
Being A Ninja Isn't So Hard If I Can Cultivate

A tomboyish ten-year-old Naruto is told to study more by her teacher Iruka. Heading to the library, she stumbles upon an odd book that changes her life from that moment on. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the cover picture.

GreenDragon1222 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Genin Tournament Starts

Naruto sat in the waiting room with the other participants. She just now realized that this might have been a very impulsive decision, and not very well thought out. Sure, she could cultivate, giving her an advantage over every that would make her seem like a god in front of mortals. But she had only been at it for a tiny amount of time. Just a couple of days ago, she was a tiny, malnourished orphan with nothing to her name other than a shitty apartment and some very biased education. She was currently sitting in a room with a bunch of very intimidating-looking men and women.

She looked left and saw a seven-foot-tall man with bronzed skin and humungous muscles. Looking around a bit more, she saw a man who was flexing his muscles and manipulating them, from what she could tell. It was a disgusting yet fascinating sight. Naruto couldn't help but be amazed, to think there were so many unique people, maybe she was near-sighted from staying in the village. The world was huge, and truly hidden villages probably have all kinds of unique Kekkai Genkai.

"Hello welcome to today's Genin Tournament. I'm sure a lot of you know me, and new people will soon, your one and only announcer, Arazuma Nogami! Now I would waste your time like other announcers, but that's boring, so let's get right into what you are all here for the fights!" His voice rumbled through the underground. It was obvious he was using his chakra to significantly boost his volume.

"Well then, we have our first round. A man with an odd Kekkei Genkai who claims his homeland from the far west of Sunogakure, Chiodi! And from the other side, a new face in the game, a mysterious figure in a black cloak, Raymen!" Naruto jumped a bit. She wasn't expecting to be called out first. Sighing out, she steeled herself.

She got up and slowly walked to the arena, under the heavy gazes of the other participants, scanning her like vultures. They probably saw her unassuming aura as a weakness. She couldn't help but feel quite pathetic, with her short stature. Shaking off the feeling, she reached the entrance and walked out. The light blinded her, as right above the arena was a giant chakra crystal, shining brilliantly. She looked around to see people scattered out through the humungous coliseum. It was to be expected that there weren't a lot of people, as more probably showed up to the Chunin and Jonin tournaments, but it was still easily more people than she had ever seen in her life.

The coliseum center was a large flat land with nothing on it. She guessed this place would look like a warzone after the tournament, but for now, it was newly repaired. She kept walking until she was near the center of the huge arena. Looking in front of her, about a hundred feet away, she saw a lanky male of tall height. He was pale as a sheet for some reason, probably a regular in the underground, didn't see much sun. He had murky green hair that reached his waist and chocolate brown eyes with heavy eye bags and a sharp nose with taut lips. He wore a plain white shirt and black pants, he also suspiciously did not have shoes on, which she found odd. He didn't look to have any weapons though, but Naruto didn't dare underestimate anyone in this tournament, plus they said he had a Kekkei Genkai.

"Keh, pathetic." She heard the man grumble with her newly enhanced hearing. His voice was scratchy, and held a haughty tone, as he thought of himself above all others. She narrowed her eyes at this, but then again, it was better to be underestimated.

"Alright, then folks, gambling time. Who do you think will win! The imposing Chiodi, or the unassuming Raymen!" The announcer shouted. Quite a lot of people got up and went to a booth near the announcer. She guessed this was the gambling table, and that quite a lot of people were gambling against her looking for free Ryo.

"Well then, let's get it started. The first match-up tonight is a go." The man's voice echoed through the coliseum and Naruto's adrenaline kicked in. The crowd erupted in excitement. This was her first battle ever. Unfortunately, they hadn't started sparring yet, so she knew she was at a major disadvantage. Especially because, from what she could tell, the bullshit taijutsu stance the academy teachers gave her to practice would definitely not help her. Iruka always was the only one who even slightly cared, and even that only started recently.

