
Becoming AV Actor In A World Of Reversed Chastity.

Ashimura Masao, who works for a black company, goes back fifteen years to the world before his suicide. However, it is a world of reversed chastity, and Masao starts a new life as an adult video actor.

Jens33 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 5 : Debut Decision!

Upon debut, the following morning, I arrived at the office slightly earlier than the designated time.

By the way, I boarded the male-only carriage, sharing a space with men may be rugged, but it's preferable to being harassed by older women.

Reality differs from fiction, as there are no beautiful seductresses in real life.

"Good morning, Masao-san."

The receptionist, as always, was Ayase-san, but why the formal address?

"Masao-san is a valuable asset to our company, the president instructed us to treat him with utmost respect!"

"But the formal address is a bit much...Masao is fine."

"Understood, Masao. The president is already waiting in the conference room, please follow me."

Upon entering the conference room, I found the president and an unfamiliar individual waiting.

"So, he is Masao..."

The elderly lady with white hair had been staring at me the whole time.

"Masao, let me introduce you. This is Director Hojo Un, a veteran in this industry."

(Oh! Isn't she a prominent figure!)

"Pleased to meet you! I am Masao!"


The director's expression remained unchanged.

"By the way, all my recent works were directed by Director Hojo!"

"Oh! Is that so!?"

"Young man!"

The director suddenly raised her voice!


"Which of my works do you like the most?"

"Yes! It's 'EOAI-009 Enchanting Huge Breas-... no, Huge Member, Kato Tora'!"

"Hahaha! I can't believe you actually said it!"

The director burst into laughter.

"Come on, Director, please don't tease Masao."

"No... I apologize. I simply want to know what kind of man catches Ai-chan interest."

"Um... what is this all about?"

"It's the director's twisted sense of humor... she likes to scare newcomers every time..."

"I can't believe someone actually answered, and even mentioned the DVD number... truly a man of Ai-chan."

"That's not what I meant!"

""But you like her, didn't you, young man?"

"Yes, I did!"

"Hahaha! I knew you would!"

"Masao-kun, you shouldn't say that!"

"Fool! Do you think you can deceive me? I can tell at a glance when a woman is in heat."

"I'm sorry... Director... I have violated industry rules..."

"Hmm... that's because you're a fool. There are no rules when it comes to what men and women do!"

"Thank you, Director!"

"Masao-chan, nice to meet you from now on, okay?"

I don't know why, but... this old lady is really something!

"Anyway, Masao-kun debut work is entrusted to Director Hojo, and the shooting will be this Saturday."

"Is it already decided?"

"Newcomers are like semen, freshness is crucial!"

"And this is the script, titled 'The Melancholy of New Husband Masao'."

I took the script and read through it...

Newlywed husband Masao was facing a sexless marriage right after getting married. The lonely Masao purchased a masturbation device online, but... when it was delivered, he was caught by the delivery person and demanded sexual favors.

(Indeed, a straightforward storyline, not much acting skill required... and minimal dialogue)

"You are free to manage your time until the filming day, but the only requirement is abstinence."


"If you can't ejaculate during the shooting, you will be responsible for the loss, young man."

(I see... that's how it is.)

"But don't worry, once the shooting is over, you can have plenty of lovey-dovey time!"

"That's not what I meant~~!"

Director Hojo has left, but today's agenda is not yet complete!

"Now, let me teach Masao the basics."

As an amateur, Ayase-san gave me a basic lecture.

"First, for an AV production, you need to create a plan and decide what to shoot."

"Next, you choose the actors. In Masao's case, you select actresses that fit the script."

"Then comes the shooting. You rent a studio for filming, then edit the footage, burn it onto a DVD, and ship it to stores."

"I see... that's how it's done..."

"Of course, there are other tasks like promotion, package design, and other details, but that's it for today's lecture... Oh! I almost forgot something important!"

"Something important?"

"Are you free tomorrow, Masao?"

Huh? Ayase-san... is she inviting me?

"Yes! I'm free!"

"Great! Then... please undergo a physical examination at this hospital!"

Ayase handed me the hospital's business card.

"Huh? A physical... examination?"

"You can't participate in the shooting without undergoing an STD test. Just hand over this card, and they'll understand."

"I see... I didn't know about that..."

But... it's indeed important.

"Although the company does not interfere in the personal lives of male actors, but please absolutely avoid risky sexual activities!!"

"By the way, the actresses also undergo the same examination, so rest assured."

"Thank you, Ayase-san."

"No problem, we're colleagues after all."

"By the way... why are you working at this company, Ayase-san?"

"Um... can I tell you? Actually, I used to be an AV actress too."

"You too?"

"But unlike the president, I only had one film, meaning I was an 'unsuccessful actress.'"

"An unsuccessful actress..."

"And I was picked up by the current president. What do you think? Does that make sense to you?"

"Yeah, thank you."

But for some reason, Ayase fell silent.


"Masao.. can I ask you a question this time?"


"Why do you sleep with the president? You don't seem like someone who would engage in such activities for personal gain."

Indeed, from an objective point of view... it's similar to engaging in favors...

"It's because I like the president."

"Just that?"

"Is that really all?"

"That's really it. Isn't it normal to want your first time to be with someone you like?

"Your first time!? Oh... really? But the president is already in her thirties..."

"Uh, um..."

An intense aura emanated from the conference room door...


"I have something to discuss,Masao-kun, you can go home first ♥"

"T-then... I'll leave..."

What happened to Ayase-san after that? I don't want to know.

Even in the world of fiction, a woman's age is a forbidden topic.

Jens33creators' thoughts