
Before The Clock Strikes Twelve

Cruellla D'vila is a child brought and raised in the human world, living an ordinary life, unaware of her origin and abilities. To everyone, she is destruction. Her existence feared. She wasn't supposed to be born and so her mother had to cast a spell on her. Putting her to sleep for 500 years to protect her from other clans. She  grew up in a small town called Greenville. An average teenager who hated her simple yet complicated life; always getting into trouble, always being bullied in school and expelled whenever she defended herself from the bullies. She wished for a different life and indeed  she got her wish granted the moment she discovered the truth. The simple life she once had was gone and now she faced an even bigger challenge. Now she's at the center of a new foreseen war between the four powerful clans , each fighting for dominance but with Cruella in their way, they must get rid of her to accomplish their agenda. This new life is even worse than her previous normal human lifestyle because now she's struggling to get use to these new powers, this new personality, falling in love with her guardian which is forbidden in their clan and preparing for a war which began even before her birth. But little did she know those are the least of her problems, little did she know her greatest threat hides in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Who or what could possibly be her greatest threat? Will she be able to handle all these responsibilities? Or will she run back to the human world to seek refuge?

Catherineajuruchi · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs


Cruella walked home silently, pondering on all Daven told her. She couldn't believe she actually let Palena trick her into sending her back in time, into this horrible reality. She missed her mom, the old type. She missed her human school and as crazy as she thought it is, she missed poker face Ethan too and Maggie, well the friendly Maggie of course. She took another turn to the right and noticed someone also turned with her. She ignored whoever he is and continued walking but noticed he still trailed behind her. She decided to divert from her main route to see if she is actually being followed or it's just a coincidence but when she made a turn, he also made that same turn.

Cruella's heartbeat spontaneously quickened as she felt a disturbing fear surge within her.

She increased her pace and thankfully he didn't increase his pace too but then before she could make another turn, she suddenly got pulled towards the opposite direction and roughly pinned against the wall.

She made to scream but her mouth got covered by the big strong hand of a male figure on hoodie. He signalled her to remain quiet but she didn't obey as she knew not of his identity so she did the only reasonable and useful thing she could at this moment. She parted her covered lips slightly, enough to give room for her teeth, biting his palm in an attempt to gain her freedom of speech back and the moment his hand went off, she made to scream again but the man was quick to cover her mouth with his other hand. He used the hand she had bitten to take off his hoodie, causing her to gasp. Is her vision messing with her right now?

He signalled her to keep quiet again before slowly moving his hand away from her mouth.

She looked like she'd seen a ghost but refrained from making any sound as to his earlier instruction.

He slowly poked his head out to check if anyone had seen them and on seeing the road empty, he let out a sigh of relief.

Cruella on the other hand had forgotten what even happened just now as all her attention diverted to this man before her..this hundred year old guardian before her that's supposed to be in her formal reality. She forced herself to suppress all the questions in an attempt to maintain the decorum but her eyes gave her off as they looked at him so intently, as if trying to be sure if she's seeing clearly, maybe something or someone is just messing with her head.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a serious look.

"I-I..." Cruella fought for words but non came out of her mouth. Who would blame her? Just within a month the normal life she had had changed into something she never dreamed of. She had turned from an average teenager to a walking supernatural time bomb. She was sure any other info on this Magic stuff would definitely make her loose her mind. How can things change within such a short period?

"Ethan, how?" was the only word she could utter after the long Silence.

"Elsa sent me to protect you. She didn't fancy the idea of sending you back alone so she sent me too." he answered carrying his normal poker face.

Cruella only nodded, still looking at him like she wasn't fully convinced he is the one.

"I think you should go home now, it's getting late." He said, finally unpinning her to the wall.

"Wait how long have you been here? And where will you go?" She found herself blurting.

"Not long, I'll just hang around." he answered calmly.

"Why don't you come stay with me..in my house." she added that last part as she felt the first sounded a little weird. He looked at her intently for a while which only made her feel uncomfortable. "That is if you don't mind," she added as she didn't like the way he kept looking at her with our saying anything.

"I don't want to be a burden, I'll be around if you need me." he said and made to leave but Cruella swiftly grabbed his hand to stop him. Her own action surprised her. She was actually glad that someone she knew from her old reality is here now, even if it's poker face Ethan, she just couldn't let him go now...no she won't.

"I-I want you to come with me please. What if that guy starts following me again or someone else tries to hurt me? Please Ethan, just stay. You won't be a burden to anyone."

"You.. are you sure? What will you tell your mom?"

"We will read that chapter when we get there, as for now let's just go." She answered pulling him along with her without waiting for his response.

Ethan allowed himself to be pulled by her as he also had that thought in mind. He failed to protect her in the human world, he won't do that again in their world.



Jason sat at the balcony, staring at the flowers. He waited patiently for Cruella to get back, not that he's looking forward to it but still he had a job to keep her safe no matter how annoying she may be.

He sensed her approaching the door but that wasn't what bordered him most, the fact that he sensed another unfamiliar presence as well.

He immediately left the balcony and headed downstairs to the living room to see whom she brought home. On Ethan's side, he also sensed someone coming and immediately dragged Cruella to his backside, causing her to frown.

Ethan and Jason both glared at each other, ready to attack if one makes any move.

"Hey calm down you two!" Cruella snapped slightly pushing Ethan. "This is Ethan, a friend of mine and Ethan this is Jason a..umm..friend of my mom." she said that last part with a shrug.

"Cruella he's a vampire, a pure breed and not a guardian," Ethan stated still glaring at Jason. "How sure are you he's not impersonating the real Jason?" he added.

Cruella turned around to look at Jason as Ethan blurted out. She scrutinized his expression, aiming for a particular reaction which he never gave out.

Obviously what Ethan said sounded true but the fact that this Jason didn't seem Impelled at his accusations, made it slightly unbelievable.

"Where is mom?" Cruella asked changing the topic. She had no idea this Jason is a pure breed vampire, she couldn't even remember the last time she heard of such. Everyone -supernatutals- according to what her mom had told her possessed more than one magical ability. That's why they grouped them in the first place, according to their similar powers. The only exception were the guardians whom possessed heterogeneous powers.

"She'll be back by dawn." was Jason's quick response before returning his attention to Ethan.

"Jason Ethan would be staying with us for the time being, be nice to him." Cruella ordered glaring at him. She grabbed Ethan's hand, pulling him towards the stairs.

"Where are you going..with him?" Jason asked , adding that last part.

"Who wants to know?" Cruella replied with a question. She needed to talk with Ethan about her old reality, she needed to know how things were when he left and there's no place private enough than her room.

"He...he's different, right? He's powers are also different..I can sense it." Jason said instead.

"Just let me know when mom gets back," Cruella said dragging Ethan along.

"I hope you're aware of not engaging in any foreplay during red moon's eve?! Jason called out, causing Cruella to pause in her movement. Her cheeks were as red as tomato and her heartbeat had quickened.

"Fo-foreplay?" She repeated glancing at Ethan who had the same shock plastered on those gorgeous face of his, wait.. gorgeous? Since when did poker face Ethan become gorgeous face Ethan?