

"She'll be here in ten minutes. We'll order when she gets here" Chloe said when they had settled down

She was happy that they were meeting again, Julian was eager to meet her and to find out why he felt the way he did, while Orion was trying not to decide on anything that might not be true

After they had spent time dwelling on their individuals feeling, Samantha came in. Orion froze as a new scent wafted into the cafeteria

His eyes drifted to the woman that just entered, his heart beating frantically

"Mate" he whispered skeptically

Julian and Chloe whipped their heads to him, then back to Samantha

"Mate?" Julian asked, looking to Orion and back

"Un... believable" Chloe said

Oblivious to what was happening, Samantha made her way to their table, with Cole beside her

"Hi. Hope I'm not too late"

Chloe caught herself, and mentally shook her head back to consciousness

"Huh. No, no, we just came here not long ago ourselves" she said

Samantha smiled and sat down, feeling uncomfortable with the way the two men in front of her were looking at her

She smiled shyly as she wondered if something was wrong with her face. She looked back to Chloe, smiling while her pleaded for her to do something. She got the message and kicked Julian's shin underneath the table, and that got him

He cleared his throat

"Um... Hi, I'm Julian. Hay for the last name"

Samantha took his outstretched hand

"Samantha Summers" she introduced herself with a smile

She then looked at the man in front of her, who was still staring at her, not even bothering to hide it

Julian shoved his friend's elbow

Stop staring at her like that if you don't want her to leave, he said to him

With that statement, Orion snapped out of his reverie

"I'm Orion Starrk" he said

Samantha smiled, and that, automatically, brought onto Orion's face

"Nice to meet you" she replied, and made to also meet his outstretched hand, but she retracted it back it quickly

What was that? she asked herself, holding her hand that was still tingling

She was extremely confused. Orion, on the other side, along with his wolf were ecstatic. He would have blown a huge grin, but didn't in fear that she dash away, he could already sense her confusion and fear

Cole nudged her side. She looked at him

Are you okay? he asked her with his eyes

She gave a small smile with her confused face

I don't know. I'm not sure, she replied

Should we leave?

No, it's okay

He patted her hand, and she smiled

With the three werewolves not knowing what to do, an awkward silence began to settle , but not for long

"I'm Cole, her carry along. Nice to meet you all" Cole said raising his hand mid air and waved

Samantha smiled fully at that statement, and Orion's eyebrow raised at his statement and her reaction

"We were together when you called, and said he wanted to come along. I hope it's okay?" Samantha asked

"Sure, we are also intruding anyway" Julian said

Orion didn't agree, the smile, however, that Samantha gave made him smile also, automatically

Samantha was about to correct him when Orion raised his hand to call on a waiter, but before she could open her mouth, a waiter came

"Would you like to order now?" she asked

Chloe leaned to Samantha

"We were waiting for you to come before we order" she said, and Samantha sent a grateful smile her way

I thought this was a self ordering cafe. Do they also come to get orders? she wondered

"I'll have one iced americano, and he'll..." she pointed to Julian, "have one latte along with a donut"

"One cappuccino with croissant" Orion said

"Two cups of mocha, one blueberry muffin, and one chocolate muffin" Cole said

The waiter looked at Samantha , and she signalled to Cole

The waiter smiled, "I'll be right back with your orders" she said and left

Not even up to five minutes, Samantha noted, the waiter came back

Automatically, and naturally, Cole gave half of his chocolate muffin to Samantha, while he, in turn, took half of her blueberry

That little act caught the attention of the three, especially how natural it was, as if that was what always happened. The two, on the other hand, started eating

Cole looked at his phone when it buzzed, and he went out, Samantha glancing at his retreating form

She wasn't sure she wanted to be alone. She was okay with Chloe, but not with the two men, especially the one that has been staring at her all this while

"So... I heard you guys met here" Julian said

"I mistakenly bumped into her when I wasn't paying attention" Samantha said with a small smile, while looking at Cole from the window

"And she kept apologizing and I kept telling her it was okay. Then we sat together" Chloe said then turned to Samantha, "It was pretty crowdy here, wasn't it?" she asked

Samantha replied with as smile

"Excuse me, please" she said, leaving her seat to join Cole

Her arms crossed, she waited until he was done with his call, which wasn't long

"You have to go" she said when the call ended

Cole nodded

"Will you be okay, or should we leave together?" he asked

Samantha looked into the window. All but off quickly turned their eyes away.

"Well..." she started, not aware that Cole wasn't the only one waiting for her answer. She looked back at Cole, "it's okay. You go ahead" she decided

The three took a breathe of relieved, Orion the loudest as he went back to playing with his croissant. There was no way he could eat, not with the woman he had been looking for in his presence. He still couldn't believe that he had finally found her, and he couldn't thank his goddess enough. Not only has he finally found he, it was as if the goddess gave him her to compensate for his waiting, and he couldn't have wanted anyone else. In that aspect, he was glad for all the waiting he had to do

"Okay then. See ya " Cole said, entered his car and drive off

Samantha took a second, after he had left, before she re-entered the cafe. She gave a small smile as she sat down

"Is everything all right?" Chloe asked innocently, as if neither of them heard the conversation between the two

"Yeah, something just came up, so he had to go" she replied

I shouldn't have brought you guys with me, Chloe said

They look at her

What in the world is this? This isn't why I wanted to hang out. You guys just made this awkward and boring, she complained although she didn't mean all of what she said

She was happy that her friend has already found his mate, and even though this was their second time meeting, for reasons unknown to her, she was glad that it was Samantha. But she called her for them to have fun and talk. They had, did, neither

You have done a great thing for your alpha. For that, you'll be greatly rewarded, Orion said, using the tone of an old king

Greatly rewarded, my foot. Let's go

To where? Julian asked

She looked at him with a brow raised

Where else? Back from where we came from. We also have an event tonight. Remember?

Orion growled only for the werewolve's hearing. Chloe rolled her eyes

Oh, come on. Can't you see, feel, how uncomfortable she is? Especially with you screaming her life she's being interrogated? Chloe asked

She has a point, her mate agreed with her

Orion did too, but he didn't want to go

It's not as if this is the last time we can even see her. Continue to make us stay here, and her being awkward, then I don't think she'll want to be in our company again. No one likes being overly self-aware

Orion stood up immediately, making Samantha jump. She looked at him, questionably

"We have to go" he said

"Sorry?" she asked

Chloe stood up also, followed by Julian

"We have an event planned for this night, and we have to get there in time" Chloe explained giving the aloha a glare

"Oh, I see" Samantha said, all four of them now standing

"I'll call you?" Chloe said, although it sounded more like a question

"Sure" Samantha replied with a smile

Orion brought his hand forward again

"It was wonderful meeting you, Samantha" he said honestly

She took a deep breath before meeting his hand. She caught herself from removing her hand, instead she looked at him and smiled a genuine smile at him

"Same here" she said, with her lively smile

With that, Orion's smile grew, his heart warmed, and his wolf danced