
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · สมัยใหม่
34 Chs

Different in a Good Way

Becca's POV

Nathan rushes up to potbelly no 2 and grabs him by the back of his collar throwing him across the room and into a barstool that was rooted in the ground.

Someone on the other side of the bar suddenly screams "bar fight" and in an instant bottles and people are flying into other people. Punches are thrown and people are stabbed and in the center of all that chaos is Nathan who thankfully isn't trying to hurt anyone else and is just neutralizing them.

I step out of the boot to help Nathan who is almost stabbed with a bottle, as I get closer I suddenly feel an arm on my shoulder and turn to see potbelly no 1 angrily looking at me as he clutches his broken wrist in his other hand.

"You're going to pay for this bitch" he says as he tries to smash his lips to mine. I immediately plant my hands on his meaty chest and push him away but that doesn't stop him as he tries to rush me again but this time I'm prepared so I fold my arm into a fist and stick the knuckle of my middle finger out and as he gets close enough I use his momentum to my advantage and punch him in the neck and judging by the wheezing and writhing in pain I'd say I definitely put him in a lot of pain.

I turn to see Nathan surrounded by a pile of bodies that keeps growing thanks to all the people dumb enough to think that they can take on a literal killer. Just then I hear someone rushing me from behind so I sidestep and place a well aimed karate chop to the back of his neck. I look up as Nathan punches the last standing person in the bar besides the bartender who isn't really standing unless cowering in fear is considered the same thing as standing.

Just then sirens are heard outside the bar and I start to panic but I look at Nathan who has a goofy smile on his face.

"What's so funny? I can't have an arrest on my permanent record Nathan" I say as I start to pace from the anxiety and the look of disappointment my grandmother will surely be sporting tomorrow. Suddenly two very strong arms grab me and pull me till I'm staring directly into seas of blue.

"Everything's going to be alright Becca. I got you, you're not getting arrested tonight" Nathan says as his breath fans my face due to our proximity

"Weirdly enough I trust you even though for the life of me I can't figure out why" I reply in a calm voice as my panic subsides.

"Now how would you like to play helpless damsel in distress" Nathan says with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Wait, what?" I say in protest but Nathan is already in the zone so I decide to let the man work seeing as he actually does stuff like this for a living.

He pulls my hair down over my face and frizzles it around, he then proceeds to pull my shoe off and then picks a muddy boot off of one of the drunken men on the floor before rubbing it all over my body.

"There, one homeless person who the cops will pay no mind to" he says as he steps back to examine his work.

He comes back and makes holes in a man's shoe before handing it over to me for me to put on. I put it on and after looking in mirror that the bartender was so kind to give us, I can officially say that as much as I hate to admit it this blue eyed demon has some actual skills.

"Ok Becca here's the plan. You're going to run out in a panic and tell them that there's a crazy person in here that beat everyone up and was about to kill you before you escaped" he tells me and for once in my life I don't feel the need to dispute his order or question it.

"As for you Mr. Bartender, you're going to tell them that a 5ft tall woman who was really slim did this and since you're the only sober person in here they'll believe you. Also it would be really helpful if some beer got spilled on your hard drives during the scuffle. If you do all this to the letter then you're going to get a cheque of 50,000 dollars but if you fail me I'm coming back here and getting you fired, also tell your boss that Neil is going to pay for the damage" Nathan says to the scared bartender who just nods his head in agreement.

"Also I'll need the keys to the back" Nathan says with his arm outstretched and after some fumbling Nathan finally gets the key.

"I'll meet you in the back alley, don't be late" he says with a wink before running around the back of the bar and disappearing through a door.

I take a deep breath as I turn to the door and prepare myself before coming out of the bar slowly with my hands up. The 4 officers outside with their guns trained on me immediately lower their weapons and rush forward to form a human shield at my back so that I'm blocked from the bar in the case that whoever is in there has a weapon. When we eventually get behind the barricade formed by their armored cruisers, they take one look at me and only ask one question.

"What happened in there?" one of the policemen asks in a gruff voice as they keep their guns trained on the door.