Chiodi raised his hands and something amazing happened, his fingernails rapidly grew from his hands and started launching themselves at Naruto. Her eyes widened before she quickly dodged by rolling left. 'So this is what they were talking about when they mentioned his Kekkei Genkai!' She exclaimed in her head, as she observed the nails quickly swerve right and attempt to hit her again. She used her newly gained flexibility and strength to push herself off the ground and backflip over the nails.

Landing in a crouched position, Naruto leads some of her chakras into her leg. If people could see, they would see lightly glowing cyan-colored lines light up her leg, like some kind of extra veins. She pushes off the ground with immense force that sends a spider crack under where her feet once were. This easily accelerates her to forty miles an hour.

She goes flying at her enemy at an inhuman speed, utilizing her small stature, she crosses a hundred feet between them like it was nothing in a couple of seconds, easily evading the toenails he started utilizing to attempt to stop her. A cocky grin lights up her face. 'Your fingernails and toenails are already extended, what can you do.' She sneers, this is what he gets for underestimating her. She cocks her fist back, as she nears his face.

A sneer spreads across her enemy's face, as a malevolent light glows in his eyes. Her eyebrows jump as suddenly his hair starts moving too, quickly forming a wall in front of his face, and spikes come out of it. Naruto panics and stops immediately, putting massive strain onto her legs, and leaps backward to avoid being caught in the spiky shield. She thanks cultivation for also helping her reaction time, or she would probably have punched a hole into her fist.

She lands around fifty feet away from him. Her legs had a painful pulsing in them from when she stopped herself quickly with the strain she put on them, and her right knuckle had a painful tingling. 'It seems that extension isn't the only thing he can do. He must be able to harden it significantly if it was able to get through my hardened skin.' She speculated. Then, much to Naruto's amazement, her wound glows in a slightly sinister red light as it steams and stitches itself back together, then the pain in her legs recedes. 'So this is what furball can do. Finally something useful to the many disadvantages of having him in your stomach, other than his absurd chakra reserves, which I can't even properly utilize, and passive strengthening of my tenketsu and chakra veins.' She exclaims. She hears mocking laughter and looks to her enemy, to see Chiodi with a disdainful looking on his face.

"You aren't very smart, are you. If you were you would not have charged like that. My Kekkei Genkai allows me to manipulate keratin with my chakra. And as you've probably figured out, that allows me to extend and harden my nails and hair. You stupidly didn't realize I could also extend my hair, proven by how you charged when I had them extended. I can also tell you're a beginner by how panicking was the first thing you did when I put up my shield. I can also tell you don't even have a taijutsu style, just a brawler's loose stance. Tch, an easy opponent. But from what I can tell you have amazing battle instincts, not that it matters. I'll crush your spirit here so you won't dare battle me in the future." He glared disdainfully. She narrowed her eyes at him, guessing this was a scheme to rile her up.

"I'll end this quickly." He claimed before flying through a couple of hand signs. Suddenly his hair exploded out along with his nails, before wrapping around his body in some sort of twisted, ugly armor. The murky green hair hardened and even though it was hair, appeared to be hard as steel. Naruto grit her teeth, this just got much harder. The man exploded towards her like a bull. Her eyes widened as she nimbly jumped to the left, barely avoiding his super-powered football charge. She feels the mere wind pressure from that almost whip the hood off of her head. He barrels past her position and skids to a halt, leaving a long road of upturned rock in his wake. 'What can I do!' Naruto quickly runs through options in her mind. His weakness is his limited mobility, but she knows she can't do anything about that armor. She could wait for him to run out of chakra, but she will most likely lose before he runs out, though.

The man slowly turns towards her, and she realizes she needs something and quick, before remembering her clone's advice. But that would mean revealing her trump card in the first round, and they weren't even sure if it worked. But then it hits her, she doesn't need to use all her chakra as her clone said. 'I'll use around 5%, my body should be able to withstand it. Even though I have only strengthened my skin and heart, it should be enough to handle it without any permanent repercussions.' Naruto pulls the huge amounts of natural chakra roaring through the dantian in her stomach and lets it flow through her body.

