
Becoming Normal Part 2, Far From Rest

ChuckBoy39 · วัยรุ่น
15 Chs

Fighting For A Sister

The Guards Came rushing towards the five with everything they had but it was little for what the five had in store. Cyrus then pulled out a beaker and threw it towards the guards. The beaker then broke with a loud BANG and threw the guards back into the walls. "I guess its true. Diet Coke and Mentos really do work for a good explosions", Cyrus said. "Oh come the earth bread off", said Liv. "Now will you finally be the bigger person and free Penny", Bailey said. "No. But i will be the bigger person", Liz said as she then pulled a lever near Penny's cell and a robot hand came down from the celling. The hand then beamed a green beam at her and went back to the celling. Liv then started to grow bigger. "No . . . how? But that would have taken forever to increase the human body like that", said Cyrus. "We have people that are smarter then all of you. You would have been a great Reacher here", said Liv as she kept growing. She then got up to the celling and pushed up. With her growing and getting heaver, The floor couldn't keep up and broke apart. "What . . . No", said Liv. "This is way to predicable. Now we need to get out before the building collapses", Said Luke. "Yep", said Casey. "Well we need to go", said Cody. "Agreed", said Bailey. "But Penny", Cyrus said. "We need to go", said Bailey. Cyrus ran back to Penny's cell and looked around for a way to free her. The floor was about to give around Penny's cell when a part of the celling fell and broke the glass. Penny was about to passed out from what was happing and fell into Cyrus's arms. Cyrus then ran back with the rest of the gang back down. They were able to get down safely and just in time for the cops to arrive. They told the events from the first chapter of this book and so they were all caught up on everything. Just then the final part of the building fell into ruins and Liv rose up with her eyes turning a fire purple. "YOU BASTLY FOOLS!. YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!! MY HUSBAND, MY COMPANY, EVERYTHING I WORKED FOR!!! NOW YOU WILL SUFFER A PAINFUL DEATH", Liz said. "Oh shit. Well if its a fight she wants, Its a fight she gets", Cyrus said. "Stay down guys. Well take care of this", the cop said. "But i think i know how to win this", said Cyrus. "You do", said the cop. "Yes but i need some materials", Cyrus said. "If you truly know then you get then and we will hold her off", the cop said. "Ok", said Cyrus. Cyrus ran to get his materials while the rest headed off to safety. It was gonna be a long one for the fate of Penny.