
I have other Plans

"After we do this, we might have enough to buy us some decent clothes and maybe some armor, but I don't exactly know how much 20 coins can get us" Said Thornir since he didn't know how the economy worked in Essos

"But we should be able to get some better clothes than these fur clothes that we got now probably some leather since this heat is killing me" Said Thornir since it was around midday at the time

"Well we will find out once we get the coins, and maybe we can ask the innkeeper since he seemed like a nice person" Said Aranir

Thornir shook his head, "Don't trust everybody that you see no matter how nice they seem since they can quickly betray you, and that innkeeper seems kinda suspicious to me since he placed so much trust in people who he has never met before"

"True, he did seem kinda suspicious, and he gave me this weird feeling that I can't explain, it's like my mind is telling me that something is off about him" Said Val

"That's probably your intuition telling you something, which is something you should beware of since it was right" Said Thornir

Everybody looked at Thornir confused until Dalla asked that was on all of their minds "Are you saying that her so-called intuition is right and how"

"After we left I felt something was wrong with the whole situation as well, so I listened in on their conversation and found out that they plan to betray us if we bring back a lot of fish by making us hand over the fish using some people that the innkeeper hired who are inside the Inn as we speak and not pay us the 20 coins of Braavos.

I was going to tell you guys later before we returned, but I guess now is a good time as well" Explained Thornir

Stygard's face turned a little cold after hearing this, "Thornir let me kill the Innkeeper myself so that I can make him suffer" Said Stygard smashing his right fist against his left palm.

"Let's not just kill people on our first day in the city, let's just teach them a lesson maybe rough them up and get a few coins out of them then leave the inn" Said Aranir

Stygard sighed "Fine, I won't kill him" Said Stygard

"Good, we don't need any unnecessary trouble from the city guardsman or any of the Magister's" Said Thornir

After that, Thornir had decided to wrap things up, so he used his water magic to bring a ton of fish and fill up the three wooden boxes that he made.

He then headed back to the Inn to hurry and deal with what was going to happen. So after about an hour he returned to the Inn to the surprise of the Innkeeper who say them carrying three wooden boxes.

But he knew there was no way that all of them were fish, and he thought something was suspicious.

"Back already huh kid, I didn't expect you to be back soon" said the Innkeeper as he looked over to the men he hired to start making their move.

6 Armed men with swords surrounded Thornir and his group, "Come on now kid make this easy and give up the boxes and nobody will get hurt" Said one of the men smiling. At this time the entire Inn had noticed what was going on, and some people even started to leave since they thought a fight was about to happen.

Thornir smiled as he thought in his head' IM going to get a lot of coins from this'

"Actually, we won't be handing over anything, in fact I think you should hand over all of your things including your weapons and your coins" Said Thornir.

The rest of the group already had their hands on their weapons, ready to fight.

The 6 men, after hearing what Thornir said, looked at each other and started laughing "Hahahaha, woo kid that was funny, but I already gave you a chance, and you should have taken it maybe you could have lived a little longer" Said the man as he grabbed his sword and swung it at Thornir aiming for his head.

Thornir already excepted this since he can sense how bloodthirsty these 6 men were, and he blocked the attack from the men, which surprised everybody in the bar since he didn't even look in the man's general direction when he blocked the attack.

The man thought it must be a mistake, so he swung again and again, but both his attacks were blocked by Thornir who had a calm expression on his face.

Thornir while blocking the man's sword looked back at his group "You can kill these 6 men but leave everybody else" Ordered Thornir

That was all they needed to hear before Thorell, Aranir, and Stygard had started attacking the nearest person nearest to them.

The same happened with Val and Dalla as they avoided using magic in a public area and instead used their melee weapon's.

The man who Thornir was still blocking had started screaming "BOY you dare to defy me Just die" Said the man as he took another swing but instead of just blocking this attack Thornir knocked the sword out of his hand and cut his arm off causing the man to fall to the ground in pain.

The man on the ground screaming in pain looked up at Thornir and for the first time in his life he felt fear.

The Innkeeper at this time was looking at the situation and tried to escape since he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

So while Thornir and his group was focused on fighting the 6 men he tried to make a run for it but Thornir seen this, so he grabbed the sword of the man whose arm he cut off and threw it directly towards the innkeepers foot.

The sword landed on the front end of the Innkeepers foot, causing his foot to be stuck in place and him to scream from the pain he felt.

By this time Thornir had started walking over to the Innkeeper with his group who had finished defeating the 6 men who were all dead except one of them.

Seeing this, the innkeeper tried to plead for his life "Please don't kill me I'll give you the money or better, yet you can have all of their money" Said the innkeeper pointed to the 6 dead men on the ground.

"Nope now you owe us 40 coins plus interest so that's about 60 coins and if you don't pay now then we will kill you right here and now" Said Thornir

The rest of the Inn was completely quiet as some people had already left the Inn while some stayed and watched the show in front of them since it had nothing to so with them.

"It's behind the table in a bag, so please take it and leave me alone" Said the innkeeper pleading for his life,

Thornir had Stygard go and look for the bag, which he found behind the innkeeper's desk. He looked in the bag and seen a lot of coins, probably around 60, but he counted just to make sure.

Instead of 60 it was around 80 in the bag which was quite heavy to carry with one hand so Stygard had to use two hands.

"Thornir it's all in here plus another 20 coins" Said Stygard

"Good now let's loot those 6 men and leave" Said Thornir

All the remaining people in the Inn just watched minding their business as Thornir and his group just killed 5 people, and they are now looting their bodies, but it was none of their business, so they didn't say anything and just watched.

After a couple of minutes, Thornir and his group were done looting the bodies and had gotten some good stuff to sell, so they left the Inn to get some new clothes.

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