
Beginning in the End

it is a story of normal young man called amos?many mysterious surround's him even he doesn't know and did he ever tried to find?? nah! in his daily normal life?something unexpected happens to him in that very normal day and due to that very mystery after falling asleep changes the whole course of his little life.

NUMBER · ไซไฟ
35 Chs

finding food on the island |

At the front of them was forest and at the shore was curious looking, amos. who , without knowing was walking towards the forest while others sat on the shore to wait for alice.

As her hair become messy due to the ocean water there was no way she will take even a step forward until it dry's off and although her hair won't be same as before but she still would wait as it better than walking wet all over.

Ars and liam sure knew it too as they have done it many times so there was nothing to think about when everyone noticed amos walking in the forest and did not say anything and ignored him as if letting him do as he wishesh.


Wondering glancing in the surrounding a after waking from blank mind "So,where am i!!??." questions himself.

Clearly remembers in his mind with no doubt"I remember I was standing on the shore ,so why am I here!!??.now ,I am confused."but that did not answered why he was here.

Amos's eyes looked as if he was a lost child standing while talking to himself in confusion but calm look as if not worrying or thinking about his situation.

As if it was obvious in his mind "Do you gu.." turns while asking as if there was someone at the back.

"Fuck."realised in sock from both face and eyes,The situation he was in "I am lost." It was obvious in his mind the immediate he realised When he looked at the back to talk to his group there was no one .

"Hm!??."He glanced towards a right side after realising in normal face as if he noticed something.

Amos looked silent and his eyes looked focused towards the side bushes,a cold stare from the bushes was coming towards him.

"....??." He did not understood for a moment what was happening.

"Wut!?why do I feel chill all of a sudden!?hmmm,is there a something dangerous in there!??." Amos was stoped at the place a cold stare was coming from and looked towards it in focused eye.

"I have felt such stare only from animals who can kill someone,like snakes,so I have to be careful." He became careful from his look and ready for any attacks from the enemy.

"because I don't know what kinda of snakes are there." As the enemy was unknown even if he knows he has space barrier around him he shouldn't underestimate it.

"..." Silently staring.

In froze and focused eyes amos was waiting for any moment from the enemy and the leaves of the bushes moves as if something really was in there like amos had guessed.

"Wonder what is it,I have killed quite a lot of snakes so it doesn't scare me a least." Wondering focusing on the place the leaves made a moment.

In that moment, a small looking caterpillar falls from the leaves on the soil ground and looking at in question as if he did not understood "huh!?."confused at at the creature fallen out of the leave.

"A caterpillar!?was it this thing that was staring at me coldly!??." Surprised wondering in his mind.

Amos looked at the small caterpillar on the surface crawling because he thought it was dangerous animal but it turned out to be a caterpillar who was staring at him coldly.

"Well,i should start to look for something eatable ." Rememberd shifting his eyes at front.

"Those guy's should be looking for it in the forest, so I am sure I will encounter those guys ." There wasn't anything to worrying in this thing as they are on the same island and sure to encounter if he walks around,in that mind he doesn't care that he lost and focused on what he had to do .

Amos did not cared about caterpillar and ignored it when he remembers he has a group who should be searching for the same thing.

In thinking eyes and face in what to do "Hmmm,now where should I look around.i don't have any idea, it's those guys fault for leaving me alone in the forest and now i don't have any idea to where to start from or what to look." He was blaming others not realising his faults a least and started to walk forward unknowingly .

"Let's just walk and look around to see if there are anything good." Realised he was walking normally as if strolling around.


Amos was walking in the forest and looking from the bushes with his whole body inside and his head sticking out to look around with his wide eyes.

Glancing and staring focusedly "Hmmm...."while thinking over it.

"Not anything here , huh.gotta look somewhere else."understood from his face clearly.

when he did not find anything,he pulled out his head from the bushes to look somewhere else.

"Hmmm,i guess I will not get something that easily huh." Stands thinking over it.

"Guess I have to keep looking."

It was about to be to dark as sun was going down and amos was standing in middle surrounded by the tree's.

"And i think I can sleep on the trees for the night and start to look after the morning because it will be hard for me to see anything clearly even though my eyesight seems to have gotten a lot better after the synchronisation."

Amos was looking with focused eyes around as he knew it wouldn't be that easy to find anything when his group mentioned how hard it is to find foods.

[1 day later]

Amos was standing on the tree trunk and looking around for something eatable everywhere from high up,it was night at the time and moonlight was directly shining on the surface but as he has good eyes he kept his search.

"Hmmm, it's been a day and I still have not found anything.it's good that I was trained to resist 4 days of hunger and 1 day without water." contemplating on his situation normally with no worries even after he not able to find anything until now.

"Although, it's already my third day without eating anything because I was unconscious for two days but i don't feel thirsty for some reason." Wonder the reason but at same time he does not seems to care much.

"Maybe i recieved water molecules directly into my body when I was unconscious ." And directly just geussed the reason.

Amos did not ate anything due to his unconscious state when he arrived in the future and he also had fallen asleep without eating anything in his home.

So it was more than third day without eating but amos has forgotten that and does not doubt because he isn't feeling much hungry.

"It was future so amos immediately believed he should have received water molecules in his body when he was asleep and as for food,he knew that maybe they didn't had it to give him nor he cared much as he will look bad."

[2 day later]

It was amos's third day in this island wondering and looking forward something eatable and also the 5th day without eating anything.

A soft voice without a strength but it still felt with energy sounded in the air."I didn't found anything." As if telling something he couldn't do from the very inside of him sounding defeated came.

