
Before They Were Bulletproof // BTS.OT7xOC FF

18+ ONLY WARNING. Explicit content. Before they were bulletproof they were just youths trying to make their way through to debut. Jia, *cough cough* that's you, is a girl who stumbles across them while pursuing her own path and coincidentally has become a part of their everyday life as they strive to become what they are today. Bulletproof. Updated Note: This story is partly College AU to begin with but, it will progress more into an Idol/Criminal AU vibe. Just wanted to clear that up! ALSO very important disclaimer, the events and characters written are COMPLETELY 100% FICTIONAL

Gasaii · สมัยใหม่
69 Chs

49. Disbelief


Joon had left early but I decided to try and get a few more hours of sleep in. But, when I was rudely awoken by someone calling my name I had a feeling that wasn't going to happen.

"Jia, get up."

It was Jungkook.

"Huh? What're you doing here so early?" I groggily sat up and stared at him in confusion. Jungkook took a few steps into my room, brow raised as he stared down at me. "You've been skipping your morning runs for a while now. If you want to learn how to fight you need to keep your stamina up". I furrowed my brows as I looked at him.

"Huh? How do you know I haven't been running?"

Jungkook hesitated to answer, like he'd been caught red-handed doing something creepy and instead of answering he peered around my room flustered before grabbing some of my clothes and throwing them at me.

"Just get out of bed sleeping beauty. We don't have all day." He turned and walked out of my room, closing the door behind him.

I chuckled to myself, seeing Kookie flustered was amusing but he still was acting kind of weird around me lately... I still didn't know why but this was better than before so I wasn't going to complain. I quickly got dressed and ready to go. As much as I didn't want to admit it, he was right. I'd gotten slack and the fact that I struggled to get around Jang-Jae lake proved it. Kookie had taken no mercy on me as he pushed me to keep up with him.

By the time we got back home, I was sweatier than I had been in a month, and fairly tired too. I took everything with me into the bathroom so I could shower and get ready for class first. Jungkook went straight after me. I sat down on my bed and scrolled through my laptop while I waited for him to finish. Today was the last day we had before we had to submit our song so I wanted to make sure it was all perfectly in order.

I looked up as I heard the bathroom door open only to be left stunned at the sight of Jungkook, hair wet, walking in with only a towel wrapped around his hips. My gaze automatically dropped down to his crazily defined abs, it was impossible not to notice them.

"Wha- What're you doing?" I stuttered. He looked up at me confused for a second before he realised I was gaping at his abs.

"Did you see where I left my bag?" He asked, running his hands through his wet hair. "Um-" I ripped my eyes off the sight of his chiselled body, I covered my face, my cheeks were burning. "Haven't seen you this flustered in a while." Kookie teased before taking a few steps closer. Just when did he become so bold?!

"Your bags in the corner" I quickly said, hoping he wouldn't come any closer or I'd be done for.

I heard his steps move away and the rustling of his bag. "You can look now," he said. I slowly looked up to see a fully dressed Jungkook standing in front of my mirror, rubbing moisturiser on his face.

I stayed silent, trying to act unbothered. He peered over to me curiously. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"It's nothing…" I mumbled under my breath. Truth was, I missed him. I missed how close we used to be. Just being with him this morning had made me realise just how much. But there was no way I could just say that to him...

"If you say so," he said casually as he continues his skincare routine. I stood up and went to pack my things for class. When Kookie was ready we left together. The class went by quickly and we submitted our assignment. It had been a nice morning with him and had left me in a good mood. Things seemed to be getting a little better, or maybe he was just in a good mood today too, I wasn't too sure.

After saying goodbye to Jungkook I made my way home. I was halfway across campus when I spotted Jimin. The fun morning I'd just had come crashing down in an instant.

He was locking arms with that girl I'd seen him with lately, they were strolling together through the campus. Seeing them enjoying themselves made my chest ache. I'd tried hard to not think about it, to ignore it but when it was right in front of me like this I just couldn't look away.

Jimin's eyes went wide as he saw me. It felt hard to breathe. He hesitated, as though he was going to come up to me. A rush of panic hit me, I didn't want him to come over, not with her. I didn't want them to see me cry, I could already feel it bubbling, I knew it would come up if he came any closer.