"some girl walked into the bar and started beating everyone up so I went in to try and help but she almost snapped my neck so I rushed out here as soon as I heard the sirens" I say through the fake tears streaming down my face.

"Is she armed" he asks as his face turns sympathetic to my tears.

"No" I say through sniffles as my eye catches the name on his badge 'Johnson'.

Officer Johnson then turns around as the other officers close up the gap he left in their formation.

"Here let me help you to the police cruiser so that we can get you down to the precinct, give you a bath and some good food before we take your witness statement" he says as he helps me into the car.

I give him a quick hug as my fingers wrap around the key on his belt and I swipe it. He closes the door and leaves but as soon as they enter the bar I unlock the door and run around to the back alley. I get there to find it empty when a voice suddenly says from behind me.

"peek-a-boo" I turn around quickly and try to plant my elbow in the person behind me but he grabs my elbow as I look into the seas of blue that are still hunting my dreams. I sigh in relief as he hands me my jacket but before I can put it on the slam of a door hitting the alley wall rings loud and clear at the end of the alley.

"Raise your hands up slowly" a voice says that if I'm right which I usually am, belongs to Officer Johnson.

Nathan quickly grabs my t-shirt and pulls it over my head as he wraps it around his head and pushes me behind a dumpster and out of sight as he grabs a garbage bag.

"Don't you dare move again or I'll shoot" officer Johnson says as he gets closer with his handcuffs outstretched. He takes a few more steps as Nathan's arm muscles tense up and without warning he flings the bag forward at officer Johnson's face and in that same moment he jumps onto a fire escape ladder and scrambles to the top quickly as officer Johnson tries to shove the garage bag off of him.

Officer Johnson quickly becomes very alert as he swings his gun around looking for the disappearing perp when Nathan drops in from behind and wraps Officer Johnson in a sleeper hold knocking him out.

I emerge from behind the dumpster and for some reason Nathan's eyes are glued to my chest with a very dirty smile on his face. I look down and immediately regret my choice not to wear a bra today. I cover up with the jacket and after some begging Nathan finally gives me my shirt. With nowhere to go we decide to go to Nathan's place since its much closer and because I refuse to be seen on the streets of new York dressed like this.

Using back alleys we eventually come up on Nathan's building which looks more like a hotel than anything. I wrap my jacket around my face as we approach the front door. The doorman quickly stops us by pushing out his hand and blocking me from entering.

"Mr. Romano it's building policy that we don't accept this kind of element into the building. You can go up but she can't" he says as he looks at me with disgust.

"You're new right?" Nathan asks the doorman.

"Yes sir. Just got the job two days ago" the doorman says with a smile.

Nathan steps off to the side and pulls out his phone and a moment later a man in a suit who I'm guessing is the manager, comes out and hands the doorman a letter.

"What's this Sir?" the doorman asks in shock.

"Billy that's me telling you formally that you're on two weeks suspension without pay for denying the owners of the building entry. Be grateful that the boss didn't fire you" the manager quickly says before turning to us and saying.

"Mr. Romano and Ms Esposito I'm really sorry for the inconvenience" he says before opening the door for us.

We make a beeline for the elevator and a minute later we've gone up eighty floors and step into the penthouse.

I ask Nathan for directions to the bathroom where I quickly wash up before remembering that I have no clean clothes so I wrap a towel around my body and step out to ask Nathan for a t-shirt but I get interrupted by the elevator opening.

I look into the living room to find a little girl of about 10 clutching a backpack and looking at me with fire in her eyes.

"I think you might have the wrong floor little girl" I say as I smile at her.

"I don't know who you are and I don't care but can you step aside so I can get into my apartment cause I've had a long day and I need a juice box lady" she says as she impatiently taps her foot on the ground with a signature hand on the hip move.

I'm about to ask her how I can contact her parents when Nathan steps into the sitting with a towel around his waist and stops in his tracks as he spots the situation in the elevator.

"Charlotte?" he asks in surprise.

"hey dad" she replies as the only question any woman in this situation can ask herself pops into my mind 'what the actual fu…'