
Scandals erased.

" Today, the president Barack Obama was forced to declassified files after an internet anonymous group of hackers revealed "proofs" of a large conspiracy, to be precise the group upload a video on the internet. Indeed the information contain in the video supposedly proves the implication of a secret society in multiple countries and governments. Photos, contracts, administrative documents present in the video provoked the outrage.

We won't show you the video on this channel but if you are determined enough some copy still circulate on the internet. " Explain The young journalist on the television.

Unknow location.

The Deorum de Terra watch with attention, but strangely none of them seem to be scared by this or even a little surprise.

" It was bound to happen, with our influence and number of members it was sure someone will connect the dots. " July says with a sigh.

" Two years ago it was a found footage, inside we could see vampire ripping heads, hearts, compelling humans. And we make it disappear, today no one care about it. When it goes viral the majority of people thoughts it was fake. They will think the same about this. " March add with amusement.

" Don't be stupid you two. If we didn't used our contacts and influence in the higher spheres of power it could have very well end in a disaster. " November reprimand July and March.

" Then we just have to do the same thing, the files Obama released was chosed by us, now we just have to make sure to keep control of the situation. " April say.

" December you seem awfully quiet about this. Aren't you worried ? " November ask.

" We have anticipated this moment, if nobody make mistakes this will be resolved pretty soon and it won't have any impact. We should focus on the project, time is almost here. And even if people understand that we truly are the ruling power it doesn't matter. Once the project is launch they won't care about this at all. " December answer.

Months later.

Sammael felt a disturbance with the other side, after inquiring about it he learned that Qetsiyah ressurect to kill Silas to achieve a sort of revenge fuelled by hate and love. While he would have really like to have a discussion with Silas or Qetsiyah or both, he just couldn't find the time to spend time in Mystic Falls.

Making sure the internet video didn't create too much suspicions, working on the project. Experiment on "Odin" his chimpanzee, keeping tabs on his siblings who came back to New Orleans. He certainly was busy those months.

When he finally had the time, Silas was dead. Amara was dead and Qetsiyah was dead.

He have to give it to the Mystic Falls little band, they have a talent to get rid of powerful enemy.

But if there is something that really make him interest is the pregnancy of a werewolf, Hayley Marshall. What is important is that she is carrying the baby of his brother, Niklaus. How can a loophole like this could happen, he have one or two theories but nothing is sure for the moment. Sam will have to make more research on this to have the answer. He can already feel the power of the baby, like a pulse the baby send wave of power. The signature is unique, a vampire, werewolf and witch. The baby will without a doubt be really powerful and with a very high potential maybe the highest potential possible.

She won't be able to reach his level of power, the universe won't allow it, but being the second most supernatural powerful being on earth is a likely possibility.

Thinking about his own advencements, he think about the next steps. Time, Space, the four fundamental forces. He can already affect these in a minor way but if he achieve a perfect control over these concepts he will have the power to create what he want.

A dimension outside the universe, bound only to him. He'll become the dimension itself, like a conscient universe. The dimension will be him and he will be the dimension, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

But the calculs and predictions point in one direction, the destruction of the universe.

If he achieve what he want everything that have existed, exist and will exist will cease to be.

Creation and destruction have always been connected. Sammael stop writing his thoughts and watch the night sky. His ambition will be the end of all, its almost poetic. A smile appear on his face, he still have a long road in front of him.

Turning the pages of his notebook he try to find the flaws in the blueprint of his device, for now he have make it better the energy lost is now only 19% to 23%. He still lack energy to make it function perfectly but little by little he refine the device.

December 21, 2011, Unknow location.

" I can't believe the people let this go so easily. " August say.

" If most people believe it's fake, then the rest will start to doubt and follow the rest of the herd. And people are generally stupid and naive. " June respond.

" Enough, we spend enough time on this problem. Now that we have fix it we can focus on the project. " February add.

" Project: Genesis, how many years did we spend on it and we are so close. " November exclaim with enthusiasm.

" Close to two centuries. Do we still want to do this ? A lot will benefit from it but a lot will also die. " September ask.

" Evolution is necessary, the project will allow humanity as a whole to reach new heights. " November answer.

" I agree but it could lead humanity to self-destruction. There is a 3 colony on mars, I think humans could still push forward without us giving it an acceleration. " October say.

" Project: Genesis is Days-365. We have put everything in place, the last pieces of the puzzle are just waiting to be assembled. We can't go back now. And we are still going to be here, if the train goes off the rail we'll correct the trajectory. " May finish.

