
Fleeting time.

1002, February.

One year, they kept running from Mikael for a year and the tensions between the siblings keep growing, last week they did something new. During one of their feast of blood, they discover a survivor, Lucien, he revealed to them that their victims were nobles, in exchange of letting him live he would help them impersonate the identities of the nobles.

They now lives in the castle of the Count deMartel since one month. The aristocratic way of life is particularly like by Sammael and Elijah who find interest in passing time with Tristan the heir of the count.

As for Klaus and Lucien them seem to feel a strong attraction for the daughter of the Count DeMartel, it will probably become a good source of drama though Sam the first time he saw the three together. Kol is as always frivolous and Finn still hasn't accept the transition, Rebekah seem to be happy, she find a friend in Aurora the daughter of Count deMartel.

1002, October.

In a dark room, barely illuminated by candles and the light of the moon, sitting or more precisely unconscious on a chair is a man wearing low quality clothes, thick droplets of blood falling from his head creating an annoying noise.

" Test number 5, experimentation on mental control, or more communally known as hypnosis. '' the cold and indifferent voice is interrupted by groans coming from the inconsious man on the chair.

'' The subject n°6 is waking up, final part of the experimental. " the subject hearing the cold voice try to be brave, ignoring the terror he feel and his instincts screaming at him to move, to run away, he raise his head and look at the origin of the voice.

He barely have the time to see a handsome man with black hair and black eyes, when suddenly a hand hold his throat, not hard enough to totally suffocate him but enough to keep him from moving. His eyes locked with the black eyes of the strange man.

" Do not move. " say the man, compelling the terrified man to obey.

" I want you to tell me what you did four days ago, and do not lie. But before you begin, here, you should drink this cup of water I don't want you to have a sore throat in the middle of a story. " say Sammael still compelling the man and holding a cup of water to him.

" 4 months ago, I-I I slept with my wife's sister, I was drunk ! The next day, I meet her and explain to ther that It was a mistake and that we should forget it, but, but she keep saying she was feeling guilty about it and was going to explain what happened to my wife. I couldn't let that happen, so I tried to convinced her, she didn't want to listen, I just pushed her a little I swear ! And she, she fall, there was so much blood...So much. It was an accident, I never wanted to hurt her ! " start telling the man, his facial distorted by despair when he realise he is forced to reply.

" When I saw all the blood and her immobile, I panicked, I was going to run away but then I saw him, her little boy, Anthony, the moment I saw his terrified face filled with tears, I knew what had to be done, he witnessed me pushing his mother, if I let him go I was going to be imprisoned or worst killed ! So when I saw he was ready to scream, I lunge myself at him, tackle him to the ground and bash his head with all my strength, I let out all my frustration, panic, anger on that kid. After that I run away from the house, and get back at my place, clean myself and tried to forget everything about that night... I really didn't want it to end that way." finish the man while sobbing.

" Experience 5 complete. The first command given to subject n°6, was to have an affair and do everything to keep it a secret. Results : subject n°6 successfully keep the secret at all cost, even at the detriment of his morality and life of others. " say Sammael, while he speak he write the results and his observations on papers.

" Thank you for your participation, you have play your part perfectly subject n°6 " say Sam leaving the room but before he closed the door, the man start to speak.

" You ! You did this ! Who are you ? Why ! Why ? Answer me ! " scream with rage and hate the man still unable to move.

" It won't help you to know subject n°6. You served your purpose." answer Sam closing the door.

1 hour later, in the cell.

Coughs can be heard inside the cell, subject n°6 still seated like a statue start vomiting blood. Outside the cell Sammael can be seen writing something about a glass of water and time of death after consuming *Actaea Spicata.

1002, December.

Fire, pure and purifying, Niklaus approach the pyre and as he is about to light it, he expressed his confusion.

" I don't understand, I gave him my blood he should have healed. " say Klaus with sadness. Elijah walks towards him and lay a comforting hand on his shoulder. Good drama indeed think Sam in this exact moment having already determined what happened.

" He was already dead Niklaus, there is nothing you could have done. " respond Elijah.

But as he finish speaking, Lucien gets up and takes a deep breath, getting down from the pyre he start walking in circle with excitement. Sammael, Kol, Finn Elijah and Rebekah watch with surprised, each having different thoughts about this new development.

Hours later Sam in his chamber kept thinking about what he and his family discovered tonight, they could change others to became like them. He decide to call the process the " transition " based on his experience and watching tonight events. His final thoughts on this are that there is a lot of potential but accompany by a lot of risks.

