
Behind Enemy Lines

Stella chose to spend her life with her partner. She is aware, given her circumstances, that if she meets her true love, he will reject her. She comes from a wild pack. Doyle is the Beta from his pack. He accepted the fact that he will never find a partner. When he finds himself in front of her, he will not be aware of what will strike him. When he discovers who she really is, what will he do?

DaoistW6PmDJ · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs



"He's returning. Do you sense him?" Onyx does a lot of jumping. His return excites her.

"Hmph! Perhaps he's returning to dismiss us." I say without pondering Onyx's sentiments.

Indeed, even I feel an ache in my heart.

Onyx whines as she widens her eyes. Why would you say something so repugnant? She turns around and looks me in the face.

"Here, I try to be realistic. He must perceive us as filthy beings. We are, after all, Rogues. Even after he realized how important we were to him, he left us here. I attempt to argue with her.

I will finally be able to marry Renard when he rejects us. Onyx will, I'm sure, be pleased with Cesare in time. I still need to talk to Renard about why he sent me here in the first place. At the point when this is everywhere, we'll be together, at last.

My heart flies up as my so-called partner enters.

Oh, no. My heart is betraying me as well.

So that he doesn't think I'm afraid of him, I look him square in the face. To make a point, I fold my arms in front of me.

"It's fine, beautiful. I don't mean you harm. He moves closer to my detention facility. securing the locker with the keys.


Shit! It wasn't my intention to leave it out.

You are mistaken. We are liked by him. Onyx moves her tail around.

I grinned and let out a sigh.

He looks at me with sparkling eyes. I apologize if I offended you by calling you beautiful. Your name is unknown to me. Onyx is the only one I have.


My comment is ignored by Onyx.

While he slides open the cell door, I take a step back. He gives me his hand for me to take. " Francis Doyle is my full name. You won't hurt me. I guarantee."

I don't know why, but I feel confident in him. I might be encouraged to do so by Onyx? Or maybe it's the bond we have with our mates? Regardless, I made the decision to visit him.

I look at him, then at his hand. Why should I believe in you? I only know that it might be a trap. I take his hand in defiance of my better judgment. Spark travels throughout every fiber of my body when our skin touches.

I had never experienced anything like it before. I attribute this to Onyx. She is the one who is sufficiently desperate to be with them. I ought to be embarrassed about holding this view. Onyx waited her whole life for his partner. She is not to blame for that.

Shaking my head, We're headed for trouble.

I take a full breath, making a stride nearer to my opportunity. Will he release me or bring me to another location to keep me captive?

I'm totally lost. I'm skeptical of him, but a part of me wants to trust him.

"You haven't told me your name yet, you know." In the hope that I will give it to him, he smiles.

I nibble my lips anxiously. " Is there a valid reason why I should give it to you?"

"Stella!" In my head, Onyx barks. Could it be said that you are doing it deliberately?"

"He is unknown to us." I maintain my stance.

"He's our partner!" As she loses patience with me, she grunts.

"Along these lines, that amounts to nothing." My large mouth and I. Why did I say that at all?

I can see the disappointment in his eyes. Why would he have this attitude? He returned to reject us, correct? If he wants to reject us, he needs to know my name. Maurice Stella."

His grin extends to his ears. He's so attractive when he grins along these lines. Okay, so where did that originate? In an effort to forget how attractive he was, I shake my head.

I understand our hands are as yet connected to each other. I attempt to withdraw my hand from his hold, however he doesn't let me.

As he presses my hand to his lips, my eyes widen. I try to fight my emotions. I can't. I am led out of the building as he turns to open the door and opens it. As soon as it hits me, I can smell the first breeze of new hair.

To ensure that no one will jump at any time to attack me, I look around. I see the dark-skinned man who earlier brought me a sandwich there.

I feel safe because Francis is holding my hand for some reason.

It is playing with my judgment, stupid mate bound.

He laughs. Malik Collin, my name is here. The Delta of the Mist Ravens is me. Greetings aboard!

His smile appeared genuine.

What did he mean when he said "welcome aboard?"

How quickly are they accepting me?

"Onyx?" I try to catch her eye.

I'm getting the silent treatment from her. twice in a single day She really felt hurt by me. Is it selfish of me to think this way? I really need to start thinking about how she feels.

"I'm Stella Maurice," she says.

Before making his decision to leave us alone, Malik smiles and nods his head.

Francis is concerned as he looks at me.

Do I need to be worried?

I would look to Onyx for direction in such a situation, but she has not yet spoken to me.

Francis spits out his words. After being imprisoned, I know that you want to shift and run. This, I fear, must wait. I must transport you to my Alpha. He desires to see you immediately.

It directs the air directly into my lungs. When I tightly wrap my finger around his hand, I don't even notice.

I must confront the beast.

I need to lure the monster.

How could I? His partner is carrying the child. I can never rival that. I want to discuss that with Renard.

Behind my ear, Francis tucked a strand of hair away. I don't even flinch at his actions, which surprises me. Be at ease. He tells me. " When it concerns a member of his pack, James does not bite.

That is the issue. I am not a member of his group. I'm a liar. I oppose you.

"Onyx, kindly."

She continues to ignore me coldly.

I could do without this. Being able to converse with her irks me. I'm unsure which is more difficult. failing to communicate with her or disappointing Renard.

I'm totally lost.

"Why do you treat me so nicely?" To myself, I murmur.

Francis approaches me more closely. It's not hard at all. You are my companion.

Did you hear him?

Even Renard doesn't treat me this well.

Onyx tells me, "I'm glad you're finally noticing it."

"Onyx." I gulp. " I can't believe you're talking to me.

"You must begin to listen to me. I am aware that I promised never to be angry with you. You need to stop being obsessed with Renard. We found our soulmate. Why are you refusing to give him a chance? There was a reason why the Moon Goddess chose him for us.

"But, I'm a Rogue..." and "Stop making excuses." I am cut off by Onyx. I never asked for anything from you. All I want is to be with my partner. You keep pleading with me to have faith in Renard because you chose him. Am I not permitted to ask you the same question?

"Obviously, you are permitted. Although I can't promise anything, I can try to learn more about him.

I focus on Francis. I'm prepared to visit your Alpha.

Are you sure?

He has been kind to me once more.

"Yes, set the example."