
Becoming The Vampire Queen

Excerpt **Please take notice before reading that this is a slow burn romance that takes place in the Victorian time period. It does not entirely stick to the facts and somethings are entirely made up to fit the story because this is a historical-fantasy romance. This book does not depict any rape. This book is the sole work of Ashley_Mitchum29 you are not allowed to copy any part of this book without the permission of the author. If you find this book anywhere but webnovel please let the author know. Any plagiarism of this book will be investigated and legal action will be taken against you. Kasley moved her fingers across the keys, stroking them lightly. She began playing Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata from memory. He wanted to capture this moment forever. Jackson began to chant the spell. Sparks of light began dancing around her and she did not even notice it. The light sparks made her even more mesmerizing in the still moonlight. He did not take his eyes off her because he wanted this etched into this room. This little moment of time would forever haunt these walls. He smiled at the thought of watching her like this over and over. She was glowing. What was even more captivating was the little sparks of light that captured not only her playing but the sounds coming from the piano. Each stroke emitted a different ray and before long a rainbow of sound waves could be seen floating over the beautiful girl he was watching intently. Jackson was unaware he had been holding his breath until he caught himself heavily breathing out after she had finished playing. His erratic breathing came to an abrupt halt and he gasped as she turned towards him giving him a little mischievous half smile . Her intense gaze burned him and he realized she knew he had been watching her. Jackson slowly emerged from the shadows, “You play just as my mother did.” She gave him a sheepish, slight grin, “Thank-you, your majesty, but I fear I am not worthy of such a prestigious title. Your mother was of nobility and I doubt she would compare me, a-ah, what would your time call it, a-a commoner, to herself.” Jackson momentarily paused, "Kasley Carter there is nothing common about you. Do you not know how you just looked sitting there playing just now?" Even though it was dark, the moonlight hit her face and he could tell she was blushing. He would never get tired of seeing that reaction. She looked up and stared into his eyes, "I am not good at taking compliments. Especially when they come from a gorgeous half-naked man." He looked down at his bare chest. He chuckled and resumed his slow, seductive waltz towards her. Kasley gulped. He would mark her tonight if it was the last thing he done. His eyes stayed glued to hers. Just when he reached the piano he suddenly had an idea. With a sly, arrogant face he climbed on the piano. Kasley’s eyes widened and he slowly inched forward.

Ashley_Mitchum29 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


Another day has come and gone in Nyland.

Kasley is sitting at her window alone in her room lost once again in her thoughts. She stared blankly at the endless black pit as the waves crashed violently against the rocky hillside. The misty fog slowly creeps up the shoreline like smoke while the wind is howling like a wild beast against the window.

Kasley shivers slightly and wraps her cream colored robe tighter around herself. She continues staring at the dark sky as thick ominous clouds slowly encapsulate the golden half-moon.

Ugh, looks like a storm is approaching. As if this place needs more water. She shifts her legs and looks down at the matching dress slippers fit for a queen.

Looking back out the window, she tucks the strands of long auburn hair that had fallen in her face behind her ear. The weather here is one big shitball.

Yes, that is exactly how you would describe it! Shitball! She thought.

You would think that living near the ocean would mean daily sunshine. Not in this godforsaken foggy, dreary place that seems to welcome indefinite doom.

It begins to rain. Thunder rumbles in the distance causing the window to slightly shake. She inwardly sighed and closed her eyes. Kasley leans her head against the glass frame. She is fighting a battle in her head.

In some ways she likes it here. She likes the simple times but then again she also misses her old life and the access to modern things. Yet, surprisingly, that was not the sole reason for the inner battle. She couldn't deny what was brewing in her heart for Jackson anymore. She was falling in love with him. He was changing her but she couldn't help but think of what her life was like before all this.

She looks back out the window. The wind is roaring and rain is hitting against the window in a pitter-patter beat. Was she really made to be different? Was this her destiny? God, she didn't know anymore.

Before coming here she was a typical twenty-seven year old working woman who made ends meet at a very stressful job. She was a secretary at a law firm until she got accepted to Stellar University.

She had done what any other adult would have done to prepare for college. Slowly backed away from her stressful job and even put money back in savings for life emergencies that might come up while in college.

You might say she was the poster child for having it all planned out neatly in her day organizer. There was only one thing left to do and that was to get a law degree. Being someone who liked to plan and then create a plan for the back-up plan, getting down to the last item on the—Getting My Life Together List—on time was exhilarating for Kasley.

She was going to be society's next it woman. You know the hot, sexy, rich, strong, independent kind. The kind that you want to hate but she's so damn perfect you secretly wish to be her. She, Kasley Miles, was going to be the new upcoming lawyer who changed the world.

But now what could she be in this time period? A Queen? A leader? She shrugged her shoulders as if admitting she didn't know what she could be anymore.

Kasley momentarily closed her eyes remembering the day she got the acceptance letter to Stellar University. Her brother and best friend took her out later that night for drinks to celebrate her achievement. She let out a loud sob as she fought to hold back the tears that started to rise up in her eyes thinking of Liam and Cici.

Lighting angrily strikes across the eerie sky causing Kasley to flinch for just a second. The brief light flash highlighted her tear stained face. She clenched her heart. She missed them more than anything else from her previous life!

She was sure Liam was going crazy trying to figure out where the hell she went to. He was probably freaking out by now because they talked almost every day. It had been three weeks since she last spoke to him.

Kasley had been more like a mother to him than a sister. Their parents died when she was seventeen, Liam was ten, almost eleven. They were on their own from then on but it made them strong. It created a tight bond for the two.

Kasley felt a tear slowly slide down one side of her face. She sniffled and wrinkled her forehead. What will I do? She thought

She slowly rose from her seat and closed the velvet peach curtain. She then slipped out of her slippers and hung her robe on the hook near the nightstand.

She looks back to the gigantic canopy bed and briefly stares at the designs of the mahogany and cherry wood. It was tiny intricate flower designs engraved in the wood. The headboard was shaped as a crown with gold button details woven in the same color and fabric as the curtains.

It's quite exquisite. If she did not know better she would think she was on the set of the next episode of Bridgerton. Anyone else would be thrilled at the new lavish lifestyle but she was not just anyone. She didn't need materialistic things nor status.

Kasley stepped up onto the bed's platform and sat on the edge of the majestic bed. Tears begin to stream down her face falling off her chin like big droplets of rain.

She really missed her brother. He was the only family she had left. It seems like it has been ages since she saw him but it's only been three weeks.

Three long damn weeks. . . . And then out of the blue her life was turned upside down.

Sighing, she looked towards the flickering dim candle and blew it out. She lays her head down onto the soft plush pillow and closes her eyes. Before she drifted off to sleep her mind wandered to another thought.

If she would have known then that the first day of college would be the last day she was in the 21st century she probably would have skipped the first day.

But she quickly pushed that thought away. . . .

Because if she had skipped she would have never met him or became the Queen of vampires.

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