
Behind The Screen!

Warning: This is a yandere romance novel. Kanzaki is your average everyday guy. He has just finished college for a degree he didn't even care for but luckily by the grace of God he was able to get a job that he liked much more than the one he got a degree for. He became a V-Tuber! Kanzaki was quickly becoming a streaming sensation at an astonishing rate but there was always one person that commented strange things about loving Kanzaki. Where will this lead? Read to find out!

Unmasked63 · สมจริง
114 Chs


After a few moments of silence accompanied by Kanzaki's screaming excitement, the chat and Hinojosaiii finally came out of their stupor and fully accepted what happened. While it might be both crazy and absurd the kill that was just shown they couldn't help but appreciate the level of gameplay cheater or not.






[Murphy_: POGG!]

Messages went on like a tidal wave once people began typing once more. They were in shock yet they were more than excited to have experienced something like that. Little did Kanzaki know people took the clip from that moment and were already posting it online showing the world Kanzaki's ability.

Some people had even seen his potential as a streamer and began making clip channels dedicated to anything that happened on his stream. Some had even begun trying to donate money due to the absurdity of that clip but were surprised to see that he hadn't opened any kind of donation function yet.

They were both sad and surprised at the same time that he hadn't even thought of letting them send him money which gave many a new respect for Kanzaki, "That was amazing!" Hinojosaiii shouted as he got back to his microphone.

Kanzaki's chat wasn't the only one that had gone silent since Hinojosaiii was spectating Kanzaki at the time. Hinojosaiii currently had over 500 viewers so in addition to Kanzaki's 230 they had a combined total of over 700 people that had seen the moment happen and it was only growing as the clip began getting spread.

After hitting the shot Kanzaki and Hinojosaiii continued to play rounds of the game and never lost a single game. Throughout their entire experience together they had yet to taste defeat and it was even more true for Kanzaki. When Hinojosaiii had been playing the game by himself beforehand he had suffered a few losses at the hands of some really good players but Kanzaki was not in that group.

When Kanzaki played no matter what game mode or thing they were doing he had yet to lose a game but nobody questioned it since no one had seen the full length of every stream and saw every game. They just chalked it up to him having a really good day and that the next day he might lose a game or two.

After playing for a little while longer Kanzaki knew it was time for him to go offline since it had become later in the day and he still had many things he wanted to do. Despite meeting Landon the day before Kanzaki still wanted to go to the gym and begin improving his health.

It was very important to him and he thought it would help him with his streaming career in the long run. Since he knew these things he decided to end his stream and finish the first collab he had ever been a part of, "Thanks for joining me today Hinojosaiii! It has been a blast and I'm hopeful we will have more fun times like this in the future!" Kanzaki said with happiness truly satisfied with how the day turned out.

"Of course! Thank you for joining me as well. I had a blast and can't wait to play again. Maybe one of the next times I will hit a clip like yours!" Hinojosaiii said laughing at the end of his sentence. Kanzaki knew he was joking and decided to laugh alongside his chat who thought it was the funniest thing ever that their streamer thought they could pull something off like Kanzaki.

Almost unconsciously the people in the stream had stopped calling Kanzaki a hacker and instead began thinking of him as an amazing and respectable player. The reasoning behind this wasn't due to his gameplay but instead the way Kanzaki talked and carried himself. He was a very nice and thankful person who always made it a point to interact with his chat which made many people like him.

In their minds they didn't think that someone like that could be capable of cheating or lying to the chat's face saying that they were truly just that good at the game.

[hans02: Thanks for the stream see you later!]

[fuzer_123: Have a good afternoon!]

[Jimmy_Mighy: I will definitely be back!]

Once Kanzaki and Hinojosaiii finished saying their goodbyes Kanzaki ended his stream and went to fix himself a meal. Once he had his chicken and rice which he had prepared in the air fryer before he even started streaming he walked over to his desk and began looking around online.

Since he had his food he wasn't going to go work out yet so he decided to use the rest of his time just relaxing and scrolling online. Since Kanzaki enjoyed the game he had been playing so much he decided to go to WeTube to watch better players than him.

In Kanzaki's mind, he thought if he watched players that were better than him at the game some of their skills could rub off on him and make him play a lot better than he had been so far. If some of the people that had been watching him so far heard this they may puke blood since they thought he was among the best of the best already.

However, when Kanzaki looked up good clips and videos of the game he had been playing he was surprised to see that the top and most popular clip that popped up was his own!

When Kanzaki looked down at the view count he almost fell out of his chair when he realized that the clip already had over 200k views and was growing quickly. Of course, Kanzaki was interested to watch and check the comments on the clip he had so he clicked on it without hesitation.


Witch: 1,980 Followers

Tweeter: 1,120 Followers

Authors Note: Thank you all for reading! May replies may be a little delayed these next few days since I have family over and only a few hours to pump out 4 chapters! I thank you all for your patience and hope you enjoy! OH BEFORE I GO! WE'RE NOW IN THE TOP 150 OF WSA! WOHOOOO! THANKS FOR THE HELP TEAM! IF YOU WANT TO HELP US REACH A HIGHER PLACE SEND YOUR POWER STONES! THANKS LOVE YA! K BYE!