Everyone witnesses Raymen's body suddenly start lightly glowing in a cyan light that you can tell even though she is in a dark cloak. It looks like her veins are glowing, even though these are just her chakra veins, there is so much chakra in them it became visible. "Oh, folks! What an exciting match. And is this a new Kekkei Genkai? Or is Raymen's chakra so strong it can do this!" The announcer yells and the crowd cheers in excitement.

Meanwhile, Naruto can feel the immense strength in her muscles, along with immense pain. She knows she is pushing it and her limbs can't hold this for long, even with her newly discovered regeneration. She had to finish this quickly.

Her opponent comes barreling towards her and manipulates his hair and nails to form huge shields on his hand and puts them in front of his body to enhance the area and blunt force of his charge. Naruto also pushes off the ground as craters are formed at the start of both of their charges. The space between them is closed almost instantly as Naruto's fists smash into the shield, producing a large shockwave that blows the debris around them wildly, and creating a large spider-web-like crack under them from the air pressure of the impact. They are held in this stalemate before both of them are blasted back. Naruto tumbles a bit before straightening herself out, while Chiodi is pushed back as well, but sticks his feet into the ground so he doesn't fall, creating a large stretch of pulled-up rocks.

"Yes, this is it! This battle is amazing, amuse me more!" Chiodi suddenly yells. 'You crazy battle-addicted bastard.' Naruto curses in her mind. While in real life, a vicious grin adorns itself as a truly reckless plan forms in her mind. She gets up again and into charging position, while a cocky grin spreads across her enemy's face. "Oh, you wanna go again. I can tell you are hurting, while I can easily hold my armor for long periods of time. You certainly aren't the first person to match my strength, but I've crushed all the previous ones with my stamina. Well not that it matters, I am enjoying this match." He also resumes his charging position for the third time and creates the shields again.

The distance between them has quickly closed once again, and Naruto raises her fist to punch the shield, just like the previous time. Before the malicious smile returns to her lip, as she pumps twice as much chakra into her arm right before impact. Chiodi's cocky smirk is blown off his face, as his whole body goes flying, along with the feeling of being hit by a semi-truck from her fist. His limp body goes flying, as his armor shatters and he rolls along lifelessly, before landing in a heap a hundred feet away from the initial collision. He was still breathing, but he was easily knocked out and heavily injured from the impact. Naruto huffs out, 'It's what you get for underestimating me.' she berates him in her mind. She can't feel her left arm, but that doesn't matter right now.

The crowd explodes in cheers and starts chanting her codename. She gets a warm feeling in her stomach. After being ignored and constantly belittled her whole life, all this truly feels good. She could get addicted to this feeling. "There it is folks! What an exciting first match, truly one of the best I've ever seen out of the Genin bracket. These two will make it far! Give it up for Chiodi and Raymen!" The announcer thunders out, as waves as clapping roll out. A person comes and retrieves Chiodi's body, probably for medical treatments.

Naruto walks towards the waiting room again slowly, while checking her arm. She watches once again as the bloody mangled arm glows in that same sinister red light, and all the wounds stitch together and easily heal. 'Seems like foxy is finally paying his debt for his shitty treatment. She wipes a bit of blood off it to once again show her flawless skin, and no scars to show. She breathes a sigh of relief, if she had to fight the rest of the tournament with one arm, she would be screwed.

She once again enters the waiting room and could feel all the eyes on her immediately, but not with the same previous disdain, but fighting spirit. It feels like the air is smoldering with the sheer competitiveness in the room. She sighs as she sits down again in her corner, this tournament just became a lot harder to win.

Before you say it, Naruto is nowhere near overpowered. Not yet at least. She was lucky her opponent relied on his pure strength because she would have easily lost a taijutsu battle. Naruto might have a huge amount of chakra, but she can not control nor sustain the pressure of it. Also, the anime severely downplayed the combat prowess of ninjas in my opinion. It is stated that even a normal Genin can run at 40 MPH constantly. And another thing is the unique Kekkei Genkai's I am adding. In theory, there should be tons of other people all over the world of Naruto that never truly revealed themselves in the story.

GreenDragon1222creators' thoughts