
Chapter 3

Sienna's P.O.V

Just like that the weekend went like the wind.

And today is Monday, today I have lectures all day and it starts at 9am.

I woke up extra early today, I wanted to have breakfast before I leave because I might not have time to eat lunch,plus I have to go to the library after class,I need to pick up a few books for my assignments.

I was in the kitchen eating when I hear the front door slam shut but I didn't bother going to see who it was because I know it was Nina.

Also,by the looks of things, she might have had a fight with her boyfriend before coming home.

Nina is a quiet girl who likes to keep to herself. I wouldn't say she is secretive but she doesn't share much of her personal life to us.

I decided to go and comfort her because I'm pretty sure she might be crying by now.

I placed my empty plates into the sink, before moving across the room into the hall way.

I walk to the room next to mine and gently knock, waiting for her permission to enter.

I hear a weak "come in" and I opened the door and walked inside.

I see her sitting on her bed, with her head bowed and hands on her face sobbing.

I proceed to sit on her bed and she immediately hugs me. I rub her back soothingly and gently to calm her down.

" It is okay,shhhhshh... whatever it is it's going to be alright. It's only temporary" I say and keep on comforting her until she is calm enough to talk.

"What happened?Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask

"Yes"she says while nodding her head

"I just found out today that Henry has been cheating on me with his so called best friend and when I confronted him about it, he didn't even deny it" she says with tears brimming from her eyes

"what hurts the most is that, he called her over the moment he ended things with me and I saw them kissing while I was still in the house. Like what the fuck? who even does that?" she continues to say in an angry tone.

That stupid boy,he should pray I don't see him around,else him going break all his bones in his body and remove all his 32 teeth's. I am not joking or exaggerating, I'm dead serious.

Henry is a guy she met during a basket ball competition between our school. Henry attends Columbia University and we attended NYU. Their relationship is what you call love at first sight.

But I felt the relationship was too fast, he had always downgraded her and destroyed all her self esteem. I didn't want to be the reason their relationship got destroyed,so I decided to sit back and watch her see for herself.

"Boys are so stupid. Infact all male species are stupid. I don't know even know why God created them in the first place."she says

"I know ,boys are so stupid. God should have made only women but who are we to decide. He knows what is best for us. Henry is jerk, don't waste your tears on him ,you are going to meet someone better, someone who will treat you well" I say,

"But my stupid heart loves him. He was my first in everything. it isn't that easy to get over him. You'd understand that if you have ever been in relationship before,no offense" she says and I feel a tug in my heart but I smile either way.

"None taken, but understand time will heal you, when you meet the right person,you'll forget all about him"I tell her

"Henry who?" she says with a small laugh

"Yes, Henry who?",I repeat with a laugh.

"I wish I could stay and comfort you but I have to go for lectures and I can't miss any" I tell her

"Don't worry I'll stay here and down my self in ice cream and binge watch Vampire diaries,the originals and legacies on my laptop. Elijah and Stefan aren't going to give me broken heart." she laughs through her tears

" Love you" I say and hug her before leaving

"Love you too" she says before I close the door.

I immediately run out of the apartment to catch a cab before I'm late.

As you guessed,I don't have a car yet, the money I earn from work can't really buy me a car. I have alot of bills to pay, groceries to buy, books to buy. Although Derrick insists on buying me one ,I refused the offer, I want to earn things on my own. I don't want to depend on anyone,so I have been saving for the past two years to buy a car of my dreams and by the time I graduate next year,I'll be buying it.

I can't wait till the day I officially wear the lab coat to be officially called Doctor Sienna Greenwood,it has always been a dream of mine and I can't wait to make it a reality.

I immediately catch a cab once I got to road side and I thank God I wouldn't be late after all.


Today has been a hectic day for me. Luckily my last class got cancelled. I felt faint during lectures so I decided to grab some donut and milkshake before heading for the library.

After hours of studying and non stop homework,I decided to call it a quits and go home.

Derrick texted me earlier, asking to pick me up and I accepted the offer immediately.

Once I walk out of the library to the parking lot ,I spot his beautiful Rolls-Royce and I immediately jump inside.

"Hectic day?"he asks and I nod.

He then hands me a paper bag and immediately the flavor and scent of the fried chicken filled my nose.

I hurriedly unwrapped it to reveal three pieces of KFC chicken and fries with coke.

"oh babe,you know me so well" I say and gave him a sloppy kiss on his cheeks ,which he immediately made a disgusted face to it.

We both burst into laughter ,he blast some DJ Khaled featured songs as we drove out the packing lot.

Hello Guys, my name Chelsea and I'm a new author here.

I would to thank web novel to giving me the opportunity to share my potentials.

Writing is my safe heaven.

I hope you enjoy the books.

please don't forget to share and vote for me.

I want you support. thank you

Chelsea_Offeicreators' thoughts