

Chloe changed her position, yet again. She was getting irritated at the uncomfortable silence. When her last straw was out she screamed

"What? What's wrong? Are you okay?" her precious mate asked her, worriedly

Orion looked and inspected her from the rear view mirror with his eyebrow raised

"Can someone please say something? This irritating silence is killing me" she said

Julian relaxed

"You can just say something yourself"

She gave him a glare, but Orion just shrugged it off

"You said to say something" he defended

Chloe signed and pushed her to the head rest, the silence threatening to return. She refused to let it

"Stop the car. I want to get off" she said, hitting the door

"We are almost home" Julian said

"Let me off. I refuse to be choked with this irritating silence because of you two"

"Are you sure?" Orion asked

"I want to get off!" she repeated, now using her legs to hit their seats

Orion swerved to the side

"Good luck holding your nose to the different scents that mix, and don't" he told her

She gave him another glare before she resigned and closed the door back with force. She smiled, victoriously, when they winced

"I've found her" Orion was the one to break the silence this time

"Took you long enough to register that"

"I've finally found her"

A smile broke on his face. Chloe tried to put on a straight face, but her happiness for her friend couldn't be missed

"Are you happy?" she asked

He signed and relaxed against the chair

"Happy? That can even begin to describe what I'm feeling right now"

"Congrats, bro. You deserve it"

"It was worth it. She's perfect. Beautiful, more than even, like an..."

"Okay, okay. Stop right there. Keep the rest to yourself" Chloe said receiving a smirk from Orion and a smile from her mate

"What now?" Julian asked

"What else? I'll meet her again tomorrow, then we will..."

"Not to put a wet cloth over your mood, something like that, but there's a little bit of information you're missing. You can't just meet her"

The two men raised their eyebrows at her

"Right now, I'm the only rope that can connect you two. Why? Because you just met, and not to forget, you made her EXTREMELY uncomfortable and self-conscious"

"So..." Julian started

"So, if you want to meet, I have to be there. And if you want me to be there, you have to be good to me" she ended with a smile

Orion groaned

"I don't think I can treat her any better than now. She already bothers me enough" Orion said to Julian, even though every one in the car could here him

"You have to try"

She scoffed

"I don't think you might see your mate for a while, Alpha" she said and closed her eyes, shutting whatever they may be saying to her. She smiled because she knew there was no way she could refuse him from seeing her. She didn't even need him to ask before making them meet; although that was very much impossible, they would have been there all night if not for the event. Speaking of the event, looks like the Alpha won't be attending this event with sad eyes and longing

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"Once again, thank you, sir"

He was about to correct the statement, but didn't bother. No matter how much the man beside him was corrected, he still called him sir

"No need to thank me. It's my company, after all"

He realized his mistake too late

"Exactly, sir"

He pretended not to hear that

"Mr. Miller"

He turned to face him

"For goodness sake, Steve. It's Cole. I've told you several times to call me Cole"

"And I've replied, severally, that I will when you resume your post"

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way round?"

"The company needs its CEO"

"That's why I suggested for us to be co-CEO. You refused"

"Why don't put up a vacancy post? I'd love to apply" a voice from behind Cole said

He turned and smiled at the sight of his friend

"Will you?" Cole asked, an eyebrow raised

"But I already have a company" Ryan answered, tossing the keys to Cole

"You're driving" he said

Cole tossed the keys back to him

"I haven't renewed my license"

"Hey Steve" he greeted, after walking up to them

"Mr. Anderson"

"Oh, please, it's Ryan. He's the one you have issue with"

"You can help me talk to him"

"Maybe another time" He placed his hand across his friend's shoulders, "right now, I have to aid his runaway" he said

Steve gave them a slight bow and went back into the company

Ryan entered the driver seat. He paused as he was about to turn on the ignition key

"I thought you renewed your license just last year"


He looked him, shocked. Cole looked at his side and shrugged

"I never side it was expired"

"Get out"

He fastened his seat belt, "Let's go, brother!" he said as he hit the dashboard

"I'm getting you back for this" Ryan said, but started anyway

"So, what are you going to do?" Ryan asked

"The company" he elaborated

"Well, I guess I'll have to go back, eventually" Cole replied

Ryan nodded

"I was already thinking of who to tell to make you go"

Cole looked at him friend

Ryan glanced at him back with a smile. Cole shook his head and just leaned against the seat

Minutes later, they reached their destination