
The Better Option

Thomas' POV:

I am having trouble coming up with a new idea for my Sander Sides, so I may as well ask them what they want to do.

"Hey guys can what would you like to do for the next Sander Sides video?" I ask. Soon enough each Side pops up.

"What's goin' on kiddos?" Asked Patton, greeting us with the usual happy smile.

"I have a few ideas for an AMAZING VIDEO for you Thomas," asseverates Roman with the same great enthusiasm as ever.

"Remember Thomas. There has to be a moral to whatever you pick. Always keep in mind that they have to be consistent," Logan reminds me.

It's very comforting to know that my Sides are always 2 steps ahead of me. Let's see how creative Roman is with his ideas.

"Okay, let's start with Roman," I say.

"Good choice, Thomas!" Roman exclaims. "I say we do a video on us Rap Battling each other! Ha? Ha?" he says, waiting for the other Sides' approval. Mostly Logan's.

"Yeah. No." Here comes Virgil with that.... positively negative attitude.

"What's wrong about it kiddo? I really like the idea." Patton delightfully agrees with Roman's idea on the rap battle.

"I say NO because we already did that. Logan Vs Princey? Don't you remember that?" asked Virge.

"If I may add my opinion I say that the Rap Battles is clearly a waste of time. And including the amount of time and effort you would use up just to write one rap?" Logan explains.

"Awwww. I kinda wanted to Rap Battle against you Logan," Patton complains.

"Well I have an option for a video, Thomas," Logan continues.

"Well? What are you waiting for? What is it Logan?" Virgil groans, clearly bored.

"Why don't we do an informational video. Something that people can learn from." Logan suggests.

"I don't mind either one," Patton happily says.

"Well I am just gonna say that if you don't think of something and soon some people might 'accidentally' press unsubscribe to your channel," Virgil spits. This makes me even more worried. I know I haven't done a video for a little while but I doubt people would unsubscribe just because of a little time. Right? (Never Thomas never!!)

"Virgil you are being unreasonable. No one would unsubscribe because Thomas is a little late to release a video. His viewers have had to wait longer before, to see new videos. " Logan reassures me.

"And don't worry because we have done videos that took MONTHS to complete and I say it was worth the wait" says Roman and Patton.

"Well Thomas, which is the better option?" Logan questions. "Facts or Raps?"