

In a world where martial arts reign supreme, Alexis stands accused of the unthinkable. He not only stole a martial arts manual and precious medicinal pills but also captured someone else's fiancée. His actions have labeled him as the ultimate disgrace to the Martial Way and a despicable presence among humanity. Known for his audacity, Alexis has crossed boundaries that others wouldn't dare approach. His lack of compassion extends to such extremes that he wouldn't even lend a hand to an elderly person crossing the road, and he would shamelessly snatch a lollipop from the hands of a three-year-old child. His disruptive presence knows no bounds, leaving even the brightest talents from prestigious families battered and defeated. Now, facing the united disdain of both humans and gods, Alexis finds himself on the brink of complete rejection. Countless martial arts experts of Ember Celestine harbor an intense and enduring hatred for Alexis, longing to dismantle him piece by piece. But Alexis remains unfazed. Instead, he calmly accesses the enigmatic "Super Hatred System," exploring its array of tantalizing options. With a stroke of his chin, he contemplates his vast collection of Hatred Points, pondering what he should exchange them for. Should he choose the sacred realm of Saint-grade medicinal pills, delve into the ancient power of the Primordial Pill, or master the unparalleled martial art skill known as the Null Palm? The allure of the divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron, also beckons him with its extraordinary might. It is a decision that will shape his destiny, even as the world despises his very existence. ------------------------ I DONT OWN THE COVER, I DOWNLOADED IT FROM PINTEREST.

BeggarProMax · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs



*Read at: thenovelinn.com*

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Luminara Vale Station..

As Alexis arrived at Luminara Vale Station, he seemed like an ordinary and unremarkable young man, just as before. However, something had changed in his appearance, making him look completely different from how he used to be.

The reason for Alexis's altered appearance was the purchase of a special high-tech mask from a store. This remarkable mask could be worn on the face and could seamlessly transform into various different appearances at will.

The popularity of the high-tech mask extended beyond Alexis, as it was a widely sought-after toy among children, easily accessible for just twenty LCC. However, the reason Alexis purchased the human skin mask went far beyond child's play.

Shadowmoon City, notorious for being a haven for underworld figures, had a complex and chaotic environment, making it highly dangerous for anyone to appear with their real identity. Disguising oneself with the mask offered a layer of protection, allowing Alexis to navigate through the city discreetly and reducing the risks associated with his real identity being exposed.

In such a treacherous place, concealing his true appearance became essential for his safety and survival.

In Shadowmoon City, the practice of changing one's appearance is not uncommon among those who venture into its dangerous territory.

Many people adopt this technique as a means of self-preservation, safeguarding themselves from various threats and potential harm. By altering their looks, they can blend in with the city's diverse population and avoid drawing unwanted attention or reprisals from underworld figures or other adversaries.

"I must buy the Eternal Vitality Elixir."

Determined to strengthen himself, Alexis clenched his fists, recalling the arrogant demeanor of Lee from earlier. The encounter had left a lingering feeling of anger within him. With resolute determination, he knew he needed to obtain the Eternal Vitality Elixir, a potent elixir that could enhance his abilities and give him an edge in facing challenges, especially against arrogant piece of sh*t like Lee.

If he had strength surpassing the other, would Lee dare to be so arrogant?! Relying on his cultivation at the Sixth Level of Martial Disciple Realm, and his family background, he treated him with disdain and disrespect, completely ignoring him.

With the memory of Lee's arrogance etched in his mind, Alexis vowed to remember this grudge. He knew that once he returned from Shadowmoon City, he would not let this disrespectful treatment go unanswered.

With his resolve strengthened, Alexis wasted no time and immediately boarded the floating train.

The journey from Luminara Vale to BlackMoon City covered a distance of over a thousand kilometers, but thanks to the remarkable speed of the floating train, the travel time was surprisingly short. In a little over an hour, Alexis arrived at his destination, BlackMoon City. The seamless and swift travel left no sense of vibration or discomfort throughout the journey, as if the train glided effortlessly through the air.

Of course, the price is also expensive. It costs around four to five thousand LCC to buy a ticket. However, for the current Alexis, this price was still within his budget.

As soon as Alexis arrived at BlackMoon City station, he sensed a vastly different atmosphere compared to Luminara Vale—tension, intrigue, and an undercurrent of danger permeated the bustling streets. Known as a gathering place for underworld figures and those seeking power, BlackMoon City presented both opportunities and risks.

The first feeling was chaos!

The scene at BlackMoon City station was disarrayed and unkempt, with the ground strewn with plastic garbage, paper scraps, and colorful beverage cans scattered everywhere, swaying in the strong wind and producing a clanging sound. The white walls were adorned with random graffiti and peculiar images, emanating an eerie and unsettling atmosphere. There appeared to be no sign of cleaning staff working around the station, contributing to the overall sense of neglect and disorder in this chaotic city.

And there were also many people, a diverse crowd!