Putting that in a corner of his mind, he focus on what he will do next now that he have mastered his powers gain by his transformation. He have perfect control of his strength and speed, his reflexes allow him to catch multiple arrows shot at him.

His bloodlust while under control can still overpower him if he hasn't feed in a long time, he test his limit and find he can function for 2 weeks without blood, he theorized that by becoming older his resistance will increase.

His mental abilities seem to become more powerful with a constant use and a hour or two of meditation per day, a skill his father teach him when he was a young boy. He can now invade and modify the dreams of other and can also see memories.

Watching the city of Marseille, he finally take a well-considered decision. Leaving, he have accomplished his objective of understanding and controling his new state, so it is now the time to leave and explore the world.

When he was human you could say that his hunger for knowledge was already monstrous, but after his transition this curiosity grow into something... something more deep and dangerous.

Three weeks later.

All the Mikaelsom reunited around dinner it promise to be a interesting night note to himself Sam while he take his place at the table. Servants serve the dinner and leave the room. The family except for Sammael still hasn't adapt to the fact that they don't need to eat food anymore. Sam have stop to eat and have consume only blood for months, when he eat, it is just for pleasure or discover new flavors, with his senses upgraded he can feel so much more than a human.

And he is not human anymore, pretending to be one can work for a short period of time but it's not reality. Accepting the change and using his abilities to their full capacity is the logical thing to do. His brothers and his sister seem to struggle to accept all of what they are.

Kol wore a mask pretending to love it but it is just a coping mechanism, losing his magic was a terrible blow for him, unleashing his bloodlust on every occasion is his way to release all his pent up frustration and anger.

Elijah him, is always on his best behavior but, inside he is like them a predator. Niklaus is still burdened by the murder of their mother, a fact know by Sam but not the rest of his family.

Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus are very close to each other, on the other side Kol, Finn and Sam like to keep to themselves, particularly Sam and Kol, the two loving their freedom and independence.

Sam's attention is grab by the voice of Elijah.

" It has to stop ! Between Nik and you Kol our father will notice our presence. We have to be careful, discretion is a priority if we want to escape him " finish Elijah his voice serious and strict.

" They act like children, givin into their basic instincts and being reckless. ! " exclaim Finn, a flash of disgust appear in his eyes when thinking about the victims of Klaus and Kol.

" Oh ? And what about Sammael, who know what he is doing when he disappear. Tell us Sam don't be shy." say Kol with a playful smile, Sam understand immediately what he is trying to do, divert the attention for escaping being reprimand.

" I'm not quite sure to understand what you are insinuating Kol, but I am not the one risking the exposure of our secret. The solution to our problem however is simple, we split up, father can't purchase all of us at the same time and it will be much harder for him to find us if we are not all in the same place. " say Sam with a calm voice. Offered this perfect opportunity to announce his depart, he continue.

" Its the best option, I'll leave. " finish Sammael, spotting a look of sadness on Rebekah face.

" I agree with Sammael, this is the smartest thing to do. I'll leave too. " add Finn.

" Yes I agree with Finn and Sam, count me in, we should leave tonight ! " say Kol with an excited face.

" Are you so eager to abandon us brother ! " spat Klaus with anger and betrayal. After Elijah and Bekah, Kol is the one with the deepest bound with him.

" Nik it's for the best, it won't be long before the peoples in this town discover our secret. Especially now that Lucien have become like us. " respond Elijah, attempting to dissolve the anger of Klaus.

" Then it is decide, we leave tomorrow when the sun goes down. " say Finn ending the discussion, while Kol mumble about leaving sooner.

1 day later.

" So it's time... Good luck to you three and be careful. " say with sadness Rebekah.

" Stop being so emotional sister, we will see each other soon, Nik can't live without me. " say Kol reconforting Bekah and taunting Klaus in the same phrase.Their goodbye said, they get on their horses.

" Au revoir. " say Sammael with a smile, before taking the road followed by Finn and Kol on his sides.

6 days later.

In a thick forest full of animals and trees stand three men around a fire, a few meters further on the ground, dead bodies belonging to a group of hunters, theirs neck having bites mark.

Finn watch with disgust the blood dripping from the mouth of Kol.

" You really should feed if you want to be at full strength Finn. " say Kol.

" He's right, we chose to go separate way from here. You'll be alone, it's safer if you drink more blood. " add Sam. Finn give them an angry look.

" Very well. Do what you wish. " exclaim Kol with exasperation. The three get back on their horses and give their goodbyes.

" May we see each other brothers " say Sam to Kol and Finn before he start riding on his horse, Kol and Finn each riding in a different direction.

* a toxic plant.

- Au revoir. Goodbye in French.

SnowofBloodcreators' thoughts