting closer to the help he needed.

As he hobbled along, he couldn't help but wonder how an undead arrived near their town. The mysterious guy who had flown away seemed to hold the answers, but for now, Sebastian had to put his questions aside and focus on his own survival.

Through sheer willpower and an unwavering spirit, Sebastian trudged on, determined to overcome the pain and make it back to the town. The road ahead was treacherous, but he refused to let his injuries defeat him. He knew that as long as he had breath in his lungs, there was hope. And for some unknown reason, some of the pain he experienced slowly lessened, but it wasn't totally gone as he fell on the ground.

In those fleeting moments of clarity, Sebastian found himself questioning the cruel twist of fate that had brought him to this point. How had his life taken such a devastating turn? All he had ever wanted was a peaceful existence, to be the main character in this life. But now, he lay broken and alone, abandoned by the very world he had once cherished.

As consciousness slipped further away, Sebastian's mind became a battleground of despair and longing. The pain radiating from his shattered body served as a constant reminder of his helplessness. Every movement sent waves of agony coursing through him, a torturous symphony that seemed to mock his feeble attempts to escape.

The weight of his injuries pressed heavily upon him, threatening to crush his spirit. The searing pain in his right eye, the result of a sharp branch piercing through it, robbed him of his vision and left him disoriented. Blood oozed from his wounds, staining the ground beneath him and marking his descent into darkness.

With each labored breath, Sebastian fought against the overwhelming urge to surrender. But the pain was unrelenting, a relentless torment that whispered cruelly in his ear, urging him to let go. The physical agony merged with the anguish in his heart, a symphony of suffering that threatened to consume him whole.

As the moments ticked by, Sebastian's strength waned, his body growing weaker with each passing second. The road ahead seemed insurmountable, a cruel and twisted path that offered no solace. But somewhere deep within him, a flicker of determination remained. It whispered to him, urging him to find the strength to keep going, to endure the unbearable pain for just a little longer.

Summoning the last reserves of his fading strength, Sebastian forced himself to rise from the cold ground. Every movement was a battle against his own broken body, each step a testament to his indomitable will. The pain threatened to consume him, to drag him back into the abyss from which he had fought so hard to escape. But he refused to yield.

With each agonizing step, Sebastian pushed forward, his body trembling with the effort. The world around him blurred, a haze of pain and despair. But he clung to the glimmer of hope that still burned within him, a fragile flame that refused to be extinguished.

"Se-sebastian?" A familiar voice muttered. Sebastian realized it was Mikko's voice. He turned his head, finally feeling some hope. But his eyes widened when his gaze met Mikko's gaze. Mikko was badly wounded, with an open hole on his side that revealed what was behind him.


"Ru-Run-" Mikko exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear and desperation. But his words were abruptly cut off as a searing pain shot through his body.

Mikko's face was violently torn apart, the sound of flesh ripping echoing through the air. The force of the impact left a gaping wound that seemed to swallow his features, exposing the raw, mangled flesh beneath.

Blood gushed forth in a torrent, drenching everything in its path, as if the very essence of life was being mercilessly drained from him. The sight was gruesome, with jagged edges and torn skin hanging precariously, revealing the horrifying extent of the damage.

In that moment, Mikko's world shattered, and he could only gasp in disbelief as his life slipped away, consumed by darkness and agony.

The man from earlier stood behind Mikko's body, which fell to the ground. Sebastian's heart sank as he watched Mikko's lifeless body, bathed in his own blood. The sight was horrifying for anyone.

"Oh, you're the kid from earlier. You're still alive, huh?" the man stated. But Sebastian's senses had long given up, his mind turned blank.

"You're really pathetic! I can't add you to my arm--" The mysterious figure taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. But just as he was about to finish his sentence, Wynne, fueled by determination, lunged forward with his sword, aiming for the undead's neck. With a fierce expression on his face, Wynne's strike was swift and powerful.

However, the undead was not so easily defeated. In a surprising move, he swiftly brought up his whip, using it as a makeshift shield to block Wynne's sword. The clash of metal against bones filled the air, creating a tense atmosphere.

Just as it seemed like the undead had the upper hand, Guion, the representative of the elves, made his entrance. With a calm and focused expression, he silently appeared from behind. His palm glowed with a faint, ethereal light as he prepared to unleash his magic.

"Explosion," Guion whispered, his voice barely audible. In an instant, a blinding explosion of light erupted from his palm, engulfing the undead in a dazzling display of power. The force of the explosion sent shockwaves through the air, causing the surrounding smoke to billow and swirl.