BlackMoon City lived up to its reputation as a gathering place for individuals from all walks of life, with various types of men appearing in the vicinity. Many of them exuded fierce expressions, their shoulders adorned with intimidating tattoos of skulls, tigers, leopards, and other menacing images. The men sported muscular physiques and wore tank tops, while their hair was messy and colorful, resembling a chaotic blend of styles, including bald heads. Each individual seemed to embody a distinct persona, contributing to the diverse and unpredictable nature of the city's inhabitants.

In addition to the various types of men, there were also numerous prostitutes around the station. These women were dressed in revealing outfits, emphasizing different aspects of their bodies. Their faces were heavily made up, and the range of ages varied, from teenage girls to middle-aged women.

As soon as a man appeared in the vicinity, the prostitutes would enthusiastically approach him, inquiring if he needed accommodation. Their approach was assertive and persistent, as they tried to attract potential clients with offers of their services. The station's surroundings appeared to be a hub for such interactions, reflecting the city's reputation as a place where various exchanges, legal and illegal, occurred openly.

Recognizing the potential risks of getting caught up in the persuasions of the "flowery sparrows," Alexis wisely chose to make a quick escape while they were preoccupied. He knew that he didn't want to be entangled in their solicitations and end up somewhere he didn't intend to be. Maintaining his focus on his mission in BlackMoon City, he navigated through the bustling surroundings with a cautious mindset.

"By the way, according to the map, Black Bandit Company(BBC) seems to be not far from the station," said Alexis as he opened his phone, immediately displaying the nearby map.

A/N*: Ahem, it's not intentional!----xxx---

The so-called "Black Bear Company" is the place where Alexis has decided to purchase the Eternal Vitality Elixir. On the surface, it is a legally registered private company, but in reality, it is just a shell company.

In secret, they engage in some smuggling activities. The Black Bandit Company is considered one of the major underground organizations in BlackMoon City, with over ten thousand formal members and numerous henchmen. Among their products, they also deal in Eternal Vitality Elixir.

Because the Black Bandit Company is well-known and has a large scale, it is less likely to deal in counterfeit goods. After comparing multiple options, Alexis decided to go to the Black Bandit Company to make his purchase.

As he followed the map and walked forward for about two to three kilometers, Alexis noticed the surrounding tall buildings were in a state of disrepair, with no windows. Upon closer inspection, it looked like a collection of abandoned buildings. The ground floors seemed to be inhabited by numerous impoverished people, their emaciated bodies resembling skeletons. Dangerous figures lurked everywhere in this area.

Moreover, the terrain here seemed quite complex, with buildings crowded closely together, and small alleys crisscrossing the area.

Even though it was daytime, the numerous buildings clustered together blocked the sunlight, making the alley dark and gloomy.

"Is the Black Bandit Company really located in this place?" Alexis followed the map but found himself going deeper into an alley, and there seemed to be no other roads around.

Even the number of people became scarce, and gradually, there were hardly any people coming to this place.

'Oh no, I really took the wrong path!'

Alexis looked at the map and his expression turned strange. He realized that he had actually arrived at the back entrance of the Black Bandit Company, not the front entrance, which explained why there were so few people around.

Even though the map showed it as one location, in reality, he needed to go around in a circle to reach the front entrance of the Black Bandit Company. After all, the front entrance was where the company sold their goods, and the back entrance was likely inaccessible.

"Alright, it seems I'll have to go back and take the proper route."

Alexis felt a sudden darkness above his head and heard the whistling sound of something falling. It seemed like an unknown object was plummeting from the forty to fifty-story BBC Building and was about to crash directly on top of his head.

'Damn it, who's throwing things from high above?!'

He felt angry inside, thinking that the person who casually threw things had no sense of public morality. However, he quickly adjusted his mindset, activated the True Qi within his body, and punched towards the unidentified object.

[ Tiger Fist - Fierce Tiger Leaping Out of the Gate! ]

Since the battle with Drake, Alexis has been diligently cultivating, continuously practicing the <Pure Yang Immortal Art>, absorbing the essence of the sun to strengthen his cultivation. He has gained a deeper understanding of the Five Forms Fist, displaying it with extraordinary skill and a natural flow.

His punch's power was even more terrifying than when he fought with Drake. It seemed as if several fierce tigers were roaring, with a tremendous momentum that tore through the air.

Even someone at the Fifth Level of Martial Disciple Realm would perish on the spot when facing this punch!


The punch landed heavily on the unidentified object, sending it flying more than ten meters away. The immense force erupted like a fierce tiger's bite, tearing everything apart.



However, the unidentified object suddenly let out a miserable scream, followed by a few cracking sounds as several ribs broke. The sound echoed through the silent and dimly-lit alley.


Upon hearing the sound, Alexis was also surprised. Could it be that this unidentified object is not some thing but a human being?

He fixed his gaze and indeed saw the object he had hit, rolling on the ground for a few rounds. It spat out a mouthful of blood and then stared at him with a fierce and angry look, emanating a strong killing intent.





*Read at: thenovelinn.com*

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