I quickly took off, not giving it another second thought. I ducked behind a building and took the long way around home. The sun was hot on my walk back. The lump that had built still sat in my throat, like I'd burst into tears any second.

I couldn't stop my thoughts. All the times Jimin and I had shared. When we first met, he'd made friends with me. Took care of me, we'd cuddled up and slept together. The smile on his face when I'd taken him lunch boxes. The bracket he'd given me, hung around my wrist even now. It had every moment since he'd put it on. I'd never taken it off…

All of it. What did it amount to? Was I that easy to just discard aside?

The thought of it hurt so much.

Grey didn't ask any questions as I walked past him on my way in. It wasn't until I got up to the lounge and saw Hobi that it all just became too much and I burst into tears.

"Fuck, what's wrong?!" Hobi's smile disappeared instantly, he freaked out and ran up to me.

"I dono. I'm just really sad" I sobbed uncontrollably. I probably looked like such an idiot.

"Huh?! Why? What happened?" Hobi wrapped his arms around me protectively before picking me up and taking me over to the couch and sitting down. I didn't want to tell him, I didn't want to sound like a stupid teenage girl who couldn't control her feelings of jealousy, was it my pride? Or sheer embarrassment that I was so easily replaceable.

"I.." no words came out, only tears and ugly sobbing. Hobi held me, rocking me back and forth gently until I calmed down.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it that's fine... Just, let it out. I'm here" he pats my head gently, I managed to collect myself quickly. After I'd settled down he insisted on staying with me for the night so we took a few bottles of Soju up to my room to escape somewhere comfortable together. I followed up the stairs behind him as we went up, he was carrying about four bottles which clicked lightly against each other as we finally reached the top floor.

"Ahh. This should be fun, it's been a while since we spent some time together" Hobi placed the bottles down on the table and took a seat on the floor chair.

"Mm, yea true. Sorry about before... Don't know what came over me" I managed a sheepish smile after taking a seat beside him.

"Nah, don't apologise. In all honesty, a lot happened.. it would be more worrying if you were perfectly fine.." Hobi contemplated momentarily.

"You have a point... Even more, the reason why I'm so lucky to have you" I gazed up at him, the curls in his hair looked so cute.. why hadn't I noticed them earlier? He gave a small smile.

"Say, how about we cook some special bacon jam toast for dinner? Have you ever tried it?" He waited eagerly for a response, I was taken aback slightly.

"What do you mean? Bacon and jam? Is that a thing?" I looked back at him quizzically.

"Ohhh you're going to love it, trust." Without warning, Hobi got up and went over to the kitchen and started pulling out stuff from the fridge.

"Okay, it sounds kinda questionable but I'm gonna trust you.." I bit my lip. Hobi seemed to have an exciting burst of energy as he started cooking and I couldn't help but smile. While he cooked I took it upon myself to pour us shots and keep him well hydrated as he went.

We laughed and joked around, Hobi had his hands full so he asked me to give him the shot instead. I clumsily tipped it into his opened mouth. He looked so sexy the way he tilted his head back and opened up for me. By the time he'd finished cooking, we were already tipsy and I was in absolute awe at the masterpiece bacon jam toast that sat before me at the table.

"This looks amazing, how'd you come up with this?!" I exclaimed, Hobi just laughed and shrugged. "Dono just did. You gotta taste it though, it's way better than it looks" he went on. I sat giddily as I watched Hobi cut up a piece and feed me. As soon as I tasted it I nearly died of happiness.

"Disis soooo gwoood" I mumbled, mouth full, it's a miracle he could make out what I was even saying. "Told you so" he smirked cockily as he took a bite too.

Our night continued with us eating and drinking together until we were all out of energy and had made our way to pass out in bed.

As we lay there for a moment side by side Hoseok turned to look at me.

"Hey Jia, there's something I wanted to ask you about.."

I rolled over on my side to face him, we'd both calmed down by now and we're still a bit tipsy.

"Yeah? What's up?" I reached out, almost out of habit to lightly grasp a loose part of his shirt and fiddled with it between my fingers.