But, as stated earlier, the undead was not so easily defeated. With an impressive display of agility, he managed to evade the explosion by soaring through the air. His movements were swift and graceful, almost as if he had anticipated everything beforehand.

As the smoke cleared, revealing the undead hovering mid-air, the tension in the fight escalated. The mysterious figure, Wynne, and Guion exchanged determined glances, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Suddenly, the undead let out a sinister laugh, his voice echoing through the battlefield. With a swift flick of his wrist, he summoned a dark portal behind him. The portal crackled with malevolent energy, beckoning him to escape to safety.

Realizing the danger, Wynne and Guion lunged forward, hoping to prevent the undead from fleeing. But before they could reach him, the undead gracefully leaped into the portal, disappearing in an instant.

Wynne and Guion stood there, panting heavily, their expressions a mix of frustration and determination. They had come so close to capturing the undead, yet he had managed to slip away.

"We need to track him before he hurts--"

"Wynne," Arx called, making Wynne turn towards him. His eyes widened when he saw Sebastian and Mikko's lifeless bodies lying on the ground.

"That motherfucker," Aeisha muttered as she punched a tree, making a hole in it.

"We need to return back to their town," Wynne ordered as the others carefully carried Sebastian and Mikko's lifeless bodies back to the town, their hearts heavy with grief and anger. As they approached the town, a chilling silence hung in the air, broken only by the distant sound of crows cawing.

With each step they took, their dread grew, and their worst fears were confirmed when they reached the town square. The once lively and bustling place was now a scene of devastation. Buildings were in ruins, blood stained the streets, and the lifeless bodies of the townspeople lay scattered around.

Wynne's hands clenched into fists as he surveyed the grim sight. The undead had left a trail of destruction and despair in their wake. It was a cruel reminder of the stakes they were fighting against.

Arx, Aeisha, and Guion stood beside Wynne, their expressions mirroring his mix of sorrow and determination. They knew they couldn't afford to falter now. The undead had to be stopped, and justice had to be served for their fallen comrades and the innocent lives lost.

"We can't let their deaths be in vain," Wynne said, his voice filled with resolve. "But we must cure the wounded first."

Arx nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "We'll track him down, Wynne. We won't rest until justice is served."

Aeisha, her fists still clenched, added, "That undead will pay for what he's done. No one gets away with this."

Guion, his expression calm yet determined, stepped forward. "I will use my magic to heal this child first."

"Please do, we'll bury the body to let them pass in peace. Aeisha, report back to the capital," Wynne stated.


Sebastian's eyes slowly opened as he tried to remember what happened. When everything cleared up, his eyes widened and he suddenly stood up, but pain suddenly covered his entire body.

He looked down at his bandaged body as he ran his hands over it. 'I-It can't be... No... No... No, everything is just a nightmare!' Sebastian thought as he grabbed his head.

Sebastian slowly pushed himself up, determined to see what had become of the town. Despite the pain coursing through his body, he couldn't ignore the burning curiosity that urged him to find out the truth.

As he made his way towards the door, using the walls for support, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The silence that hung in the air was deafening, and it sent shivers down his spine.

With each step, Sebastian's heart pounded in his chest. He braced himself for what he might see outside. As he opened the door and stepped out, his eyes widened in shock and horror. The once vibrant town square now lay in ruins. The streets were stained with blood, and the lifeless bodies of the townspeople were scattered everywhere.

Sebastian's breath caught in his throat as he took in the devastating sight. It was as if a nightmare had come to life before his eyes. The grief and anger welled up inside him threatened to consume him. He couldn't comprehend how such senseless violence could befall his peaceful town.

Sebastian couldn't breathe normally, like something was stuck in his throat, but his attention was cut off as he heard a voice in the distance. He slowly walked towards it, hiding behind a wall, as he saw the heroes laying a body in front of the well.

"I will surely kill him," Aeisha stated with gritted teeth as Wynne looked down on the ground. "To mercilessly kill a woman, bearing a child in her womb," Wynne muttered as Sebastian's chest suddenly tightened when he caught a glance of the body in front of the heroes.

It was his mother.

Sebastian watched from his hiding spot, his heart sank, and a wave of anguish washed over him. His eyes fixated on the lifeless body of his mother lying in front of the heroes. The pain in his chest intensified, making it difficult for him to breathe. It felt as if a heavy weight had been placed upon his shoulders, crushing him under the weight of grief and loss.

Tears welled up in Sebastian's eyes as memories of his mother, father, Mikko, and everyone from their town flooded his mind.

Sebastian's hands trembled as he clenched them into fists, his knuckles turning white. Anger surged through his veins, mixing with the overwhelming sadness. And in that moment, something on his side snapped.