
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Chapter 9: Ryuuga's weakness

Four days passed by after Koda's encounter with Ryuuga, and during this time Hana's life had become nothing short of miserable.

"What a skank bitch," A girl said to her friend as Hana walked slowly through the hall, the feeling of stares of dozens of boys and girls burning its way into her skin.

"Yeah, she treats him like crap and now she clings to his side like some lost puppy? Koda would look way better with me," Another girl said.

Koda walked beside Hana, eyes forward, a carefree smile on his face, and a sense of detachment in his eyes. He seemed completely oblivious to the whispers and gossip swirling around them. Hana tried to keep her composure, but the weight of the rumors and the cruel words from her classmates were starting to take a toll on her.

"Koda, can we talk?" Hana asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Koda turned to her, his smile faltering for a moment as he registered the distress in her eyes. "Sure, Hana. What's up?" He asked in a sweet voice

They stopped in the middle of the hall. Hana took a deep breath and began, " People are talking, and I can't take the rumors anymore. Are we still friends, or am I just some... burden now?"

Koda looked at Hana, his carefree facade slowly melting away. "My god Hana..." He said in a malicious tone, leaning down close to her face, close enough that she felt his breath tickle her skin.

"Weren't you always a burden?" He asked, his smile gone now as he grabbed her by the wrist. "Where do you get off with acting the victim?" He said coldly, his grip tightening.

"O-Ow, stop."

Koda widened his eyes, but not because he felt bad or anything, but because a hand clasped around his own wrist.

"Wow, I knew you were trash but hurting your girlfriend? Yeah you need a beating," Ryuuga said coldy, looking at Koda with pure hate.

One thing about Ryuuga was, he loved women with a passion, and seeing one getting treated so roughly pissed him off.

"Hurting who? Well never mind that, she deserves this..." Koda said, looking at the hand on his wrist as he smirked. He looked at Hana, who seemed as if she was about to burst into tears. "Don't you Hana?"

Hana widened her eyes, gulping as she looked at Ryuuga. "Let him go."

"What? I'm literally helping you-"

"Let him go! Let him go now!" Hana yelled, tears falling as she hit Ryuuga's shoulder lightly. "I... Deserve it."

Ryuuga looked at Koda with pure disgust. "You're so fucking pathetic, you know that, Koda?" Ryuuga said coldly, yanking Koda's arm.

"Whaa-?!" Koda yelled in pain, dropping to his knees as Ryuuga pulled him up by the wrist.

"I'll just kill you here-"

"Help!" Hana yelled, drawing attention to them as she hit against Ryuuga desperately. "Let him go!"

Ryuuga sighed, letting Koda down and looking at the two of them.

"I'll just do it later, but be fucking prepared, you just pissed me off..." Ryuuga stomped away, leaving Koda on the ground.

"A-Are you ok-"

"Shut up bitch," Koda said, shaking. Had he actually been rattled by Ryuuga's strength?

Nope. He was containing his laughter.

"Hana..." Koda muttered with a devious smile as he stood up, grabbing her by the shoulders. "I have a job for you."


"Good shit Ryuuga, we going to Nationals this year yeah?" A boy yelled as he left the locker room, laughing as Ryuuga came out of the showers.

Basketball practice was over, so it was time to go home.

"I can't believe that little fucker... He wins a couple of fights and gets like that? Disgusting," Ryuuga muttered to himself as he opened his locker, still thinking of Hana and Koda.

"Hm?" Ryuuga saw a small white envelope with his name on it in pink pen, sitting atop his clothes.

"No way..." He said, backing up suspiciously before picking it up with shaky hands. "A love letter!"

He tore open the envelope, quickly reading the contents.

I want to tell you something. Meet me in the back courtyard after school. Hana XOXO

'Wow, I guess she was really impressed with how I treated that twerp..." Ryuuga said with a blush as he delicately folded up the paper, threw on his clothes, and rushed out of the lockroom as quickly as possible.

As he rounded the school, he saw her. Hana stood under the large tree in the back of the school, looking cute in her school uniform as she didn't seem to be paying attention

Hana," he called out, trying to sound as casual as possible despite his pounding heart.

Hana turned to him, and for a moment, Ryuuga thought he saw a hint of relief in her eyes. She was clearly not as composed as she usually appeared.

"Ryuuga," she replied, her voice wavering slightly. "I'm glad you came."

He chuckled nervously. "Of course, I got your note. So, what did you want to talk about?"

Hana looked around, as if making sure no one else was nearby. "Ryuuga... Thank you for earlier. The truth is... I've liked you since we were kids in Ms. Ishigawa's class..." She said shyly, a blush on her face as Ryuuga smiled widely.

"O-Oh yeah?"

"But I can't date you," She said sadly, making his heart drop.

"What? Why!?" He asked desperately, stepping closer to her.

She took a deep breath before speaking, her words coming out in a rush. "It's Koda. He's... he's been blackmailing me, Ryuuga."

Ryuuga's brows furrowed in concern. "Blackmailing you? What do you mean?"

Hana hesitated for a moment, glancing around once more before finally speaking in a hushed tone. "He wants me to do something for him. Something terrible. And he said if I don't do it, he'll ruin my life, spread rumors about me, and make sure no one ever talks to me again."

Ryuuga's fists clenched involuntarily. He knew that Koda was trouble, but this was on another level. "What does he want you to do, Hana?"

Hana looked down, her voice barely a whisper. "He wants me... To hurt you, Ryuuga."

Ryuuga's eyes widened in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Me? Why would he want you to hurt me?"

Hana's shoulders slumped, and she looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Because he's afraid of you, Ryuuga. He's afraid that you'll stop him. And he wants to eliminate any threats."

"But... I don't want to hurt you, I want to love you, to go out with you..."

Ryuuga's mind raced. He had always known that Koda was no good, but he never imagined that he would stoop to something like this. "Don't worry. He can't do anything to you if we date openly. I will never let him hurt you, and I won't let him get away with this."

Hana's eyes filled with gratitude as she reached out and took Ryuuga's hand. "Thank you, Ryuuga. I... I knew I could count on you."

Ryuuga widened his eyes as Hana kissed him, a light peck, but a kiss nonetheless.

His face turned completely red as he let go of her hands.

"S-So soon?" He asked, an octave higher than usual as Hana hugged him.

"I truly am thankful Ryuuga..." She said, sounding as if she was about to cry.

Ryuuga calmed down and hugged her back.

"Don't worry, your my girl now... I won't let anything happen to you."

Hana then started to cry, letting herself be hugged as she glanced up to the school rooftop.

"Haha... I knew it..." Koda said as he leaned against the railing, staring down at them hugging as he lit up a cigarette. "I found your weakness Ryuuga."

Get ready to realize why this fic has the villain and dark tags.

Solo_Lividcreators' thoughts