
Becoming an All Star

Marvin is a kid who has a troubled past, he committed an act that would make most people the outcast of society, but when he becomes part of the Keppler family he has a new chance at life. He is now able to have the life of a normal kid but will he also be able to achieve his football potential while still living like a normal boy? Note: The first 5 chapters will be focused on Marvin before he becomes part of the Keppler family.

Jackson_Bare · กีฬา
49 Chs

Evergreen RIdge Stallions Vs Hillcrest WIldcats II (Varsity)

On 1st and 10 from the Hillcrest 22-yard line, the Stallions went for a big play. Travis took the snap and faked a handoff to Marcus Johnson. As the pocket began to collapse around him, Travis backpedaled, eyes scanning the field. But Hillcrest's defensive line broke through, forcing him to scramble yet again.

This time, he rolled to his left, outrunning the defensive end. Just before crossing the line of scrimmage, Travis planted his feet and fired a rocket down the right sideline to Zach Collins, who was streaking toward the end zone.

Collins leaped, snatching the ball over two defenders before landing inbounds at the 5-yard line. The Stallions' sideline exploded, and Zach's teammates rushed over, congratulating him as he celebrated with a quick dance.

"Caught it on his head!" Travis shouted, running over to give him a high-five.

The crowd was deafening now, chanting "Stallions! Stallions!" as the offense set up at the 5-yard line.

The next play was a designed run for Travis, who kept the ball on a quarterback draw. Hillcrest's linebackers blitzed, but Travis saw the opening. He darted up the middle, sidestepping the first tackler, then cutting to the outside to evade a diving defender. With one more quick juke at the 2-yard line, he dove into the end zone for the touchdown.

The Evergreen Ridge bench erupted, and Travis was mobbed by his teammates as the stadium rocked with cheers.

"That's how you do it Baby!" shouted tight end Max Anderson, pulling Travis into a bear hug as they celebrated.

With the extra point good, the Stallions went up 14-0. Hillcrest's sideline was visibly frustrated, players pushing and yelling at each other as they struggled to contain Travis' scrambling ability.


Hillcrest's sideline was tense. Their players huddled, trying to regroup after falling behind by two touchdowns. Their head coach paced back and forth, barking instructions to his assistants, trying to find a way to counter Evergreen Ridge's momentum.

The Wildcats' offense returned to the field, determined to make something happen before halftime. On 1st and 10 from their 25-yard line, Moore dropped back, looking to spark some life into his team. He fired a quick out route to Bryce Jackson, who made the catch but was immediately drilled by cornerback Ryan Taylor, holding him to just a 3-yard gain.

2nd and 7. Moore barked out the signals, scanning the defense. This time, he handed the ball off to Jamal Lewis, who found a small gap between the center and right guard. He surged forward for a 6-yard gain, setting up a manageable 3rd and 1.

Hillcrest lined up quickly, trying to catch the Stallions' defense off guard. Moore took the snap and kept it himself, plunging ahead on a quarterback sneak. The pile of bodies moved slowly, but Moore's effort was enough to gain 2 yards and pick up the first down.

The Wildcats continued their drive, but with time ticking down in the first half, they needed to pick up the pace. On the next play, Moore dropped back again, looking deep. He launched a pass toward Bryce Jackson, who had a step on his defender. But as the ball reached Jackson, safety Zach Collins swooped in, knocking the ball out of his hands with a perfectly timed hit.

The Stallions' defense, feeding off the energy from the crowd, was playing lights-out football. Hillcrest's receivers struggled to get separation, and the pressure on Moore was constant.

Facing 2nd and 10, Hillcrest attempted a screen pass to Jamal Lewis, but the Stallions sniffed it out. Linebacker Jameson Taylor blew up the play, dropping Lewis for a 4-yard loss, bringing up 3rd and long.

Moore, looking increasingly frustrated, took the snap on 3rd and 14, knowing he needed a big play to keep the drive alive. As the pocket collapsed around him, he stepped up and fired a deep pass over the middle, but once again, Ryan Taylor was there to break up the play.

The Wildcats were forced to punt yet again, and the Stallions' sideline was buzzing with confidence.

Hillcrest's sideline was tense. Their players huddled, trying to regroup after falling behind by two touchdowns. Their head coach paced back and forth, barking instructions to his assistants, trying to find a way to counter Evergreen Ridge's momentum.

Hillcrest's offense came out determined to respond. On 1st and 10 from their own 45-yard line, quarterback Ryan Moore handed the ball off to Jamal Lewis, who bounced the run outside and managed a 7-yard gain before being dragged down by linebacker Tyler James.