"It's about Yoongi… And the accident. I can understand why you kept it from us now... I know at the time I.." he paused for a moment, took a small breath and continued "At the time I didn't take it that well. But, uh, do you know if he's ok?"

I looked up from where I'd been playing with his shirt and into his brown eyes. They held worry and, I knew why… I'm sure he'd noticed something was up with Yoongi lately. They were close, of course, he'd notice.

"I don't know" I let out a deep sigh. "Yoongi acts like he's totally fine one minute then his shoulder is hurting him the next. But, whenever I bring it up he gets salty and tells me to mind my own business. I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do" I didn't know if telling Hoseok this was helpful or if it would just end up worrying him even more.

"Okay. Thanks for letting me know" was all he said before turning over to face me and giving a humbling smile. I didn't know what to make of it, sometimes I cursed his ability to hide his real emotions, especially at times like these.

"You know.." he began to say "It's been a while since we've been alone like this together" a cheeky smile started to form and I could feel what he was implying straight away.

"Ohhh I dono, I'm pretty tired" I giggled before faking a yawn and rolling over. I waited to hear him protest but when he didn't I glanced back over my shoulder to see Hobi stretch out and get comfortable.

"Well, guess we should just sleep instead then, that's a shame. Was ready to fuck you so good tonight" his words were almost tantalising. What kinda reverse psychology was this?!

"Huh? Really? You're not going to try a little harder?" I turned back around and Hoseok just gave me a smug look.

"You know me, baby, begging is your specialty, not mine." I felt a tingle between my legs at his words, the way his gaze was heavily fixed on me. Like he was hanging the best fuck of my life right before my eyes, but making it clear that if I wanted it, I'd have to beg.

"You really wanna play that kinda game do you?" I bit my lip. It was tempting, the thought of indulging him. But it was more tempting to try and get him to fold.

I got up on my knees and faces him then slipped off my top. His eyes widened for a moment before his gaze settled on my chest.

"What're you doing?" He questioned, obviously frazzled at my boldness. I reached up and started pinching my nipples, I don't know why but I just couldn't help myself.

"I wanna know how long you can hold out, how far I can go before you give in" I giggled between light moans. Before he could reply I slid my shorts down and opened my legs bearing all for him to see. This earned a rouse out of him as he shifted to sit up a bit, biting at his lip and he focused.

"Go on then," he said plainly. I slowly reached down between my legs and started to touch myself, all the while he bit at his lip hungrily as he watched. I don't know what had gotten into me but the way Hoseok ate me up with his stare, the way he began to palm at his growing erection was getting me hot and bothered.

"That's it, baby girl, put a second finger in. Stretch that delicious looking pussy of yours for me" Hoseok edges me all the while, still not touching me at all. I started to realise maybe I'd be the one to beg him for it in the end after all. Small moans escaped me as I did as he said, the times he'd fucked me so well were hot on my mind.

"Hoseok.." I whimpered.

"hmm? What is it, baby?" He'd readjusted the way he was sitting, I watched as he palmed at his hard cock through his track pants. I wanted it.. but... I hesitated. "If you want it that badly, all you have to do is ask" I watched as he pulled it out and started pumping it in his hand slowly.

"Can I please.. have it.." I knew I'd lost but the tension was killing me. I just couldn't hold out anymore.

"You're so naughty Jia, you know that right?" I gasped as he reached out and grabbed my wrist of the hand I had between my legs. In one smooth movement, he'd pulled me on top of him, grabbed me by the back of the neck forcibly kissing me. His other arm wrapped around my waist and without hesitation, he pushed me down deep onto his cock. I moaned into his kiss, hot breaths between our lips which only pushed him to drive himself deeper into me.

We ended up going at it until we were both exhausted and had fallen asleep completely naked together straight after. The feeling of bare skin under soft sheets. I don't know why but for some reason it reminded me of the first time we'd ever done it and had fallen asleep the same way. Hoseok had command of my body like no one else did. And I'd willingly relinquish it to him every time.

What was your favourite part of this chappy? :D

Gasaiicreators' thoughts