
Being a Nobody

When Tang first opened a book as a child, he was mesmerized by a world teeming with billions of people. But amidst the crowd, there was always that one extraordinary individual who defied the odds, embraced adventure, and lived a life filled with excitement and purpose. Determined to script his own thrilling narrative, Tang made a solemn vow. He delved into countless projects, honing his skills and talents to perfection. Yet, he couldn't escape the realization that there were others who far surpassed his abilities. As he grew older, Tang became a daring helicopter pilot and found love with his high school sweetheart, who now carries their first child. It seemed that Tang had finally discovered the exhilaration he had always craved, but little did he know, this was just the beginning. During a routine client escort, tragedy struck as Tang faced a fatal helicopter crash. Just as he was about to succumb to his fate, a mysterious voice echoed in his ears. And when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a strangely familiar yet unfamiliar room. Tang soon discovered that he had been transported to a magical realm, where he yearned to reclaim his role as the protagonist. But it quickly became apparent that this new world wouldn't make it easy for him to seize the spotlight once again.

JL_San · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

5 years after the awakening

The streets are alive with activity, bustling with people going about their daily routines. Shopkeepers proudly display their wares, enticing passersby with colorful displays and enticing aromas. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafts from the local bakery, mingling with the scent of blooming flowers that adorn the windowsills.

As people stroll through the town, they'll notice groups of friends gathered in cozy cafes, sharing stories and sipping on steaming cups of coffee. Children can be seen playing games in the park, their laughter echoing through the air, while parents watch on with beaming smiles. The sound of music spills out from open windows, as talented musicians serenade the streets with melodies that uplift the spirits of all who listen.

The townsfolk engage in a variety of activities, each pursuing their passions and interests. Some gather in the town square, engaging in lively discussions about current events or sharing tales of their adventures. Others immerse themselves in creative pursuits, painting colorful masterpieces or crafting intricate handmade goods.

The sun shines brightly in a cloudless sky, casting a warm and inviting glow. The air feels crisp and refreshing, just right for a summer day. A tall figure, his broad shoulders draped in a worn-out black robe that seemed to have weathered countless journeys, walks through the crowd, effortlessly blending in like a fleeting shadow. His face remains neutral, devoid of any emotion, giving him an air of mystery.

Despite his pale complexion, he exudes an otherworldly charm rather than a ghostly appearance. His tousled moss-colored hair falls just below his jawline, adding to his enigmatic aura. Although he lacks a beard, there is a visible scar around his right eye.

He continues to walk as it leads him to a peculiar establishment adorned with a sign that reads "The Inn" in unique and captivating alphabets. As he enters, the jingling of bells echoes throughout the entire building, capturing the attention of everyone inside momentarily before they return to their conversations and activities.

Approaching the counter, a young woman greets him with a warm and friendly smile, her short brown hair framing her bright hazel eyes. Her slightly tan skin complements her vibrant red dress, and her shoes are a perfect match. "Welcome to The Inn!" she says cheerfully. "How can I assist you today?"

"I would like a single room and perhaps some entertainment," he replies in a cool and detached tone, his voice carrying an intriguing blend of robotic precision and underlying depth. It's as if his words hold both emptiness and hidden depths. It's an eerie yet captivating presence.

"Entertainment? I'm sorry, sir, but we don't offer that specific service," she responds politely, beginning to explain.

"I would like to witness the phoenix sing," he interrupts, causing the girl's eyes to widen in recognition. "A single room will cost 5 silver coins," she informs him, as he retrieves the exact amount from his pocket.

Handing him a small form, she says, "Please fill out this form." As he complies, she collects the 5 silver coins from the counter. Once he finishes writing, she hands him a key adorned with a phoenix keychain.

"I hope you enjoy the phoenix's enchanting performance later, Mr. Sebastian," she says with a slight bow, bidding him farewell as he ascends the stairs to the second floor of the inn.


The night sky was ablaze with the radiant glow of five shimmering moons, casting an ethereal light upon the world below. Sebastian stood by the window, staring at the moon with expressionless eyes.

He keep on looking towards the same moons in the past 5 years, lost in his own thoughts when the clock strikes midnight, he wore his coat, getting ready to go out. Taking a lamp in hand, he walked out of his room and descended the darkened stairs of the inn, its doors long closed for the night.

Silently, Sebastian made his way behind the inn's counter, retrieving a key to his room that held a secret purpose. As he inserted it into a hidden crevice in the floor, a mysterious door creaked open, revealing a hidden passage below. Without hesitation, he descended the stairs, the sound of distant voices growing louder with each step.

Emerging into a dimly lit room, Sebastian found himself surrounded by a secret gathering. People sat at various tables, their faces concealed by masks or robes, their hands clutching glasses of frothy beer. The air was thick with smoke coming from their smoking pipes.

Sebastian leaned against the wall, hiding in the shadows, waiting for the event to commence. The room fell into hushed silence as a voice echoed through the space, amplified by a microphone. The sound reverberated around the room as Sebastian's gaze focused on a small stage in the front, where three covered objects piqued his curiosity.

There stood a girl wearing revealing clothes and a mask covering her face, but it was obvious to Sebastian that it was the woman on the counter earlier.

"I know everybody is excited for today's special event, so I won't make you all wait any longer," the woman announced with a cheerful tone, causing the crowd to erupt in cheers and applause.

"Now, for the first event," she continued, her voice filled with anticipation. As she unveiled the first fabric, a heart-wrenching sight appeared before everyone's eyes. It was a man, half-naked and covered in painful bruises all over his body. The broken horns on his head indicated that he belonged to the demon race.

To make matters even worse, both of his hands were tightly bound in heavy chains, and a cruel collar was fastened tightly around his neck. The stark contrast between the excitement of the crowd and the pitiful state of the man created a chilling atmosphere, leaving everyone in awe of his suffering.

"How should we make the phoenix sing tonight?" the woman inquired.

"Stab him!"

"Cut off his hand!"

"Burn his flesh!"

Different options were being shouted by the crowd, and Sebastian just stood there, lost in thought. He couldn't help but contemplate the fact that the human race was considered inferior, leading some to become more and more inhumane in order to assert dominance.

Even with the law stating that all races should respect one another, there always seemed to be someone who desired to rise above all.

"Mikko, it's no wonder you want to become an advisor of the demon race. Humans will forever be a trash, no matter which world we're in," Sebastian muttered to himself.

As a blood-curdling scream filled the room when the woman cut off the chained man's fingers, as she reach the final finger Sebastian let out a heavy sigh. He reached into his side and pulled out a black fox mask, covering his eyes as he slowly walked towards the stage, capturing the attention of everyone, including the host.

"It seems like someone wants to have the honor of beheading-" the host began to say, but before she could finish her sentence, Sebastian pointed his finger at the woman. In an instant, her head exploded, and blood splattered across the ground and walls, even reaching some of the people sitting near the stage.

"I want nothing to do with you," Sebastian declared, causing panic to erupt among the onlookers. People screamed and frantically attempted to flee, but their efforts were in vain. As they rose from their seats, they suffered the same gruesome fate as the host, their heads exploding and splattering the surroundings with blood.

With a disgusted expression, Sebastian pulled the other piece of fabric, releasing a putrid smell into the air. Inside the cage lay the lifeless bodies of an elf and a demon, both succumbing to fatal infections from their wounds and due to blood lost.

Turning his attention to the remaining demon who was being tortured earlier, Sebastian observed his pale complexion and lifeless eyes. The demon had perished from severe blood loss, it's not like Sebastian did bother saving him, with the cruelty he had already experienced, he probably wanted to die more than to live.