2nd and 3. The Wildcats went back to the air, with Moore faking the handoff and dropping back to pass. This time, he had time to survey the field and found wide receiver Bryce Jackson cutting across the middle. Jackson caught the pass and fought through a tackle, picking up 14 yards and moving the chains into Stallions' territory.

The Wildcats were starting to build momentum, their offense finally clicking. On 1st and 10 from the Stallions' 34-yard line, Moore dropped back again, scanning the field. He saw tight end David Griffin streaking up the seam and fired a laser in his direction.

Griffin made the catch, rumbling forward for a big gain, but as he reached the 15-yard line, linebacker Jameson Taylor delivered a massive hit, knocking the ball loose. The ball bounced free on the turf, and the stadium erupted in chaos as players scrambled to recover it.

Cornerback Ryan Taylor dove on the ball, securing the fumble recovery for the Stallions.

Evergreen Ridge's sideline went wild, the defensive players racing off the field, celebrating their second big turnover of the game. Hillcrest's offense slumped back to the sideline, dejected after another missed opportunity.

With less than two minutes left in the half, Travis and the Stallions' offense took over, looking to pad their lead before halftime. On 1st down, Travis dropped back and fired a quick pass to wide receiver Justin Harris, who turned upfield and picked up 12 yards, moving the ball to the 30-yard line.

Travis hurried the offense back to the line, the clock ticking down. On the next play, he faked a handoff to Johnson and took a deep shot downfield, targeting Zach Collins on a post route. Collins burned his defender, but the ball sailed just out of his reach, incomplete.

2nd and 10. With time running out, the Stallions stayed aggressive. Travis took the snap and rolled out to his right, scanning the field. Seeing no one open, he tucked the ball and sprinted upfield, juking a defender and racing out of bounds after a 14-yard gain.

The Stallions were now at their own 44-yard line, with just under a minute to play. On 1st and 10, Travis lined up in the shotgun and called for a quick slant to Harris. He released the ball just as a Hillcrest linebacker came barreling through the line on a blitz. Harris caught the pass in stride, shaking off a tackle and sprinting down the sideline for a 22-yard gain, bringing the ball to the Wildcats' 34.

The Stallions called a timeout with 30 seconds left. On the next play, Travis faked a run and lofted a pass to Max Anderson, who was open in the middle of the field. Max snagged the ball and powered forward for 12 yards before being brought down at the 22-yard line.

With the clock winding down, Coach Joel decided to play it safe and called for a field goal attempt. Alex Brooks trotted onto the field, lining up a 39-yard attempt as the crowd fell silent. The snap was good, the hold was perfect, and Brooks drilled the ball straight through the uprights as the halftime whistle blew.

The Stallions headed to the locker room with a commanding 17-0 lead, their fans cheering wildly as they disappeared into the tunnel.


As the players retreated to the locker rooms, the Evergreen Ridge Marching Band took center stage on the field. Dressed in bright blue and white uniforms, the musicians arranged themselves into formation, their brass instruments gleaming under the stadium lights. The drum major raised his baton, signaling the start of the halftime show.

The band opened with a high-energy rendition of a pop hit, horns blaring as the drumline pounded out a steady rhythm. The crowd cheered and clapped along, the energy from the first half carrying over into the performance. As the music soared, the Evergreen Ridge Dance Team, outfitted in matching blue sequined costumes, took the field, performing a tightly choreographed routine with leaps, spins, and synchronized movements.

The audience was captivated, their eyes glued to the dazzling performance. Parents of the dancers cheered from the stands, and students waved their phones, recording every move. The band transitioned into a medley of classic rock songs, their powerful brass section keeping the crowd on its feet.

As the show reached its climax, the band formed the school's mascot, a rearing stallion, on the field, a signature move that drew an eruption of applause from the home crowd. The dance team struck a final pose, arms raised toward the sky as the music came to an exhilarating close.

The performance ended with fireworks shooting into the sky, lighting up the stadium as the band and dancers bowed and waved to the crowd. The fans roared in approval, clearly impressed by the halftime entertainment. The Evergreen Ridge faithful felt the energy surging through them, a perfect complement to their team's dominant performance on the field.

The Stallions fans were riding high. "Keep bringing the heat Stallions!" one parent shouted, waving a team flag. Students decked out in school colors chanted, "We want more!" as they eagerly anticipated the second half. The upbeat atmosphere from the halftime show, combined with the team's strong lead, had them buzzing with excitement.