" Then it is decide. In exactly 1 year the project will be executed. Everyone know what they have to do. Next year the world will change, nothing will never be the same. To us, the Deorum de Terra. " December conclude raising his glass of blood and taking a sip.

March 2, 2012. New Orleans.

Hiding under an invisibility spell Sammael watch without losing focus the birth of something unique. The baby girl hasn't even get out of her mother than she already release an amount of energy equal to 20 adults and talented witches. Raw power wave after wave.

The cries of the mother Hayley Marshall sound so small in comparison to the energy. After a final cry and a last push the baby came to the world. A Nexus Vorti more powerful than the ones the WW1 and WW2 put together is created.

Of course Sammael don't let it disperse, he direct it into a container. A small orb marked with seals. He continue to observe, two young women take the baby and bring her to an altar. Sacrificial magic can look so barbaric and unsophisticated think Sam while watching what's happening. He would have intervene if he haven't felt his brothers Elijah and Niklaus coming.

What follow is an impaled witch, another being cut a thousand times thanks to a nasty dark object. And a baby being kidnapped by the adopted son of Klaus.

Sammael follow them leaving a little distance between him and them. When he arrive at Mikaelson compound he see Nik talking with Marcel, he give him his blood to heal a werewolf bite and Marcel give him the baby, Klaus take the baby girl in his arm.

Suddenly the baby look in his direction and right into his eyes. The spell he used isn't particularly strong, enough to fool an original but not charged with a lot of magic. But the young tribrid girl see right trough it, it is quite impressive for such a young child, she is more intuitive and aware than he expected.

A few hours later Klaus met with Rebekah in a place outside of the city. Still under his invisibility spell Sammael hear Nik naming the baby girl.

" Her name is Hope. She is the hope of our family. " Niklaus say tenderly and with love kissing Hope and saying goodbye to her. He gave her to Bekah and go back to his car looking at his daughter one last time before driving away.

The opportunity finally present itself to Sammael, he plunges Rebekah into sleep and use his speed to grab Hope before Bekah fall on the ground. With the baby in his arms he take Rebekah hand and teleport them into his laboratory.

2 months later.

For two months he kept Rebekah incounsious, he use this time to test the level of power of Hope, the difference in her DNA, and others test to see how the young tribrid will grow. He didn't particularly like to work or take care of an infant so he compel a woman to take care of the baby needs. He didn't push his test too much, modification of a tribrid are completely new and he lacks data to try some of the ideas he had.

He didn't inflict any intrusive test on her either, he collects all the informations he could and stop there. Observing how she will evolve naturally is much more instructif than interfering in the processus.

He manufacture memories and implant them in Rebekah, she will never know what had happen. After making sure the memories are coherent and seem perfectly true he teleport Hope and Bekah to a nice little house in the countryside and leave them after waking up his sister.

December 21, 2012. Unknown location.

" It is 23h26, at this exact instant the project: Genesis is officially launched, in 34 minutes the last phase will be complete and the world will change. We have work hard, harder than we thought possible. Years of research and development to achieve the objective we fixed ourselves. I would like to thank all of you, nothing could have been achieved if we didn't work and cooperated together. From the shadow we have guide humanity, we made decisions that had an impact on billions of lifes. And tonight is not an exception, in fact it is the decision that will have the most impact for centuries if not for millennium. " December offer to the 11 original members of the Deorum de Terra. At the beginning they were 12 but they lost a member along the road, poor January.

" The moment we longed for is here. The vacant role of God is now occupied. " December alias Sammael finish his speech, he look at the clock, he see the hour. 00h00, he aprroach the control panel and press the button.

All around the world missiles are launch in the air, climbing in the sky the missiles provoke panic and fear. People from everywhere start to pray, others rush into their bunker and feel happy to be right. The end is near, churches become crowded with believers and non-believers. Gouvernements try to understand who, why, where. Armies begin to plan a way to stop these missiles. But the project was conceive a long time ago, years of planning and preparations was made. The countermeasures of armies was blocked earlier, most agressive and impredictable heads of states were compelled to follow the script.

During all of this 11 peoples are calm and relax, they didn't panic or fear for their lifes. They know what is happening, after all its them the responsable of this unprecedented event.

Sammael with his Telepathy hear the thoughts of millions of humans, vampires, and every others conscient species. The most predominant one, "This the end of the world. The apocalypse.".

He chuckle while watching the screens showing what is going on outside.

He take a sip of blood and wait for the conclusion of the Project: Genesis.