He did not understand the reason nor seems like believes "Dammit, what's with this island!!?? there is nothi'g which can be eaten nor any small animal's in my third day of search,now i wonder if I am in a desert or an island!?." Wonder denying the possibility that there is something eatable he can even find as if he gave up on finding but he actually was just considering other possibility in side rather than give up.

Still not believing even after trying to believe he could not find any eatable things."Can island really be this empty???i couldn't find a single living being or even something growing in tree's which I can eat .so, could it be !!I am lost and came to another island!!??." Thought out the possibility becouse he doesn't know how he came inside the island so it was perfect reason his mind and he did not look to be just thinking whatever.

Amos was laying relaxed with both hand on the ground in each side looking up towards the sky in exhausted and hungry look troubled by how he could not find any food and shouting angrily and frustrated in the air.

He looked like a poor man laying on the ground with no strength to even walk becouse he looked dehydrated without being able to drink water.

Because he could not resist anymore even with him resisting 3 day's without drinking from his will power but that was the limit he could do as a human witch was already good enough.

And now looks like he can't hold on "Now , I am thirsty too dammit.gotta go find some water first before I die without able to drink water,i don't want to die a pathetic death." Wanting to drink from his very soul and look he understood and feared he really will die pathetically.

After wanting to drink water amos stood looking as if no strength in the body and only rely with a wooden sticks strength to stand gripping as hard as he could with his both hand's and looked quite weak to not be able to even walk without a sticks help.

Amos started to walk in the forest slowly but he still had will power to go on to look for water to drink as he didn't had the strength to move much faster or there was any reason to walk faster.

After a few steps on the ground he noticed normally "hmm!!? am i hearing or something is coming at me, better not be that caterpillar." and remembers how he got fooled by it and now he won't get fooled again.

Speaking the truth "Although,my survival senses are telling me to eat him if I came accross it but nah!i won't admit defeat to this hunger and do a disgusting thing." But he knew there is no way he will do that that from the very inside as he still did not had admitted defeat.

Amos turns towards the sound, he heard as he stoped in his place while stopping his stick to look towards the direction sound he heard in his ear.

It was a little far and as his senses has increased quite a lot even a moving of leaf could clearly be heard in his ears.

The instant amos looked at his side ,his group were coming from the side from the inside of the forest and also on his right side when alice was scared the moment she looked at her left unknowingly and immediately get's at the back of ars.

"awawawa....what in the hell are you!!?." In sock and feared by the creature holding the stick in his hand far away she wonders at same time questioning at it.

While at the same time at looked shocked and frozed for a second "Damn,that scared the hell..." from his face after realising who the creature standing far was felt relieved as he is calm from the very inside he did not looked he was shocked much but his eyes and silent face clearly told he was socked.

Not caring anything normally liam was smiling as if he didn't got scared or cared about amos's look and of he was the first to realise who the creature was.

Whereas amos, looked like ,his eyes had saw a string of hope which can save his dying and little life but his eyes also doesn't seem like he had gave up rather it looked like full of strong will.

Amos immediately dashed from his place at front of ars while holding his stick in his left hand tightly and did not left it behind and asks looking desperate in his eyes "Give me a water." And from his dehydrated looking face.

"I want water."widens his eyes telling them how badly he wanted water as if his energy has came back fully.

"Quickly,I am dying." It wasn't even a second and he asked again as if he can't hold on anymore and even second felt like half a day had passed.

Amos had grabbed ars clothe with his right hand and looks at him as if ars and his group were the only string of hope which can save his dying life.

From ars's back liam normally remarks on him"he looks like he is dying." As if it was obvious.

"Was it because he didn't ate anything far few day's!??but noid should have maintained his energy, right!!??." Wondering the reason and questioned came in her mind.

Both liam and alice were looking at desperate amos pleading for water from the back whereas ars was a coolheaded person and immediately understood without asking anything or speaking.

He gave something to amos "Here tak..."as he gave something on amos's hand he was interrupted.

Coldfaced and eyes he energetically and angrily in higher voice asked "Hey!!are you trying to mock me!!?? when I asked for water by giving this thing!??."feeling being mocked when he looks like this.

"Although I am in need of water but I have my pride too.." but still maintained his calm from the inside when he was interrupted.

Ars had gave amos a 2 sky blue square in his hand's as amos immediately looked happy from his heart that he can live and took a glance at his hand.

When amos Immediately looked at ars with cold eyes everyone looked froze when he was speaking after taking a glance at what was in his hand.

And no one spoke but ars wasn't affected the least and looked the same as if he can tackle him.

Normally "It seems you still think future will have a water.water is valuable so they are condensed water, you have on your hands."told as if not minding his words a least.

Immediately became calm "What!!?I did have heard of such things to be in plan in my time and space ,so they are water huh!?.wonder what it tastes like." And started to think about the square shaped water.

Both liam and alice looked silent while they were talking and amos looked at the square shaped water in his hands closely as he throws slowly inside his opened mouth.

"It will melt in your mouth so,you don't need to chew it." Tells him informing the immediate the squared water goes inside his mouth.

"it really did huh!?." Hearing his answer the immediate he told the water inside his mouth had already dissolved completely.

"It tastes like saliva,fuck.that sounds disgusting." When the water goes inside his stomach he felt his thirst gone full and their was no feeling of getting thirsty again remarking on it's taste as he was looking forward to it curiously.

I reality he was thinking at the same time.

"hella hell,that was surprising but i can't act like an idiot and i have to keep my calm or my dignity will go down in this team purely."

Amos was surprised but knowing that he had already acted too much like an idiot looking like this and if he keeps up ,he really won't have any dignity to maintain in this team.