Across the stadium, the Hillcrest Wildcats' fan section was considerably quieter. Parents exchanged concerned glances, and a few fans stood up to stretch, trying to shake off the growing unease. "We've got to come out swinging in the second half," one fan muttered. "Otherwise, it's going to be a long bus ride home."

As the final fireworks burst in the sky and the band marched off the field, the energy in the stadium reached a fever pitch. Fans settled back into their seats, eager for the second half to begin, wondering if Hillcrest would mount a comeback or if Evergreen Ridge would continue their march to victory.


Inside the Evergreen Ridge locker room, the air buzzed with a mix of adrenaline and focus. Players talked excitedly, slapping each other on the back while toweling off sweat. Max Anderson, the tight end, leaned over to Travis with a grin. "Travis, man, that last throw? On the money. They can't handle us."

Travis, unzipping his shoulder pads, smirked. "Just wait. We're about to run that corner route again. I'll hit you in stride."

Connor Mitchell, the left tackle, joined in, flexing his arms. "Y'all see those pancakes I laid out? That defensive end is scared of me, I swear."

Greg Evans, the right guard, chuckled. "Scared? He's probably thinking of transferring schools after this game."

Across the room, the defensive unit was having its own moment. Tyler James and Ryan Taylor were leaning against the lockers, reviewing the plays on a whiteboard Coach had scribbled on before halftime.

"Yo, Tyler," Ryan called out, "Moore's panicking every time he looks your way. You got him locked up."

Tyler smiled, grabbing a fresh towel. "Yeah, he's rattled. Those deflections? Too easy. Let's keep baiting him into those tight throws."

"Next time," chimed in Justin, the return man, "you guys should blitz hard from the weak side. His linemen aren't even picking it up."

Coach Joel interrupted the chatter, clapping his hands loudly. "Alright, enough celebration! We still have another half to play."

The room quieted, but the energy remained palpable. Joel's eyes scanned the room, his voice calm but firm. "I love the effort, but don't start thinking this game is over. Hillcrest is gonna throw everything at us in the second half. Keep your heads in the game. Defense, make sure you're wrapping up. Offense, no missed assignments. We stay disciplined, and this game is ours. Understood?"

"Yes, Coach!" the room responded in unison, their confidence glowing even brighter.

Joel gestured to his offensive line. "Big men, you've been dominating. Keep it up. Travis, stay cool—don't force anything. Let the game come to you. And receivers," he said, glancing over at Max and Zach, "be ready to adjust. We're making some tweaks for the second half."

Max gave a confident nod, Zach bouncing on his toes in anticipation. "We got you, Coach," Zach said, voice eager.

Travis cracked his knuckles. "Let's finish this."


On the other side of the stadium, the Hillcrest locker room was somber. Players sat in silence, helmets dangling from their hands or propped on the benches. A few groans could be heard as players stretched aching muscles.

Coach Lawson stood in front of his team, arms crossed, staring at them with frustration. "What are we doing out there?" he finally barked, his voice echoing off the walls. "You're playing like you're scared! Where's the pride?"

Moore, the quarterback, sat hunched over, his elbows on his knees, staring down at his cleats. He finally lifted his head, voice cracking. "Coach, they're reading me. I don't have time to—"

"Time?" Lawson cut him off, glaring. "Time's something we don't have. You make time, Moore. Stop hesitating! You gotta trust your reads, and the line's gotta give you more than two seconds. Or we're done."

The offensive line shifted uncomfortably in their seats. "Coach, their D-line's killing us," muttered the center, wiping sweat from his brow. "We're trying, but they're just pushing through."

"Trying ain't enough," Lawson growled. "You think the Evergreen Ridge boys are taking it easy? They're out there playing like they want it. You want it? You better show me in this second half."

Running Back Jamal Lewis stood up, determined. "Coach, just give me the ball. I don't care who's covering me. I'll make the play."

The defensive captain, a linebacker named Jared, chimed in, voice thick with frustration. "We need to hit Travis harder. He's got too much time back there. If we don't pressure him, it's over."

Coach Lawson nodded sharply. "Exactly. We're blitzing more. I want hits on Travis every damn play. Make him uncomfortable. I don't care if we have to take some risks in coverage. Linebackers, be aggressive. Wrap up and punish them."

Jared grinned, cracking his knuckles. "Let's break their rhythm. It's our turn to make them scared."

Moore stood up, shaking off his nerves, and grabbed his helmet. "We can still win this. We're not out yet."

The room started to buzz with a renewed sense of urgency. Players patted each other on the back, exchanging words of determination. The tension eased just enough as they geared up, heading back out onto the field with a quiet intensity.